Oregon DAIIY EMERALD Wednescl.is . December f. l‘bX> hugene. Oregon \ olumc Issue h'J Briefly University students Andy Harris and Kill Fuller always knew as members of the Marine Corps reserves they could be called to active duty at any time, but they never expected it to happen. But Saturday, they will report to Salem with other reservists in Com pany A of the tith Kngi neers Support Battalion Monday, they will go to Camp Pendleton. Calif., where they will await fur ther orders. See story. Page S Sff"11™"" "intrepid Traveler" Ken Babbs will be on campus this afternoon, reading from and signing copies of the new book On the Bus, a collabora tive, historical documen tary of the San Francisco counter-culture move ment of the mid-1960s. See elory. Page 8 Kevin Mixon Oregon guards Terrell Brandon and Kevin Mix on combined for 55 points last night at McAr thur Court. leading tho Ducks to a 98-71 romp over Alabama-Dinning ham for their first win of the season. See story. Page 10 RICHLAND. Wash. (AC) — An engineer who complained she was ha rassed after raising safety concerns about Hanford nuclear waste storage tanks reached agreement Tuesday with her em ployer, VVestinghouse Hanford Co. Inez Austin agreed to withdraw a complaint she filed with the U.S. De partment of l-abor She also agreed not to partici pate in any legal action against Uestinghouse arising from the case. See story. Page 12 Stair hopping Junior Hob Cray, a sprinter < linns lielr.u .in unwritten policy of preju do «• and morn spot ifically homophobia heterosexism Clark has stated that Holland was not responsible lor the apology request Clark has also said he resets requesting a public apology and should have asked for a private discus sion with the students who complained Although Holland mav not have been directly responsible for the situation. Doi kstude said, he is still at fan It for not taking action and issuing an apology on heh.df of the admin istration "The people under him have come forward and apologized, but he hasn't . " Dot kstader said "That has tarnished the image of the law si bool in the eves of the students and the community