NATIONAL Jetliners collide, killing eight ROMULUS. Midi (AIM A jetliner i lipped another while preparing to t.ike off from the Detroit airport in tieav\ tog Monday igniting a fire that left one plane in smoking ruins. At least eight people were killed and JO injured. officials said It was not immediately < lear what caused the collision between a IX 9 and a Hoeing 727-200. both operated In Northwest Airlines A spokesman for air Iratfii controllers said the IK Ml appeared to have become lost on a slu k. foggy laxiway and strayed into the 727 s path For nearly an hour after the accident, smoke billowed out of the fuselage of the IX 0. where passengers apparently tier ame trapped by the fast-moving lire Hy the time the fire was extinguished, much id the plane's roof was open to the overcast skv Officials had initially said that I'l people were killed, hut Northwest officials and Wayne County Fxecutive Fdward Mi N'emara later said that was wrong McNamara said the medical examiner hail "swept through the wreckage twice" and found eight bodies Northwest spokesman Hob Cihhons stressed that authorities were not ruling out further changes in the death toll "This is probably going to go up or down all evening." he said shortly after 7 p in. The 1X1-9. Flight 14H2 to Pittsburgh, was i arrving 99 passengers and four crew members according to the airline The 727. Flight 299 to Memphis, was carrying I-Hi passengers Both flights had originated in Detroit, said Patrick McCann, a Northwest spokesman at its headquarters in Fagan. Minn "Apparently the right wing of the 727 hit the aft section, the engine, of the IX 2). t.iking the engine off." said Alan Muni aster, another Northwest spokesman. " That resulted in the fire. That, at this point, is all we know At tin- 111mi* lit the i r.isli visibility rsas pour .nut tin* ground was rset from .1 morning snow and sleet storm delayed (lights .it Detroit Metropolitan Airport Muneaster said thi* airport hud Iweii dosed to inliound tr!<> (,\l'| At least four moderate r.iltlril parts (it the world, lull there u.e> narv .1 tremor Moil dav along the New Madrid I .mil w here .1 scientist said .1 earthquake was likely to o« ( ur "This is itist ,1 normal dav. said Waverh Person. ihiel ot the 1 S (ieolngh al Survey s National I Mirthquake Inlornui lion ('.enter We re not hai k inn the predir lion at .ill \long the New Madrid t anil some schools were cameled and residents puri based earth rpiake emergent v kits and nth ers lell low n nisi in 1 ase 1 Inna tolngist limn Browning was right Browning said there was a a(l 'at i hum e tor a inujnr earth i|tiake carlv this week along the (null, wliii h stretches from Marked tree, Aik northeast through New Madrid Mo to I aim III t le helitwes tidal forces (an trigger earthquakes, a theor\ most si ientists rejei I t here's |nst no w ai to (ire ilnt an earthquake prer iselv . said I’erson who has I tee 11 with the t s (ieologicul Survey fol more than J > years I here are no two earthquakes alike t he ( (Mitel tei mi eil more than all ( alls about the New Madrid lorei asl Mondu\ morn ing and hundreds last week said Person, who began doing interv iews lor radio and lelevi sum stations jus! after mid night \s IVrsoil talkfil .’I seisino graphs rli Ill'll mil .nti\ilv re i null'll l>\ monitoring t'i|iiip ini'iit in tlifli'ri'iil |i.irls of I hr l ihIimI Sl.ilrs ranging from M.isk.i In Tennessee A ni'i'illi' 111n11>i'ii a lew mi Ii i's ai toss llii' seismogl.iph inn ni'i tril In monitoring nquip infill in Tnnnpah. Nev I’erson si <• niii'il tin- i hail anil t .illi'il In a i olleague It in.i\ In' a mil If at Ifsl That's w lifif lluiy con illli I llinsf Ifsls A few immilfs lalfr I In* imr illf jumped again l lial's not a Ifsl, hf sanl "That's a ipiake Willi a nif.isiirfil fVf. Ilf fstl niatfil thf ipinkf was m.igm Imlf 2 ~i In I o nil llif Kic htrr si .ilf tjuii k i ah .illations show ml llii- ipiakf was magni Imlf I f». if illf it'll abnul III mill's snutlmi'sl nl Ki\ \c\ llftuffii midnight ami fvim ing tour mndfratf ipiakfs were ri'i nnlfil al (inlilfll l liri’f were in llif St mi I Ii I '.ii iln a 'i ‘I mag mluilf sliakfi iifar Mew (lair (Ionia, ami ipiaki's nl > 1 anil > II m llif arm nl I'unga l lif fourth was a a ‘Imagmlude Iflllblni in northfrn ( olnmtila A quake nl si/f i an i alisc i niisidflalilf ilamagf in a pnptilalfil area tint aren't inn sniered sfrlous in remote spnls About mill ipiakfs Im'Ivvi'I'H magnituilfs i n anil > ‘i arc if i nnlfil fm il sisir said I'M IS spokesman Don 1 inley in Wasliinglon CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Uof O ^ novelties & gifts 25% OFF A Buy ONE pair of Russell Athletic Sweat pants-get 2nd pair L FREE A W U of O ^ r Russell Athletic ^ Sweatshirts reg $21.99 r u of o ^ Clearance Rack (Ts, sweats, etc.) OJA CAMPUS CONNECTION 720 E. 13th (Next to Dairy Queen) 344-3439