Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Continued from Page 3
Vegetarians are often thought
to lie unhealthy by meal eaters
who assume that meat is the
only soun e of protein, said slu
dent |en Magun
"Protein is in so many
things Bread and grains have a
lot of protein.' she said
Animal sourr.es not only
{.nine with a high sourr e of pro
lein hut also with a high source
of cholesterol. said Mary Ann
kelly of Applied Nutritional
Serv n es hi Eugene
There are different types of
vegetarians l.at to-ovo vegetari
ans don’t eat meat hut consume
animal pmilui Is (namely eggs
and milk) i.ai to vegetarians
don't eat meat and eggs hut
consume milk and dairy prod
ucts Ovo vegetarians don't eat
mc.it and milk but eat eggs
Vegans eat no intuit nr •inimal
prndut I'
Vegetarians .>ri• by no moans
"sprout-eating” freaks .is many
meat eaters believe. Marssdorf
"(Meat eaters) think I'm a
hippie granola-eating freak."
he said, adding that non-vege
tarians also often ask "What do
you eat?"
"There are tons of things out
there (to eat) that aren't meat."
lie said
Italian fond is a favorite for
vegetarians. Marssdorf said In
deed. main health food and on
virnnmeiit.il stores in Kugene
offer spei i.d items for non-meat
Anything a shopper can gel
with meat is available with a
substitute said Torn I.ea of
Sundance Natural Foods
"A lot of local small compa
nies manufacture homemade
goodies. In- s.iul V\f have
frozen pot pies ami fast food
like tacos ami pizza
Oasis Fine Foods Market
place has .in "ok redible selet
lion" of vegetarian items said
im ner Doug Drown.
Brown's store has garden
burgers made from grains and
spices, and tofu hot dogs It
also slinks vegetarian lasagne,
which does not contain meat
but has i lieese
You i ould eat a meal a day as
a non-vegetarian and not miss
meat. Brown said
When making food selei
lions, vegetarians must he more
creative than meat eaters.
Magun said
You have to use \ onr
mind." he said
The main nutritional i om ern
vegetarians should lie aware of
is tnmbimng their foods appro
"Vegetarians will only suffer
nutritionally ll they plan their
diets without lieing aware of
what they're doing." Kelly
Meal is a major source of pro
tein. kelh said, but not the
only one Combining soy beans
and rice for example, will form
.1 complete "building block" of
amino at id. a t omplete protein
Combining legumes and al
ternative protein sources. su< h
as so\ lie,ins. with whole gr.mis
and riie will provide vegetari
ans with protein Consuming
produi ts high in vitamin C w ill
aid the body in its absorption of
There are a few e.csilv tur
ret table drawbar ks to being a
If people are deficient in
iron and vitamin B-12 it could
result in anemia," Kelly said
adding that iron is found in
other protein Mnin.es The way
vegetarians receive vitamin H
12. however, is "basically a
Tofu, a soybean curd, is a
popular soune of protein for
vegetarians, said Theresa
Thornton, marketing coordina
tor at Surata Soyfoods It has
HIM units of protein in compari
son to Ha units found in a pro
portionate size of meat
Vegetarians must put more
effort into their food selection.
However, most vegetarians sav
they gain the comfort of know
ing they're receiving benefits
ranging from a healthier diet to
the knowledge that animals are
not killed to provide them with
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