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V«cCVir.i*e «C+* PRULMfTO-ELL Pioneer Pii/4 747 0507 Sorui^e ; Vi 726 ’377 SPORTS NCAA airballs decision on Vegas The t'niversits of Nevada I as Vegas men's basketball team won ils biggest game of the year last Thursday The kuniini' Reliels will l>e ba< k m tin* \( ;AA Tournament come Man h track to defend their national i hampionship thev have no busi ness defending That was the vertlul from the NCAA last week t'Nl.V was plat ed on probation by the NCAA for rule violations committed In Coach |err\ Tar kanian .it tin* st bool 1 t years ago UNI A' had al ready served two years of probation from that in From the Sidelines by ASHLEY CONKLIN ( idcul. but Tarkaninn never served the two-year suspension given to him bv the NCAA. So last week the NCAA de< idixi to i op a liar gain that would allow the Kunnin' Rebels to de fend their NCAA title this year if they agreed to sit out next season Of course the university ac i epted That the NCAA overturned a decision they had alreadv made was a bit incredible itself That thev plea bargained with probably the biggest i rook in i ollege hoops w as a little like allow mg a known murderer off on a reckless endangetment i barge Many liolieve the dei ision agreed to bv l 'NIA' and the NCAA was a tair one After all. the players on this year's team four starters re turned Irom tb.d i hampionship squad weren't around when Tarkanian first got into trouble with the NCAA and thus they shouldn't have to pay Maybe the players shouldn't have to pay But who does7 Certainly Tarkaniiin won't He will never net tired or suspended In the university be cause of his masterful abiliu to break the rules and net away with it The NCAA won't do anything because as they proved in the UNLV case, they are incapable of making a decision and stic king with it And even it then make a solid decision there is al ways a c ham e they will reverse themselves as they did here Two years ago Kansas was unable to defend its national championship because it was also on probation Those players were innocent too be cause Coach 1-arry Hrown was responsible for the rule violations. Hut when it came time for him to stand up and be held responsible for iiis actions, he couldn't because he was in the NBA. So those players had to pay They sal home come tournament time. Next year IJNLV will sit home come tournament time, but it should have lieen this year What happened here was the NCAA was afraid to stand up to UNLV. The NCAA, which is supposed to be the governing body for college athletic s bowed down to one of its members Vfones. prestige1 and c lout were enough for UNI.V to beat the- N(!AA Thomas Boswell, a columnistfromtheU as/i inglon-l’nsl. suggested the reason IJNLV won was because the sc hool and Tarkanian had better law vers than tin* NCAA That's definitely true With UNI.V able to win the decision it want ed. what happens the1 next time the NCAA puts a big time power like I'NI.V on probation7 The school, the coach and the players will scream bloodv murder and expec I to rec eive the1 doc ision that is best for them. UNI.V did beat the- NCAA, but the NCAA beat itselt as well Ducks look to end opening slide By Robert Weber t mijiaiu Spoils Repoitei Dead Hrii is .imthing hut dead fur Oregon's men's lias kethall loam. .is tin- Dinks host tin- lIniversiU nt Alabama Bir mingham Tuesday night at Mi.Arthur Court Tin* game is the first ol three in a six-day span for Don Munson's sijuad l ln- 0 J Dili ks an- still look ing tor thi-ir first win after los mg (>"> TiH .it Missouri over the weekend hut tlit-v don’t expei I the Blazers to gi\e it to them on a platter UAH (Ml) whic h plays out of the Sun Belt Conference, en ters the contest on the heels of a -I I point thumping at the hands of the top-ranked Kt-hels of thr University of N'evada-Las Vegas. but that loss may la* de ceiving After knocking off in-state ri val Aotnirn 71 ■«».'» on l-riday night. the blazers hopped on .1 plane and headed to Vancou ver, it (for a Saturda\ after noon with the Kunnin' Rebels Mealing the Kunnin' Re bels is never an easy task, hut trying to heat them under those conditions is not realh feasi hie In (iene liartow. UAH has one of the nation's top i oa< lies. Harlow has compiled a 257-1.II record in the past 2‘l years while coaching at Illinois. UULA, Memphis State. Valpa raiso and Central Missouri State llis 257 wins is good enough for seventh place among active NCAA Division I coaches. Munson's team has played well in both games hut seems to he lacking something to push them over the top Statisticallv, the Ducks are led by Terrell Hrundon The ju nior point guard is averaging 2.i points. 7 5 assists, six steals and lour rebounds a game He tallied .1 game-high 27 points at Missouri including 18 in the lirst half After Tuesday's game. Ore gon takes its ad on tin? road fot games at Utah and Portland, on Thursday and Saturdav respei lively. Indore taking a week oft lor finals OREGON PEACE INSTITUTE COMES TO YOU! This holiday season, Oregon Peace Institute will be coming to you with a wonderful selection of peace and environmental products. 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