Writers to read at ‘Jawbone’ MEETINGS Student Projects. Inc. Hoard of I)ire< tors meeting is from 4 to t> p.m in EMU Century Room K. The organizational committee of the Ijitin American Students will hold .1 constitution meeting at 4 p m in the EMU Ben hinder Room Call HH3 5207 for details. Et als No Gulf War Coalition meets at 0 p.m. in Room 112 W illamette Hall ( all (42-7014 for more information University Democrats meets at 7 p m in EMU Century Room E to discuss Measure 5 and plans for next year Call 340-3710 or 080-0003 for more informa tion. Men Against Rape weekly meeting is .it 7 p.m. in EMU Century Room I) Call 140 4200 for more information Jewish Student Union meets at 3 p.m. in EMU Suite 5 l or more information call 340-4300 MKChA. the Chic ano'iaitino student union, meets at 5:30 p.m in EMI! (ledar Room E Call 340 350H for details MISCELLANEOUS Campus Crusade for Christ is spoil soring The Brethren. .1 I«m al jazz folk funk music group that will per form iiiul lit I k on "Bazookas Under the Trees anti Ollier l nevpected Christmas C'.ifls" at 7:.H) p m in the EMU Ball room. jawbone: I’ndergrailuatr poelrv and fiction by Monica Garrison and Kuss Mueller and an open mike will lie at 7 .to p in in the EMI' Hen Linder Room The event is sponsored by tile Universi tv Literary Society Students fnr the Oregon Marijuana Initiative will have an marijuana infor mation table outside the University Bookstore from ‘t <1 m. to 4 p in Rap with the Rabbi, sponsored h\ Hillel. lias been moved to 4 p m in LMU Genturv Room A Gall .14.1 8H20 for more information A Summer Employment Program workshop is from H) to it) p m in Room 12 Hendricks Hall lor details 1 alt 34t»-:t214 I load lino fm submitting ft ,ils to tho Emerald front disk ! \lt' Suite lot), is niion tho il,i\ In '/ore publit iition It ,ils run till• day ol tin' event unless f/ie event fakes pint o before noon Vof/Ves of events with a donation or admission 1 barge will not bo .111 optod Campus events .mil thosu si bed 11 led no.irost tho publication date u ill bo g 11 on priority Tho Emerald reserves tho right to 01 lit notices lor .grammar and stylo BICYCLE SERVICE CENTER 30 East 13th EUGENE. OREGON 345 6*62 $ Save On $ a rainy day! 20% off when it rains in Eugene hours: 8am*6pm Mon-Fri •am-Spm Saturday offer good thru 12/15/90 STUDENTS • FACULTY • STAFF Ffci VacciuaUoM Influenza vaccinations will be given at the Student Health Center every WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY FROM 8:00 a m to 9:00 a m. beginning October 24th and continuing until the end of Fall term Only one injection is needed Students $3.50 Faculty and Staff $4.00 Annual flu immunizations ARE RECOMMENDED for the following 1 Healthy persons 65 years or older 2 Persons with long term heart or lung problems. 3. Persons with any of the following kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, anemia, severe asthma, and conditions which compromise immune mechanism Influenza vaccine MAY be given lo persons wishing to reduce their chances ol catching the Hu. persons who provide essential communitv services, and stu dents or others in schools or colleges For more information, call the STUDENT HEALTH CENTER at <346)-4441 L t 1 1 t H P t R f f C T Graphics • TYPISITTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • OISIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • ■LIlTt ax* i Hh Ml Mi *MAl UNh ^N 340-4331 ' M * HARASSMENT Continued from Page 1 women .1 disserve i’ if there is .1 l.iirK obvious distinction between lht> two polir ios. " lie said Allison Itiikor executive assistant to lbiiversity I’msiilnil Myles brand, said tin' ilisi repnnc v Inis not hail an adverse effei l on how sexual harass nient i asi's are treated on i ampus “Mv sense ol wale hing complaints lieing filed is that we re not restru t mg it to lout hing or attempted lout h mg." she said "The issue will lie whether something is wrong here (taker said the I'niversitv is finding fault with the liehavior of alleged sexual harassers However she said the tlist rep.1111 v helween the federal and slate polit les should he cleared up. to send a dearer message about w hat Itehav lor is not .111 eptable Other issues being considered hv the new committee are those which involve more than just the legal as peels I he committee has raised the ipiestion ot how much support there is for students who have been ha rassed in addition to support tor fni ult\ w ho has e been act used Idle Office of Student Ailvoi ai \ provides some resoun rs for students who have been harassed Drescher said she can assist students in tiling complaints with the ()ffi< e of Affirm alive Action, collect evidence, and help find remedies to the situation other than legal a< lion l)n*s< her said sometimes a student wants help to get out of the harass it's ( lass and complete the credits through other means, such as through a department head She said she would like to see stronger proler lion lor students against retaliation d they tile a com plaint. and more effective disciplin ar\ methods for offending far tilts memlters Kffe( tire disi ipline depends on the department head s reception to this kind ol grievam e, I)resi her said "II he or she trivializes it we have a tremendous diffic tilts getting disc i pliue slu1 said Drescher s.tid harassers are often simply encouraged to hud employ menl elsewhere, resulting in more of lenses at a different university She said there are i ascs ol the I -diversity iiiuv ittmglv hiring faculty with a re i oul of harassment behind them T was the night before Christmas and inside the >vt*i Lay the best Christmas present attached Xo a A Macintosh computer sat under the Wondering where on campus it would soon be. College students were settled all snug in their While visions of n. danccd in their heads. They know that a Mac as a is #reat For making their projects look sharp and first-rate. Then across campus there arose such a clatter. All the students awoke to see what was the matter. It was who from atop his red Yelled loudly to all, "Students hear what I say!" " If you want a Mac, the best place to go Is the Microcomputer Support Lab; you'll save some dough. Great discounts are offered to students, faculty and staff. On both hardware and software," Santa said with a laugh. Then Santa drove off and threw these words back, to all, Hope you all get a Mac!" Microcomputer Support I .ah 202 ('oinputin|> Outer M-F' 0 a.m.-5 p.m. .'46-4402