COMMUNITY 1'hniii In I • ti t\«n» Keren! University graduate Dave Morgan mts through Cas cade snow. Three ski areas are within easy driving distance of Eugene. Eugene blessed with nearby skiing By Don Peters t meiaUJ AvvOoate t Ci !0' It s winter Crisp .11 r and snow l ime to ski again After last visit s disastrous season m vs hull local down hill resorts were plagued In lack nf snow this \ is look ing In I>11 a complete turn around Marly snowfall has iin-iint early starts lm two local ski areas, with a third Hoo doo Ski Him! si huduled to npt-n any day Oregon downhill sku-rs have <1 varii-l\ of difforerit areas to i house from Mugeiie residents an- blessed, vvitli three top re sorts within easy driving dis lance; Hoodoo. Willamette Bass and Mount Itai helor Ml Bachelor is the biggest resort of the three The Bend area resort. 1 12 miles from Mu gene, opened for the season Nov. 20 Nine 1 hair lifts and 5-4 runs await those who brave tin two and a half hour drive (Jel ling to Mt Bachelor is easy from Kugene Take Highway 12t> east to Highway 20 and lol lmv the signs As of l-Tidav morning. Mt Bachelor was reporting a 33 ini h liase with five ini lies of new powder There is no night skiing The resort the traditional Thanksgiving da\ opening tin like last year Picture Perfect. When You Want... S' Quality Photos. S' Fast Service. S' Low Prices. Bring Your Film To The UO Bookstore! 3x5 12 EXPOSURE ONLY 2.89 3x5 15 EXPOSURE ONLY 3.59 3x5 24 EXPOSURE ONLY 4.79 3x5 PRINT FROM SLIDt ONL Y 49C REPRINTS 3x5 REPRINT ONLY 25C 4x6 REPRINT ONLY 39C ENLARGEMENTS (fromslide or neg> 5x7 ENLARGEMENT ONLY 1.29 8x10 ENLARGEMENT ONL Y 2.99 IF YOU FIND A LOWER PRICE ANYWHERE IN LANE COUNTY WE’LL MATCH IT! Icoupon or prod ot price required) 13TH it Kincaid M F / 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 'll was a normal opening." said Laurie Engster. sales agent for the resort "Only three times m the past to years have we not fieen open on Thanks mg " Kngster said Ml Bachelor is a '‘family-oriented‘’ mountain with plenty of cut-price pack ages available Lift ticket prices are $29 a day for adults. Sll> T>0 for children ages li-12. A sea son pass will set you hack $029. Willamette I’ass is a smaller resort with four chair lilts, one rope low, 18 runs and 20 kilo meters of < ross-country ski a m to -4 p,m children i>-12 pay just SH There is Friday and Saturday night skiing from 12 :t() to ') p m Cost is $im Season passes are $325. hut University students with proof of enrollment pay just S2.->(). Hoodoo Ski Howl was tin last local resort to open, wel coming skiers this past Satur day with a 23-inch base Hoodoo has a host of amen ities for avid skiers. Three lilt c hairs and one tow rope service 24 runs. There are free timed runs down the resort’s down hill course on the weekends, and night skiing opens after ‘It was a normal opening. Only three times in the past 30 years have we not been open on Thanksgiving. * — Laurie Engster runs It opened Nov. 1!8. two months earlier than last year "! year was unusual." said Willamette Pass spokes man Dick Honebrake "It's great to lie open " On Friday morning. Willam ette Pass could boast a 19-inch base with lour inches of new snow Itonebrake said heavy snowstorms were ex pm Jed for the next week The- resort has been trying to bring a new snow machine on line- but lias been stymied so tar Most of the equipment is installed, but the Waldo Wil derness Council has opposed an application for a pipeline from Odell !.ake As of now . Willamette Pass could use well water, but capacity is limited. W illamctte Pass is the closest ski area to Kugene. just (>'l miles down Highway ">8 Lift In kets are $18 for adults from *1 Christmas. lxicated Hti miles from Eu gene. Hoodoo is easy to get to lust take Highway K!<> to High way 21) and the top of the Santiam pass. Lift tickets are the cheapest around: just $17 for adults ') a m to -1 p in . $ 1 :l for children (i-12 kills under t> and seniors over tin ski for free When night skiing opens, the cost will he $12 for adults. $11) tor children I’svi holies who wish to ski from ') a.m. until It) p m i .in do so for $22 A mid dav pass (1 to It) p m I is also available. $17 tin adults. $1.1 tor i hildren. Season passes are $325 for individuals $525 per couple and $t>5() for a family of three. Each additional family member pass will i ost $77> more Stu dent passes are available for $225. vtTej ^ ALL YOU CAN EAT! SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC MIAO $2.95 Tuesday only 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 Next to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Courmet Espresso • Coffee 860 E. 13th 344-7894