COMMUNITY t'fuiln by Mark > ten Janet French arranges vegetables at Sundance Natural roods, where she is produce manager. Sundance is one of many food outlets for heaIth-const:ious vegetarians in Eugene. Vegetarians don’t fit stereotype By Tammy Batey Emerald Reporter Vegetarians come from all walks of life, and are not a group you can categorize. Vegetarians are all of races, religious denominations and political beliefs. People stop eating meat for all sorts of rea sons. ranging from health con cerns to concern for the well being of animals. Some vegutarians don't eat meat because of environmental issues surrounding raising ani mats for slaughter, said I)r Dan Hard), a nutritionist "Vegetarianism is by far the preferred way to eat on our planet." Hardt said "The amount of grain we use here in America and in Europe to feed chickens and beef is phenome nal. "We could wipe out hunger by cutting down on meat con sumption. A large amount of western grain production goes toward feeding animals for slaughter.” Americans are meat-oriented in terms of their meals, which is an unhealthy method of ar ranging meals, said University student and vegetarian Stacy Griggs "Must people base their meal around their protein when they should base their meal around a carbohydrate." she said. "1 feel so much more healthy now " Griggs said violence against THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Wa ve got your tan when you want It! SunSbower on campus atmi - i ua> Oregon DAILY EMERALD Ml B»« 3199. Iu«rm OrrfMt V7«U The Oregon Deity Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon. Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of the University with offices on the thud floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros ecutable by law Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politics Editor Graphics Editor In Touch Editor Editor Alice Wheeler Christopher Blair Rob Ward Joe Kidd Sean Poston Anna Rembecki News Editor Editorial Editor Soorts Editor Entertainment Editor Night Editor Chris Bouneff Pat Maiach Ashley Conklin Layne Lakefish Christopher Blair Associate Editors Community: Don Peters Student Goveramenl/Acllvitles: Catherine Hawley Higher Education/Admlnlattatlon: Pater Cogswell Features: Stacy Ivie Reporters. Tammy Beley Jake Barg Brian Bloch Rena De Can, Carrie Dennett Cathy Petarson. Ming Rodriques. June Russell. Daralyn Trappe Boh Waite Rob art Weber Photographer Eric Evans. Andre Raman Advertising: Kevin Auste'mann. Mam Brundage. dame Deiter Kathy Endicolt Michael Gray. Becky Horn Michelle Knapp Jennifer Kosta. Nicole Leahy Kirsten Lucas. Kan McBride. Stephen Mosley Marla Newman. Lisa Richman Mary San derson. Kathy Smith. Kristi Strother Classified Kelly McMichaal. Adrienne Radclitfe. Janet Schober Business Gorman Chapman. Judy Connolly Production: Jennifer Archer. Kathryn Ban on Mia Benelsen. Tom Boswonh. Alice Cannon Lotus Child. Carol Dopp. Jim Finch. Corma Friar. Yvette Gill. Susan Head Jennifer Huey. Linda Klaaatad Sheila Lorenzo Jim Meson Anne Rembecki. Don Ross. Jean Senechal. Jennifer Smith. Anna Stephenson. Jennifer Thomas. Hon Wslker Ingrid While, Todd Williams General Statt Qtnani Manager Judy Rtadi Advertising Director Susan Tholen Classified Manager Peggy McGinn Production Manager Michele Ross Advertising Coordinator Sandra Dal lei Accounts Rocokrabia. Circulation. Newsroom---MB-S511 Classified Advertising---MB4M3 Display Advertising---——----MS-3712 Production. Graphic Services-——-——--MM3S1 animals is also a concern 'I don't like the idea of ani mals being killed." she said "It disgusts me to think about it." "Originally I had health rea sons for becoming a vegetari an." said vegetarian and stu dent Andrew Marssdorf. "Red meat is bad for you. later it be came a matter of violence I don't approve of violence and that progressed to animals." Turn to VEGGIES. Page 8 By GARY LARSON BAR MENU SPECIALS 4-9 PM Soups, salads, hors d’omivrfts and . burgers. li>o! REMEMBER US FOR LUNCH ON WEEKENDS. T(X)! • 754 EAST 13th AVENUE. .142-6»I>3 HjjrUYi $3.00 off • - Early Registration For Winter RIM Classes ffURffl! iwaart y ♦Aerobics ♦Tae Kwan Do ♦Dance Sampler ♦Swing ♦ Ski Conditioning ♦Water Aerobics ♦Women s Weight Workout ♦Co ed Weight Workout NEW WINTER CLASSE * Circuit Training * Power House Dec. 4th and 5th 2 30-5pm 103 Cerlinger For more information can 346-4113