Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1990, Page 12B, Image 23

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Visions of Christmas
and 364 other days of the year.
II you luivi \ iMons ol .1 Mac beneath >out Christmas tree,
here's a crash course in parental persuasion.
I he Intellectual Angle.
Tell votu lolks Mac comes highly
recommended by the nation s top universities
Outline its academic advantages. Show them
what last term's work could have looked liked
I ht* Practical I'ilch.
Wow them with the bottom line. Reveal
the special price available to eligible students on
your campus. Stress affordability with extra sav
ings on select Mac II color systems this season.
I ht* Emotional Plea.
Plant your parents in front of the nearest Mac
an*J come unglued as it does its stuff. Exclaim wildly
over its dazzling graphics, musical genius and techni
cal magnificence. Then promise to share.
Special pricing available only lo eligible students,
faculty and stall'of the University of Oregon.
Microcomputer Support Lab
202 Computing Center
Monday-Fridav 9am-5pm 346-4402
-\pple Macintosh. A w isc choice lor Christmas and *64 other days of the year.