Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1990, Page 9B, Image 20

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    Season's Greetings '90
Shopping malls stock unusual gifts
9 r a lis the season of
| goodwill and cheer
.1. ... and worn-out wal
lets and tired ideas
What is worse than the
last-minute Christmas rush is
not having the vaguest idea
what gifts to buy for family,
friends, or for that special
someone in your life. Add to
that a lean student budget,
and options appear acutely
But fret no more. If you’re
not particular about the con
ventional present and are not
averse to giving something
unusual or funky, here are
some alternative gift sugges
tions that'll not only lighten
up someone's Christmas and
your pocket as well, but prob
ably get you extra credit for
innovation. All stores are at
Valley River Center.
The store’s pretty, intri
cate, hand crafted and hand
painted ceramic and porcelain
figurines make excellent col
lectibles or elegant mantel
pieces for the home
From elaborate doll and
cute cherub sets, to special
animal, plate and cot
tage/townhouse collections
(some in limited editions),
there's something to please
every whim and fantasy.
Especially for this season,
of course, are the lovely nativ
ity pieces that’ll definitely add
some festive sparkle to the
Prices range from as low as
$6 for a simple piece to $70
for the limited editions.
For that personalized
touch, this store offers cus
tom engraved gifts.
A broad selection of gifts
and commemorative items are
available and the staff will
personalize from one to 1000
pieces to meet your needs
and etch everything to your
specifications, even custom
logos and designs
Clocks, key chain, pens,
Photo by Potloo
Unusual gilts can ba found at Valley River Center, including
the Illusion Kaleidoscope, which sells for $30.
memo pads, coasters, name
plates, frames — you name it,
they'll do it.
And it's nice to know that
all that service comes to as
little as $6 for an engraved
key-chain Average prices
range from $15 $40 depending
on complexity of design
This is the place to go for
the weird and wonderful This
is a specialty gift store
thriving with products that are
either derived from or related
to nature.
Two hot items now from
the store: the Illusion Kaleido
scope, and the Laser Disc
The kaleidoscope is filled
with light oil, crystals and
sparkle stones that float by
the prisms within the kaleido
scope, creating a myriad of
colors and shapes
The disc, popularly known
as the "Laser Dazer," is a met
al disc with a holographic de
sign When spun like a top. it
throws off different light de
signs and shapes Pick it up
for just $5
Though it appears to be pri
marily a retro houseware
store, it stocks some rather
novel items as well.
For those frustrating mo
ments when you just want to
vent steam but can't afford to
get your hands on anything
but a pillow, try Stress-X, a
1 Accessories
squishy, tough, rubbery mate
rial shaped into a thick head
Just squash the life out of it
whenever you're in the mood
Also, there's a punching bag
version called "Wham It,"
where you can attach a pic
ture of someone or something
you wish to sock it to Both
cost $10 50 each
For those with a star fetish,
give the life size Hollywood
card board stand ups The ce
lebrities in line include Mari
lyn Monroe and James Dean
Hats and cigars of all varie
ty are the staples of this
store But the more popular
items now are: crushed rock
critters and statuettes at
$17 50; Indian pottery from
$20; and pewter fantasy items
the likes of dragons and wiz
ards from $10.
Ming Rodrigues
Grand Opening
I haw*! iukhkuI mail vAIaI^ ,rmj«nv in it* utth
W*f . 4 *{*-» uli/in* in (hr vuituff o4 t< ?> ■ » .^vaiay it*
ftf«< .*aW-« *t»** frat'Kinf denv • »«*■ * limJ tanipi^t
«m! unHjur ht>liJa> gift a flrram *tpm tfv wavIU
I milfd ia «hr I ifthfvnrl I S I M H) Nun II *
Shibumi: The Japan Store
Monday Night Pitcher Party Night
$ 1.75 pitchers of beer
Wednesday Night College Budget Night
25< Beer 75C Mixed Drinks
Thursday & Friday Nights
Comedy Night
Shows start at 9:00pm
Saturday Night Ladies Night
Cash giveaways and other prizes
343*4734 • 2222 Centenial Blvd <n««t to Aui#m sudiumi
Send The Best
Preserves • Berry Fudge Toppings • Syrups
Blueberry • Marionberry • Raspberry • Strawberry
All handmade in small hatches w ith the finest local berries
Cedar Box Gift
One each; Preserves,
Fudge Toppings, Syr
up. Nestled on a bed of
natural cedar excelsior
Decorated with ribbon
and a gold embossed
gilt card
Syrup Gift
One large bottle of syr
up all dressed up and
placed on a bed of col
or coordinated excclsi
or inside a gold gift
From Oregon Inc.
I* tn
Bon Appctit
\ >\t inbrr /WU
J * All prices include shipping within the continental IS
Three Jar Gift
I'hrcc |.irs ol preserves
or fudge loppings hi an
exquisite red <Sc gold
embossed gift box In
eludes a gold embossed
gilt card
Single Jar
One )ur ol preserves or
berrs ludge loppings is
placed into a gold gift
box that is lined ssith
color coordinated tis
sue Complete vs iih
gold bow
available at
l of 0 Bookstore