Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1990, Page 8B, Image 19

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    Season's Greetings 90
Christmas festivals vary from place to place
During the holiday sea
son. only one thing is a
given — vacation
Aside Irom that, the seasonal
celebration varies trorn home
to home, country to country
Hanukkah celebrated by
the Jewish people around the
world, is also called the Feast
ot Lights or the Feast ot Dedi
cation It begins on the 25th
day ot Kislev. the ninth sacred
month ot the Jewish calendar
The celebration lasts eight
On December nights, one
can see through the windows
of Jewish homes small flicker
mg candles set in an eight
branched candelabra On the
first night of Hanukkah. a sin
gle candle is lit. and an addi
tional light is kindled each
successive night
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Before the lights are kin
dled. blessings are said as a
spiritual symbol of relighting
the Temple Candelabra,
whose light symbolizes the
eternal light shining through
the spirit of the Jewish peo
Japan's Christmas celebra
tion has become an indispen
sable part ot the year-end
Buddhist celebration. There is
a custom in Japan of giving
gifts to intimate friends as a
mark of "0-Seibo,” meaning
year end greeting
Today, most people prac
tice gift giving in the name of
Christmas, and the season is
filled with lights, food, shop
ping and Santa Claus. Howev
er. the Christmas season has
no religious connections with
most of the Japanese people.
After Christmas, there are
only six more days in the old
year The greatest day in the
nation is the New Year On
New Year's Eve. adults stay
up from the mghtwatch which
rings at midnight. It sounds
108 times to purge the 108 hu
man weaknesses described in
Buddha's teachings
Mexico’s greatest religious
festival, the Fiesta of Our
Lady of Guadalupe, falls on
Dec 12 It commemorates the
appearance of the Blessed
Virgin Mary to a Native Amen
can convert named Juan Die
go. on Dec. 12 in the year
1531 Holiday festivities in
clude parties and the breaking
of pmatas
The rest of the world’s
Christians have Christmas
celebrations on other days,
most on Dec 25 Literally
Christ's Mass, Christmas is
the celebration of the birth of
Christ, and is the greatest of
Christian holidays The date
of Dec 25 was presumably es
tablished by Pope Julius I in
the first half of the fourth cen
tury The date signifies the
birth of Christ to the Virgin
Mary in a manger in the town
of Bethlehem The holiday has
come to include Santa Claus,
or St Nicholas, the Patron
Saint of Children who now
personifies the religious and
holiday spirit of Christmas
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