Season's Greetings '90 Holiday music to sweeten Eugene air With visions of exams dancing in their heads, some stu dents might need a quick re fresher course in holiday cheer and spirit, TUESDAY. DEC 4 Christmas choral concert will feature four student vocal en sembles in Beall Concert Hall at 8 p.m The concert will in elude a carol sing-along, and admission is $3 general ad mission. $1 students and se niors. WEDNESDAY DEC. 5 The Collegium Musicum a student group specializing in the vocal and instrumental performance of Renaissance and early music, will present a free concert at 3:30 p m at the University Art Museum and will feature three Advent works. THURSDAY. DEC 6 Lane Community College Ba roque orchestra, concert choir and chamber choir will pres ent their holiday concert at 8 p.m in the ICC Main Theat er. Admission is free FRIDAY, DEC 7 The Oregon Children’s Choir will present a concert at 7:30 p m The concert is at Central Presbyterian Church, 1475 Ferry St. Tickets are $4 SATURDAY. DEC 8 The School of Music presents "A Winter Wonderland.' an other performance in their children's concert series, at 10:30 am. The performance includes music, poetry and dance, featuring the country dance group Heather and Rose and the Eugene Chil dren's Ballet Admission is $3 for adults $2 for children, or $5 per family A winter storytelling (estival will be presented at the Um versity Museum of Natural History. The storytellers on the program include Rabbi Courtety phot The Eugene Ballet Company and the Eugene Symphony's performance ol Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker opens Dec 20. with additional shows Dec. 21, 22 and 23. Hanan Sills telling Jewish sto ries at 11 a m ; Ed Edmo tell mg Native American stories at 1 pm. and Paulette Ansari telling black American stories at 3 p m A $1 donation is urged The Eugene Concert Choir will present Handel's Mes siah. a perennial Christmas fa vorite. this evening at Central Lutheran Church. 18th Avenue and Potter Street The concert will take place at 8 p m . and will be repeated the following afternoon at A Also included on the program is the Eugene Vocal Arts Ensemble, per forming madrigals, carols, and a Bach cantata Ticket prices are $9 general, and $7 for stu denis and seniors FRIDAY. DEC 14 The Eugene Chamber Singers will perform traditional carols at Central Lutheran Church. 18th and Potter at 8 p m Tick ets are $8 general and S3 for students THURSDAY DEC 20 Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcrack er. another Christmas favorite, opens at 8 p m at the the Hull Center Performed by the Eu gene Ballet Company and the Eugene Symphony Orchestra. The Nutcracker will be pre sented on on Dec 21. and 22. and again at 2 30 p m on the 22nd and 23rd Ticket prices range from $12 50 to $24 50 V/cv Dt'tlolph time s$ntitQueS HOLIDAY SALE THROUGH DECEMBER 24 10% ofl JEWELRY, MEN’S & WOMEN’S VINTAGE CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES Featuring: Victorian to 50 s furniture. Glass. Pottery. Rugs. Lighting and Collectibles. Mon.-Sat. 10:30-5:30 Sun. 12:00-5:00 444 Main St., Springfield • 741-7914 GET 10% OFF EVERY DAY* With Your 1 ot () Student ID A; Current Fee Card THE BRANDS YOU WANT: Patagonia • Columbia • North Face • Moon Stone • Woolrich • Kcebok • Nike • Vsics • K nek port • I \i siilv lit n»s .mil < *mIt x jut k« is MCKENZIE O U T F I T T E R s 79 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CENTEF V $

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