Season's Greetings '90 Photo by fnc t vans Snow boarding is rapidly becoming the new way to soar, and experts say it's easier than it looks to hit the slopes on a board. Snow boarding a novel way to slide As vacation approaches, college stu dents, stressed out from exams and more than ready for a break, will be mus tering up that last bit of energy to hop on their board and hit the slopes Snow boarding, a sport that has come into the spotlight in the last couple of years, is rap idly gaining popularity as more and more board ers travel to ski areas each year David Daluiso. a professional snow board racer and Lane Community College student, said it's hard to explain what makes snow boarding so much tun There s just nothing like being on a board in deep powder. Daluiso said Daluiso is also a snow board instructor at Willamette Pass this season Although invented in 1976, snow boarding I mn i.. HO \KI> I’.mv tH Supplt nit-lit Kdilor: I .twit- I akrfish (iniptiits Editor: Van Poston C opt Kditnr: ( hnslnpht-r ( ontrihiitorv \rn«»l«l. Mia Bvrldstn, MtU IKdnlpli, Wt-udv KMmi . katx I aid, ! ollcrn Pohlij;. Minji Kitdriniax $50 X l NDKK $25 & l NDKK • hats • dyed lee gmgs and tops • woven headbands • lies (silk bola) • lie tacks • panned shiv woven starves • angora ear warmers • hand painted shuts marbled velvet hags • silk pouches • painted canvas hags •hand painted t shirts woven tops • one ol kind paint ed clothing • unique sweatshirts • Chenille tannv packs and bags • painted silk lies • handspun starves • silk shirts • silk starves • designet originals • tused glass bolas jewelry pins • stulp lured leweltv • paint ed hoots • Quilled silk he 11 s • etn hroulered sweat shuts • natural liher clothing Mon-Sat 10:30-6 140 hast Avc. SOCKS TOO! 100’s of styles, colors & patterns Cotton & Wool • Tights i • Knee Highs • Dress Socks • Casual Socks , Small to X-Large The Birkenslock Si ore , I Eugene • 5th Street Public Market • 342-6107 • Daily 10-6 Holiday Hours: Mon-Sat *)am-9pm, Sun. *)am-6pm Mu«ique Gouratet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE CD's FROM $5 95 TAPES FROM $2.95 In the Fifthpearl Building 207 i 5th Avenue 343*9000 ... DlS(OWK ( II OHM IkAVUIR S MW OIMIONS I OK MIN IN COMIORIAHU N VI l RAl IIIIKI ( l()l IIIN(i (ROM AROl NO lilt WOKII) l Mil l I RAVI l I'RODl ( IS I OR All (ilOHI I KOI II KS ANDl Niytlt IOIK VRI 1*11 < IS 5 III M 1*1 IIIK \I\HKI I DOWNS I AIMS (..S I I I -’ I $ 010RU TIMER SONY CO COP 291 5UQ0 rot Jt« OltADrOMOS*129 The first thing you should expect from an audio, video, or car stereo store is a good set of ears. Someone who's willing lo listen to who you are. what you need, and what you like. At Bradford's, you’ll find high quality equipment, great prices, and the best ears in town All designed to help you Yamaha YCfl 340 Car Sloroo-'Tape Dock UiflO rot $3?9 ntworonas $249 make the right decision, whether it s your tirst system, or an upgrade to the one you already own. j Superb equipment, ! superb service, and superb advice. Come to Bradford's! Mitsubishi HSUS? 4 Hoad Hi-Fi VCR with S'nooih tape handling sugg ret *649 BRADFORD'S $499 Your ears will thank you! 150 W BROADWAY • EUGENE PHONE (503)344 828/ MON FRI 10 6 • SAT 10 5 30 ■ SUN 12 5 ~l/i/e foot you