WOMEN Continued from Page 1 political science at llti* Univer sity■ said Oregon has a so< lallv and culturally liberal climate, and lie is ‘’surprised that (women) didn't come on (the political scene) before they did." With the exception of the governor's position. Monoski said i’aiilus and Mary Wendy Roberts hold secondary jobs in terms of power” but that they .ire noticeable jobs that «an lx* used as stepping stones In get inure powerful positions I*ihnr i ommissionor Roberts v.iiil th.it what exists in govern men! is .1 "glass miling" effect lh.it creates problems for wom en seeking power positions Tin* "glass ceiling" theory stig gesls that there is the false as sumption 111 sim iet\ that worn en i an suet ceil at any level hut that in reality, few women are able to rise to the higher posi tions of authorilv "The glass ceiling is real." she saiil klnnnski Stiid hi* hi* I in vi’S women liavi* i)u* diffiiull task of getting i’Iii ted to ptililii of fin* because thev have .1 hard time getting (ampaign contri butions There IS still the soi n* till )H*lief that women should sla\ -it home But despite the obstai les. "if a woman < an gel elei ted in Texas, a woman (.in get elet ted anvwhere.'' he said Mary Wendv Roberts also s.ud she la-lieves that one of the harriers for a woman seeking public off 11 e is getting finant ial support for her campaign. I think tfi,it the handicap for women is not in getting the vote." site saiti "It's in fund raising Kolierts said getting money is sin h a problem for women that several organizations have been set up spec if ical I v to help women get money to run for of fite One nationwide, cam paign-fundraising group called Karl\ Money is I.ike Yeast (KM II.Y) supports women candi dates and Furstner saiil that an other group. Funds for the Feminist Majority also raises money. Additionally. Roberts said women have a problem Retting contributions because to get money, candidates have to have money. They need to lx able to show prosper tive con tributors that they have what it takes to win a race by telling them, "lawk at how much I've already raised." "There's nothing that attrar ts financial contributions like a developing war chest." she said I ELECTRONICS HOLIQaZ smbattheuoboo^ TORe PHONES & ANSWERING MACHINES Northwestern Bell FAVORITE PHONE Reg 39 99 SALE 29** Phone-mate 6000 ANSWERING MACHINE • call screening, remole turn on • Ixreperiess remote Reg 69 95 SALE 49** TV/VCR FREE 5-YEAR WARRANTY AND 20% OFFaNY VIDEO ACCESSORIES WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY NEW 8MM OR UHS CAMCORDER. WALKMANS Sony D 2 PORTABLE CD PLAYER Reg 199 9^ SALE 149°° Sony OUTBACK WALKMAN • AM f M < .»* - tit* a ...jto rev«*tM* • I * t » NR Rng 149 9' SALE 139" Sony WM A 12 STEREO CASSETTE • *kAo Stop • MOW nlPf*»o H pftone* Reg 39 96 SALE 29** TYPEWRITERS ALE 29** Seiko S11 FRENCH LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR Reg 99 95 SALE 79** CAR STEREO Pioneer DEH-650 HI POWER CD PLAYER i • Supertuner III • 4* oversampling • 25 walls i 2 99£*! mo Reg 549 00 SALE 399°° Pioneer KE 2600 QR • pullout cassette deck • BSM preset scarvaulo reverse 1 • music search 62?!! Aiwa CA-W85 BOOM BOX • 30 bass sound • double cassette deck • 4 band equalise! • detachable speakers Reg 249 95 SALE 199” Aiwa Portable CD BOOM BOX • 16 track random access • 3 beam laser cassette deck Reg. 219 95 SALE 179” HOME STEREO Technics SL-P170 CD PLAYER • mash circuitry • 4 O/A converters Reg. 179 95 SALE 129°° Technics SLP-C33 5- DISC CHANGER • mash circuitry • remote controlled • carousel tray design Reg 349 00 SALE 249°° Sharp 6- DISC CHANGER • 28 key remote • random playback • 3 compatible Reg 249.00 SALE 199°° Sansui RZ 1000 RECEIVER • 32 wattschannel (white supplies last! Reg 259 00 SALE 149°° UO BOOKSTORE '316 \ Kmcaid 346 4331 M f 7 30 6 S.il H) 00 t, School of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E. 18th Ave. CHRISTMAS CHORAL CONCERT Student Ensembles University Singers, Men's Ensemble. Women's Chorus, 4 Chamber Choir Toes., Dec. 4 8 p.m. $3 General Admission $1 Students / Seniors COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Choral and instrumental music of the Renaissance Wed., Dec. 5 3:30 p.m. (UO Museum of Art) FREE Admission UO SYMPHONY Student Ensemble Wed., Dec. 5 8 p.m. $3 General Admission $1 Students / Seniors OREGON WIND ENSEMBLE Student Ensemble Thur., Dec. 6 8 p.m. S3 General Admission $1 Students / Seniors "A WINTER WONDERLAND" Children's Concert Sat, Dec. 8 10:30 a.m. $3 Adults, $2 Children, or S5 for a Family For more information, call: 346-3761 (Music School) BRAIN FOOD THE mental energy formula STUDY BETTER INCREASE ALERTNESS SHARPEN CONCENTRATION BETTER ATTENTION SPAN At all Eugene Health Food Stores NuNaturals, Inc. Box 644 Eugene. Or 97440