Oregon DAILY EMERALD Tuesday. December 4. I1 n \ m .iiliiitmn tn nthiT issues The nature ni this type nt ha rassment is unique tiei ause there is a power differential he tween students and faculty said llasani klldura Women’s Center coordinator kudurn said harassment h\ fai ultv memhers also violates the trust between students and teat hers "Sexual harassment is profia bly one of the biggest problems fat ing organizations today said Ron Si mu ore. assistant di ret tor of the Office of Affmne tut* Action "We’ve allowed unat ceptiible behavior in the work plat e anti in tlte academe environment It s almost lie come part of the operating scene ’’ The committee was horn out of the Women’s Sexual Harass ment Resource Network, a group of University fatuity, stall and administrators who ol fer informal, confidential sup port and referrals to vit lints of harassment The network was formed two years ago "by a group of tat til l\ women who were fed tip with their students being sexu ally harassed." said Marlene Orest her. director of the Office of Student Ailvot at s The network released a post er with the names and numbers ol its members whit h is found in the student flirt** lor\ ami arou ml i a tnpu s I low ever Drescher said the posters often do not stay op lor long A poster nets (lilt up .mil is torn down l>nrtv unn klc . site s.nd Drescher said there have heen complaints .iliont the post els and that some feel liter are unwarranted She also said a few tar tilts members them selves mnv he tearing down the posters "Some prolessors see it as part of their position to have power and control over their students and this mav include sexual power and i ontrol she said Another topic of disi usmoii is a seeming disi repalu \ he tween part of the Oregon Ad ministrative Rules definition ot sexual harassment and the tederal definition One section of the Oregon rules sper dies that sexual ha rassment lakes the form of physical contact or imminently threatened physical contact whic h adversely affec ts the working or academic environ men! Federal rules do not spec ifv ph\ sic ill coiitai t Sinecure said that w lute many of the same words arc used, the- federal rules are iiiui h broader lie said Ins of In e plans to formally address the issue "Our intent is to work through the director. Diane Wong, to point this out to the president." Sinai ore said "I don't know how we i an get away with being more restric tive than the federal law Sinai ore said it is more <1 iff i c ult to apply the Oregon policy to behavior dial's meant to In stopped "It s my opinion that we do Turn to HARASSMENT Page? 5 Roberts inspires women to leadership Governor-elect a political role model By Rene DeCair Emeiaid Reporter lu their (limb up llir polilit ,il ladder. three women holding powerful positions in state gov eminent have helped to pave the way for other women to fol low in their footsteps Barbara Roberts, governor elect. Mary Wendy Roberts la lair commissioner and Norma I’aiilus. superintendent of pub lii instruction, bold three of the six executive positions in the state, and all have hc< ome visible leaders in their posi lions in the traditionally male dominated political arena "A lot of women don't have anv role models." said Mien Furstner. president of the lame Countv chapter of the National Organization for Women add ing that because of this women feel lliat the\ cannot seek lead ership roles I urstner said she was tu mt Oregon *?!«•« I Harhara Rob erts Oregon's first woman governor because women view the world differently than men "It is important for women to yet into politii s because the\ bring a different perspective." she said "Women can bring more compassion, i.iring and listening into government The\ have the abilitv to stand in oil er people s shoes and ilti derstand how thev feel I'urslner said this is a gener alitv that would not apply to all women sin It as Hrilish Prime Minister Margaret 1'hali her who she said "is a man in woman’s i lothing lames klonoski. prolessor ol Turn to WOMEN Page 12 I’hulo bt Scan 1‘mlun dot ernor-elei I Iturh.ir.i Huberts is one <>t three women to holil exeiutive positions in the sl.ilr 1101 eminent. son in# .is role models .mil helping to p.ne the Mai lor other women in poli tics.