MONDAY NIGHT IS PITCHER PARTY NIGHT AT sowas piTrHFP^ * DRAFT BEER $1.75 r 11 X 4 MARGARITAS $3.50 OF: * HOP, SKIP & GO NAKED $4.75 343-4734 2222 Centennial Blvd. 8'l7 for more information Et als Students for the Kthical Treatment of Ani mals moots at ri p m in LMl' Cedar Room A I or more information call HO •Ltr>ti Hawaii Club mooting is at 7 to p m in the KMU I ir Room Call 346-HH15 for details Student Health Insurance Committee moots .it 2.10 pm in KMU Cedar Room C Call 144> 1702 for information Christian Science College Organization meets from tr io to 7: to p m. in the basement of the Koinonia Center. 1414 kincaid Si Call I4:t-4t>40 for more information. Student for Creative Anachronism will hold a vole revel at H p m. in Agate 1. For more infor mation ( all 485-81)08 or .144-741 7 Political science pre-registration will he from 0 a m to I p in. Monday and Tuesday in Room ‘108 PI.. is noon the day before publit .moil hit als run the day of tin• event unless the event takes place before noon of events with a donation nr admis sion i barge will not l>e accepted, (iampus events and those si heduled nearest the publication date will be given priority The Emerald reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and style. WHITELAW Continued from Page 1 recommendations on ln*r road map (or the next six months and into llio tile next four years.” said tram coordinator lolin Keyser 'This is real I \ exciting stuff said Whitelavv of Ins volunteer position, even il it is "absolutely time1 consuming Whitelavv s.iid Ins |oh ,is head of tin1 economic devctlopment, rural development and trails portation team gives him the chance to put into practice Ins 21 vears of tear liing urban. iiiinna and economics ol the Pac ific Northwest at the- Uni versity "In the large pic ture ol things, this might seem like mundane stuff." In1 said, "lent it will affec t the hulk ol what Oregon looks like in Portland and along the 1-5 Corridor lor the next 50 years ''I find that terribly eve it • ng " The transition team is a Imh of nine groups that spec iali/.c* ill specific areas ol policy ana ly/.alion and formation lor Rob erts. vs bo vv ill be sworn in as Oregon's governor fan 1-t The team's short-term c hal lenge is "to get ready for the* next legislative session, to help ^ ii Ed Whitelaw prepare the budget, and to build .1 team that will be as el lective as possible m the next six months." kevser said VVhilelavx who is on leave this year from the University, said it involves dealing with a list of tout In slate u ide topii x From finding the future pulse ol Oregon's timber and salmon conflicts to trving to ease Ballot Measure a s tax limitation el lei t on the stale's fiiiatu nil ho rizon. While lavs said his tasks are lull ot i lassu trade-offs Measure a. the initiative that will limit local property taxes and teipure an extra $t>20 mil lion from the state's general WE'LL ERASE YOUR COLLEGE LOAN. If you’tv stuck with a student loan that's not in default, the Army might pay it off. It you qualify, we'll reduce your debt by 1 i for each year you sene as a soldier so after just 3 years you'll have a clean slate. You'll also have training in a choica of skills and enough self-assurance to last you the rest of your lift*. (let all the details from your Anm Recruiter. SSG McCar 345-3877 ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. . tnd iii 1991-92, has made Whitelaw’s job "clearly more difficult." he said. "It's the classic trade-off be tween roads and sewers for ( it ies and counties, and child care and health care programs, for instance.” he said "What kind of criteria do you use to make those kinds of trade offs? Kv ervone has strong feelings and priorities about all of the differ ent programs and services " Whitelaw, who also heads a Kugene based financ ial consult ing firm, said Dec. 21 has emerged as a "major date" that the team is shooting for, hop ing by tlien to have their budg et ret ommendations developed into a firm package for Roberts Hut all of this political hub bub is nothing new for this pro fessor. Whitelaw's involvement in politic s dates back to work ing on one of Roberts’ cam paigns for tier present position ol secretary of state and helping out Gov Neil Goldschmidt's transition team four years ago With so many irons in the political tire, is this professor a i areer politic ian in the making? Definitely not. Whitelaw said "I'm not interested in a position. I have al ready expressed that There is ■in absolute limit to this period of time Don't be let! behind! Boo* SfXtnQ Bimok Ttfrl Now to Hawmu 8fe«jco or SAi fur ope' Hourviinp iron Oontona Honolulu S329 Mazatlan S362 Munich $590 Euro*/ Pots 17 countrios SMI only ft96 Purchooo by Doc J1 for spnnQfsummor travoi at "90 pncot l Cali lor s Iree 1991 Student Travel Guide Council Ikavd 716 S W Morrison *600 Portland. Or 97206 503-228-1900 1 -800-228-2884 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We've got your tan when you want It! SunShower on campus m 2173 • III t IM »r »**«»