Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Ambassador says group of activists 'cowards
SEATTLE (AH) United States Am
bassador to China James Li liny called
demonstrators against Chinese human
rights abuses "cowards" and suggested
that one man. .1 Tibetan, "go back to
China and serve China."
But in a speech a few minutes later.
Lilley said the United States wanted to
set? "concrete improvement on China's
human rights record." and referred to
the lifting of martial law in Tibet as
"window dressing."
U S. Rep. John Miller. R-Wash . on
Sunday said Lilley should apologize for
his remarks made Saturday night to pro
testers outside tilt? closing ceremony of a
four-day trade exposition and sympo
sium on 11.S.-China relations
I.illey got into the argument with a
handful of demonstrators outside Union
Station before going inside to make his
Most of those outside the former train
station didn't notice the exchange, hut
it was taped by a cameraman for Seattle
television station KIRC)
Lilley and Chinese Ambassador Zhu
Quizhen arrived in cars at the side of
the station. About 50 demonstrators
were at the front of the building, waving
signs and chantings slogans condemn
ing the Chinese government s sla\ ing of
hundreds of demonstrators in Beijing in
|une 1989 and its 40-vear occupation of
|ini Herman. :\2. a Seattle man whose
wife is Tibetan, said he and a half-do/.en
others left the main group on the chance
the ambassadors might use a side en
They chanted "China — human
rights!". “Tibet for Tibetans!", and
"Remember Tiananmen Square!" lie
Zhu ignored the demonstrators and
went inside. Herman said.
Hut Herman said, and the MKO video
tape corroborated. that l.illev suddenly
shouted. "Were you at Tiananmen
Square? I was there "
"So what?" Herman said he replied
"I know it wasn’t the greatest retort."
Herman said afterward, "but I certainly
didn't expect his outburst '
Lilley then shouted to a Tibetan man.
"What are you doing about it? I’m do
ing something about it You should go
bark to China and serve China."
"You’re cowards," Lilley told the
demonstrators before entering the build
Dan Model. spokesman for (ho Tibetan
Sights Campaign, said he was left
"speechless and flabliergasted" by the
China invaded Tibet in 1950. crushed
an uprising in 195!) and introduced re
pressive measures, including suppress
ing Tibetan Buddhism.
At a news conference after his speech.
I.illcy was asked about the exchange "I
looked at one man from China and
thought that the best tiling he could do
to help Ins country is to go back to ('hi
na and work for it." he said
Asked what message he intended to
give the demonstrators. I.illev replied,
"Nothing much. I guess "
In a news release Sunday. Miller said
he was appalled hv l.illey's remarks
Miller s.iid protesters who returned to
China could face arrest, trial and execu
tion for speaking out in favor of dctiux
"This treatment by a U.S. ambassador
of those seeking freedom and democra
ts is beyond comprehension." Miller
If l.illey does not apologize?. Miller
said he would bring the matter to the at
tention ol both President Hush <11111 Sec
retary of Statu lames Maker
"As a representative of the United
States. Ambassador I.illey should un
derstand the important e of people seek
ing human riglits anti work to move for
ward. not backward, in the pursuit of
that cause." Miller said.
Moth I.illey and /hu were at meetings
Friday between Chinese Foreign Minis
ter Qian (Jichen and Hush and Maker.
In his speech, Zhu said relations have
la-en warming between the two coun
tries. <ind that political changes around
the world have made the relationship
more important Me noted that Chinn
supported most U S positions in the
Middle Fast crisis
More than .150 Chinese delegates at
tended the symposium, the largest trade
delegation ever to the United States. But
organizers were disappointed when
only aliout tit) Americans showed up 'o
opening sessions.
The conference has received a cool re
caption since the Chinese first suggest
ed it last year The stale government
and two major Washington trade organi
zations refused to endorse the meeting,
saying it was poorly timed politically
Oregon racists brand
oast leader as traitor
MEDFORD (Al*) Katis
"skinheads" in southern Ore
gon say they are better off now
that former leader Dave
Mazzella has been branded a
Mazzella was the star witness
this fall in a successful wrong
ful death lawsuit against ('all
fornia white suprenuu ist lead
ers Torn and |ohn Metzger
He told a jury in Portland
that the Metzgers had promoted
violeiu e against blacks.
Based primarily on
Mazzella's testimony, jurors
ruled the Metzgers were re
sponsible tor the 1988 killing ol
a black man in Portland by
three young racists.
The jury awarded $12.5 mil
lion in damages, the nation's
largest civil judgment for racial
The three racists were con
victed on criminal charges and
are serving prison sentences for
the killing
Mazzella, who is wrapping
up a jail sentence for kicking
another skinhead in the jaw.
said in court that he had re
nounced white supremacist
That is fine with Leif Barge,
21, who is Mazzella's successor
as leader of the 4(1 or so racists
in Southern Oregon Skinheads.
"Dave is a snitch," Barge, a
laborer, said recently. "We
don't want nothing to do with
I lave Ma/.zella
Pit tort's of Mnzztdla labeled
with tlio words "snitch" and
"traitor" turned up around
Medford alter the trial
Members of barge s group
say they agree with the senli
menl but deny putting up the
"Dave used to be our leader,
but 1 think we're stronger
now," said "Joe ". a skinhead
who asked that Ins real name
not be printed.
barge and his girlfriend. Lot
ra Dailey. 2 1. testified at the tri
al that Ma/./.ella. not the
Metzgers, instigated the vio
lence that led to the killing
"He’s sneaky and crafty."
|oe said "He has a really vio
lent temper, lie's beat me up a
few times, too. Instead of talk,
he'd use violence."
barge and the others blame
Mazzella for the damage their
movement suffered following
Seraw’s murder and the Metz
ger triul.
"There is a Irelter way than
violence.” barge said "I (re
lieve these people probably
would have never done that
without Dave
"We’re nice people. We re
here for the good of the white
race. This is our nation; they
(non-whites) don't belong
here.” Joe said
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