FORUM Israeli/Palestinian peace both probable, necessary By Phil Zuckerman Peace is possible American soldiers may in* filling up the sand dunes of the Persian Gulf waiting to attack, and the ani mosity between Jews and Arabs may be escalating, but peace is still possible It is not only pos sible, but necessary Commentary It was with this hope and conviction that students from all over Western North America met for a regional conference of the Progressive Zionist Caucus held at Mills College Nov. >1-11. The PZC is a grassroots Jew ish student organization whose issues of concern range from peaceful co-existence between Jews and Arabs to gay and les bian support. As a member of Hillel and the Jewish Student Union. I represented the University at the conference. Other represen tatives came from as far away as Kritish Columbia University, Evergreen State College, and nearly ail the University of California campuses to take part in the weekend seminar. The two main topics of the workshops anti discussions re volved around two pressing is sues: Israeli Palestinian poat e (along with the of Sail dam Hussein) and what it means to call oneself a Progres sive Zionist. The issue of Israeli Pal estinian peace is pretty clear Israel must get out of the occu pied territories and allow lor a Palestinian nation In turn. Pal estinians must prove that such a move would not pose a threat to Israeli security To call oneself a progressive Zionist means that we are Zion ists in that we believe Jews should have a country to call there own we never question Israel's fundamental existence Yet we are progressive in that we have a moral obligation to voice our objection to the injus tice of current Israeli policy The possibility of war is star ing the world in the face For lews, even if the Israeli Pal estinian conflict were solved, the immediate threat to the ex istence of Israel may hinge upon Iraq Unlike the United States. Is rael has everything to lose when it goes to war If Ameri can lives are lost, it would tie .1 tragedy. Hut it would not mean the end of tlir 1 'niteil States For Israel, this is not the < ase if Israel loses a war. it loses Israel And Hussein has already threatened to incinerate Israel on numerous occasions In attending this conference, my confidence in a progressive lewish 'Zionist voice was con firmed lews i an believe in Is rael and still criticize its op pressive policies Hilt the i on ference also built up my fears that a war with lrai| is a strong possibility, one which could spell out a second lew ish holo caust. So as a progressive Jew I want to do my share for the cause of peace And right here on our own campus I expert enced how hard that i an lie This past Monday I ap proai bed the Muslim Student Union to see if they would co sponsor a day dedicated to Jew ish Arab peace The response I got was a slap in the face of re ality: I was told that the Mus lim Student Union will never have anything to do with Jews Not only must the occupied territories Iw given up. hut Isra el must cease to exist Only the followers of Islam have a right to exist in the Middle Fast, they will not even consider a coali LETTERS Emotion check People like me will come and go throughout your life A strong tost of your character will come in the manner in which you deal with my intru sions. If you take exception to comments fashioned in your di rection — do nut lake it as a personal attack, keep your emotions in check — they will only eclipse any rational dis course you might wish to pro vide. You do yourself and your cause a disservice by whining, slapping me or calling me ". . the embodiment of evil " Instead, glean from the re marks. however strident, what you may to improve your lot In your attempt to find some truth in me you can begin to find the truth wdthin yourself Rise above your detractors. In this way you can show me the errors of my ways and means I will not. nor have any desire, to retract any of my flippant, thoughtless and hypercritical tirades — people like me sel dom do. However, 1 do sincerely be lieve that you have the ability (or anger) to overcome any and all obstacles to make the team, the University, the state — Recycle This Paper heck, even the nation proud at the freedom Bow I Who knows, you might, one day. thank uie for mv misguid ed efforts. If I live to see the day. kawika Holbrook Eugene THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r 1 "They re Neanderthals, Loona.... Every one ot them.” BAR MENU SPECIALS 4-9 PM Soups, salads, hors d'oeuvres and v burgers. too! REMEMBER US FOR LUNCH ON WEEKENDS. TOO! • 754 EAS T 14th AVENUE. :i4lM.'M,:t lion v\ iIm iinyutH’ utlii'r Ih.m Muslims Although I left their office feeling offended and humiliat ed. it was .1 good lesson for me Israel can look to no one for support I really felt the true meaning of Zionism if we are not for ourselves, no one will lie for US lint at the same time my pro gressive spirit held strong The Muslim Student Union does not speak for all Arabs There are Arabs out there who ac knowledge Israel There are Palestinians who simply want their own homeland and have no intention ot .ingoing mem selves with Hussein's destruc - tive objectives As >1 progressive Jew. I have faith that Palestinians will win their independence Vet their c ause may lie moot if the w hole area goes up in a puff of Iraqi chemical warfare If Americans invade Iraq, Is rael will lie the first to feel Hus sein's wrath Thus as American Jews, our immediate commit ment toward peat e (1111 wait no longer We have everything to lose I’hil y.uckt'rnuin is a mwiilier of the /(•wish Studont Union Oregon DAILY EMERALD PO Hat H**. fruffvnr . 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