Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 nmm • <9'> o' " • Happy Birthday!!*' Hey, despite what every one's been telling you. I Still think your |ust a young guy!H Love, S. (your young gat!) . a « .----» CONGRATULATIONS Petra H«qw OO being the first person to correctly till out yesterday • crossword pu/.Me Be the first person to bring me solved crossword pu//te to the Oregon 0**ty f mereld Office Boom .TOO CMU after 8 a m & w»n * FREE OOE T shirt A a IS ' red>f for classified advertising* ft win per eesk please M to Lo Happy t*fh Birthday"' _ Lose ya Steph__ Planned Parenthood for Pap smears infection checks birth control and counseling Days and evenings -V44 941! Private help • ** ' » »ee pregnancy testing Call Birthright M7MS1 Whandy T u,n.; * ' Tyson on the Foreman/Holy field ticket Can you skip the Smoker ** n Printed tent to computer hie5 BBasxsanB 74/ 4500 i'.'oi-.-.‘- i »j "Wiaa 344 4510 MSI IMfcAn The WORD SPECIALISTS (ifadualc Sc hoot Appro* 14 IBM (ompatihk/I >ttk < iwvcMiijft' la*ct PltntMfA »iiptiK4 * IdiiiflpcKf'umft CAROLYN CtNDY August Wnl Word PiocwHflfl line Pen t mg • f <*tw>g • Dew Top Pub F »< • Profess*** 4*4 Sl/a DIALATYPIST _»>rm_ rLYING FINGERS . ■ Fast accurate profession*! HOfrpag* up 44 I0M FOOTNOTES TYPING LASER PRINTING FAST! I MU Rm R? t U6 3??9 VO THE TYPING PRO M160MI EAGLE EYE TYPrEOITlNG. 4*4 76M yoin force* Call anytime PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing Free p«ckuf*fdei*rer> Honda 935 MW? ROBIN 344 0769 GRAD SCHOOL AP PROVED ?G year thests/dtssertation background Full resume servee | M j ON CAMPUS' Typing, word processing desk! ■; publishing graphics Laser printer IS • years experience (Free pick uprd»i«ve«yt Carole 6AdA578_ i Typing A Transcription •iatonal reliable, accural* IBM T's Professional, reliable, accurate IBM system. LQ Printer PapersA (Siting, thesis, dissertations Free pick up A delivery Teresa. MV WOE. * in <*!» in i!r ■r* r» n r» o 'Hi 'h» ‘HJi Don’t let your friends get away for the Holidays without a word from you. FROM AROUND THE WORLD are coming to town December 7 ONLY ' 50* PER LINE! * $1.50 FOR ART! - Don’t miss the deadline! December 6, 1 p.m.! Place ads at Room 300, EMU EMU Main Desk UO Bookstore MERRY MESSAGES MATH • STRUCTURES • PHYSICS ClN if you need lutormg Individuals or youp* Emit? *64 6*06__ BEAT THE "FINALS" BLUES Tutonr^j Matn B*ott*0y Otm j At yovf Nome or school. fey I ’«Kf#nti#tod M S ttethtr « at 4* * 4 • ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOP SHOPPING Be COXY lor finals ’ 4 Ovtrslufftd Ch*»r» 1 COoCh 120 $30 :M3y» BIG SALE UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO • 6 2 Port CO Ptaytr J’49 96 • Outback Walkman $*39 96 • ClASSK WaJkma*'WM A12 $29 96 • MS T40A Walkman $79 96 • MP AiSD Headline* iKanj Ba»v 119 96 T*chmt* Mom# Audio M. Omk * otrvff »tor« prices $t?9 96 • Si PC33 6 DitMT Chanpnr GarOUMM lrAt dtS*yi $24 i 96 Sxniui Oom ogli! • R2 6000 ftO watt receiver (white th*y last} $i 79 96 • fl 2 way »00 watt speakers (n*ca cabmeR 1160 00 pr Sharp • 6 disc CO Change# 2B key remote control 1199 96 CAR STEREO PtOflHMN • KEH 6100QR Mi Pow« Puii oul Clean port sound $299 96 • DC H 660 M* Power CO Player 4 times oversampling $399 96 • CO* * m66 6 D*st Chengs* • rema*#' mi aft) to ANY rad*- $V49 96 Clarion • 9772 RT Hi Pos.tr Pull Out Lowest price tvtr here’ $279 96 infinity Speakers • Kappa Series CS 6 $v* A l tweeter $199 96 • All Reference Standard Infinity Speakers 20*-* off' Prices good 'til Christmas! Why go anywhere else when you can shop between classes?! -— UOBookstore— 5pF •mms no FOR SALE - FUTON FRAMES i T*«r»S 140 f ulU 1^*0 Quwent SfeO Otliy«ry Av«l«bte II1447I I timi vow GOVERNMENT SEIZED Vehicles from *100 For Ot. Mercedes Cwolln Cfwvyi Surplus Your Aim (1) 80SM74000 Eil $ M42 Nr* Rood Street « •" Absolutely beeutitui *95 (Cost me *275) Cuilom matJ* hardwood double bod ff ame *35 465 6563 Nw Onkyo imp *0 will* IW*‘> obo Now pre 1200 Ui'l 200cm. f 1 MV obo Now custom whit a VW wheels A tire*. *250*o6o Mu«t toll Dovo. 345*719 toys "toys”. TOYS Betore you pay lOO much try KIOSTUFE resale at Ms h*sl" 6? W 13th 464 4466 11 5 Mon Sot fuNlCEF~CARDS A N D GIFT5 on sale1 [ today 10 to 4 at the UO Boofcstora1 Woman » Aataigh Sporli. Pf *’ 3 sp new h»es A tube* good shape t F 1451 HOT* HOT'MOT'HOT' HOT 'HOT 'HOT' INEXPENSlVf SPRING BREAK TRIPS MEXICO HAWAII MEXICO 18C 0 543 9206 _ Miami. Florida Ona way plan# ticket February 27 Woman $1?C negotiable 346 7286 Oneway Eugene It S F J'44 t»*.i*c 12/13 CaH Michelle, 686-9786_ Ona way plana ticket lo New York City from Eugene on December 15 $30Gobo Call John 344 9356 Ona aray plana ticket born I ' Marl lord CT on December 15 1250/obo Cali Kevin. 344 9356 _ Round trip Portland Minneapolis Austin. 126 90 to 12 16 90 SHXVobo Call 666 1644_ HBMi M|l plane ticket Portland to l A 12/25 to 12/30. Si 75 Leave message at 344 0876 United flight. i«av.>s Dec 22 to Bakers field Return Dec 27 from Bakersfield $280 726 4690 Call after 7pm _ 1 way Plane Ttet' Eugene to Los Angelas Leave t?/13 $i20robo ( a- Bobby 344 1 way plana tickat ‘ Pb<«em* Leave 12/13 $ 120/obo Call 746 9782 ^^tpis "I REPOSSESSED VA 8 HUD HOMES available from government from $1 without credit check You repair Also tai delinquent foreclosures Call 1 805682 7555 e*t H 1454 lor repo list your area Drummer needed '• -1 ••hand Must be comfortable wisnare echo/reverb Mark 3466311 INTERNSHIP OPFORTl NITY WILLAMETTE INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTER Now accept*ng resumes and interviews for Winter end Spring terms two term commitment Student interns will work on protect teams devgned to facilitate interna itonai trade in Lane County Pass/no pass credits available Students with skills m tournatism. marketing, and/or organizations are encouraged to apply Ail positions are voluntary Please submit Resume . Transcripts by December 7 1990 to Arty Knight Willamette Int l Trade Center 1059 Willamette St Eugene _OR 97401 Phone # 686 0195 .= Lifeguard tarty morning hours Must be Current in lifeguard CPR and first aid certifies lions Appro* 16-20'week Apply at River Road Park 1400 Lake Dr Eugene 688 4052 Now accepting applications 104 RIM Batkatbail Official* Pay rang* 14 75 lo $6 par hoof Pravtoua officiating aapattanca danttd but not a raquiramant Training Miitont will ba protndad Inquira at Qartingar Building Room 103 Of call 346 4113 ??Q HttP WANTED Alter school cere (boy age Hit * light housekeeping WfTH/F 2 45 4 45 pm Dei June $4’hr References required Cali 34 3 46hour while working flexible day and evening hours Call 346 3433 O' stop by ZOOi Franklin 8lvd today __ Custodial Trainer 'Supervisor Laurel Hill Center has an opening for a self slatting experienced individu ai Responsibilities include implementing rehab plans, training and supervising clients and maintaining community contracts Bachelors degree in Human Services desired Hours 3-11 30 pm $1083rmo with benefits Resumes to 2145 Centennial Ptaia. Eugene 97401 AA/EOE Easy Work1 Excellent pay! Assemble producls at home Call for information 504 641 8003 Ext 9982 HOME TYPISTS. PC users needed $35,000 potential Details <1> BOS 687 6000 Ext B 9642._ It’s easier than you think to pay for your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money, flexible hours Call Nancee or Brook for per sonal interview 3446697 OVERSEAS JOBS S9002000/mo Summer, yr round, ail countries, all fields Free info, write: IJC PO Bi 52 0RO3. Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 raVMK&TbDVMaitiaiis Work study positions available for poster crew in Cultural Forum, winter A spring term $4 25/hr 610 hrs/wk Apply at Suite 2, EMU (346 4373) or contact Christine (346 8606) ?35*m/6ilKEXE& ALOERWOOD MANOR 1660 Aider Street Accepting applications tor 1 bdrm A Studio Hals m excellent campus corn plex Call Mike 344 5695 for details Jennings ♦ Co 663-4219 Campus area 2 bdrm* big iv w . ble non smokers financially responsi ble rets $475 Call/fax 1 288 4554 Clean spacious 2 bdrm 5 blks from campus Taks over lease Last \i Doc ♦roof Cat! 464-9644. eeonlngs. Large, clean 2 bdrm: 1 bik to UO Furn. dishwasherrdisposal lots of parking new carpel, vinyl 683 8919 Lrg 1 Bdrm Close lo Campus Sap ba/vantty. large walk in closet, bd/lvgrm/util closet Spacious kilchon. in a clean, quiet complex Call 464-4103 Nooks, crannies, skylights 2 brdms. * blks campus $410 No pets/smoking Keep catling 343 9564 PLUMTREE APTS. 1555 W 18th SI Large 1 and 2 bedroom units available now Dishwasher breakfast bar. lots of yard space’ $4 70 325 W. 12TH STREET Beaulifuf 1 bedroom fiat1 New carpel paint, mini blinds appliances $345 & Jennings ? Co 480 E 11th Av*. 603 2271 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO. 745 E 15th One iwo and three bedroom units available winter lerm Call now and gel your name in for upcoming vacancies’ Puces range from $415 for t bedrooms to $695 for 3 bedrooms call Michael at _663-0729-_ 15th 4 Olive Apis Spacious clean studio. $375 A t bdrm toft $405 Close to campus and downtown Laundry parking A most utilities included Mgr 484 5633 1666 Ferry Si S340 1 tied room furnished Laundry 971 Mityard $310 Studio Laundry 1911 Kincaid $290 1 bedroom 425 Vi E 12th $225 Studio Off street Parkmg»No Pets»By Appt 1 130 Spyglass Asvx ia!e-» Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 60ODtvmN6 3 H AN ASTONISHING ? PPtSGCONFfitLNCB 3 mom, gcongb push SOUGHT TO CONTAIN CONTINUING CONCLXN , OVtRHIG POLITICAL ' OPPORTUNISM... KtSPONPlHO TO OtlVC&M THAT #hapOHE&fDouterm& i CAWMHFUP6&.MRW5H j f&VeALW TOCW THATH£V I Nf\fA RCAUy HAP Aty PO ' smote* jo teMepe on in / m S7AUMEN75, MR. A-y^KTW, HAD AU- PUN RJRNtSHEP PY A SUCK POLITICAL PRCFtGGGNAL, AND THAT he, MR BUSH, had just neeN 'MOUTHING THB WORDS Hi I a sir. po you MIAN UR 5YNCHIN6* X tUUL IGU??> IHATSHJHAT ThbKJPSCAlL. IT, Y£AH / ^-i\ /»/» If you r* tiled of the I Movie Theatei Shakedown DOLLAR DAYS Every Monday & Tuesday 342-4972 19th & Agate