Gifts that _ A spin real fast. tom urn mb iw wnKW* SOUTHERN ACCENTS to# , ^SC JOCKEY ENTERTAINMENT Ebt'ne/er St ntoge l/ohn Durbin) is frightened by a Christmas spirit in the Xebraska Theater Caravan's A Christmas Carol, playing Sunday at the Hull Center. Hult stages ‘A Christmas Carol’ By Layne Lakefish tm^raid fc uteriainroeni Editoc Christmas (list isn't Christmas without Kbene zer Si room' The Amerir an < Ihristmas tradition, which .11 tu ,11i\ began in Victorian Kngland, mines to life Sunday on the Hull ( enter s Silva Com ert Hall stage A Christmas (’anil performed l>v the N’e liraska Theater (iaravan. w ill he performed .it to and ft p in "This is a wonderful produition said f’at (lu sick Hull Center assistant marketing director "Ust year we sold out the show, so this year we del ided to add the matinee This production is hound to please young and old alike as the miserly S< rouge travels from (Ih list mas just lot Ihrisimas present The troupe makes ev eptional use of spei lal ef fis Is for the gliosl and utilizes a magii al lied that spins around as St rouge travels through time It also boasts a dressing room wardrobe of over .’till Vit torian costumes "The show is very well done 111 the wav it takes advantage of the special effects ol theater. Cu sit k sairl The Nebraska Theater Caravan brings Charles Du kens' story to life in a wav unparalleled by most theater groups "This group is so profes sional and so pat kagetl." Cusit k said "They run a tight ship." The stage "ill also come to life through music, employing .1 theater form known as masque This means that mush is incorporated into the show, hut not used to develop the stor\ line, (‘usii k e\ plained "This is not music in the sense of a musical." she said "for example, vou'li see Scrooge doing the hooks and then some carolers will come to his door It's traditional. Knglish carols Scrooge will he placed In John Durbin, an a< tor who's appeared on television in shows such as "thirt\something." "Star I rek The Next (fen eration." "Moonlighting." and "Hill Street lllues " Alongside him will he .1 host of tH other t ast members "The acting is so fresh and polished." laisick said "At last year's production, there were little kids leaning forward with their t Inns on the seals in front of them They were obviously caught up in the vs hole thing "it's the magii of live theater." This partii uiar theater group lirsl performed A Christmas Carol in Kugene last year. "Other pre seniors were real thrilled with it." (aisick said "They had a good reputation and we thought it would be fun." For tu ket information, call the Hull (enter box off ir e at (>H7 5000 GRAND OPENING v\.p of a NEW minit-lube store in ** MEDFORD 1729 N. Riverside Ave. (Across from Rogue Valley Mall) Some people want to change the world. We just want to change your oil. ^ You Never Need an Appointment We change the oil ■" Replace the oil filter Lube the chassie Check and fill vital fluids + We do it all in about 10 minutes < And we feature quality Quaker State products at —Two Locations in Eugene to Serve You— 2300 W. 11th (In front of Nachos) 340 Coburg Rd. 687-8837 683-4841