f GREEK ISLE CAFE best Greek sandwiches, salads and specialties in town. Present this coupon for a FREE small soft drink with the purchase of any menu item._ I Inside 5th St. Public Mkt. 2nd floor 683-3835 j The LAUNlTt • KlC X 104 / l ATI fit T t • KLCX 104 1 l ATI. Mil • K L C X 104 1 l A T | NJ T £ ID yO tNTt H J AWiUt NI nqroif njo iPtOAL AOmSVOMflnct ) S(Mwl rHSs $4. Sum, $s fughri, 11 * The Most Amazing Realistic 3-D! The Ultimate Erotic Experience! Penthouse Centerfold SERENA 1M Ifemahuelle \ I i \ AND DON'T MISS... **/'•» 1* M TK »• O 1m «to V * * — 1 Proper dress required means Converse All Star Ovfords Classic styling timeless good loots Ail-Star Converse on sale .or $24.99 (reg $31.99) Proper Dress Required 57 W Broadway Downtown Mall 687 0139 convcttsc ENTERTAINMENT Roberts, quintet highlight school’s Jazz Celebration soxc .wn dam /•: l-'KIDAV. MOV in Man us Roberts world renowned pianist, will perform with ri■ *• <|uintet .it 7 p in in Head Concert Hall This performance is part of the music si hold's Oregon |a/./ Celebration. Ceneral admission tickets. $12. are available .it the KMt' Main Desk Calendar Northwest Tap Onsort a 1J inemliei company featuring \orthwest tap dam ers. makes Its Oregon dehul at K p til in Doughertv Dance Theater, located on the third floor of Cerlinger Annex Tickets, available at the door are S t students and $'c general Nine liars Wonder a local hand is pei forming at <1 to |i in in the Community ( enter for the- Performing Arts. 2!tl W Hill opening the show are tile Mavther Itrothers a fillies KN it hand out of Port land Admission is STi at the door and doors open at II Kugene Symphony Super|>ops will am dm I "A Kugene Christmas" at 2 It) and K pm in tin- Hull Center’s Silva Concert ilall I hi lit ket information c all the box ottic i- at 1.H7 alMMI SATCKIJAV DKC I Peter Krskine jazz drummer will play at 7 p m in Beall ( one ert Hall The show, in wlut h he shares the stage- with the Or egon |azz Knsemble. is a part of the Ore gon |azz Celehr.ition Cenrral admission lie kets S I 2. e an he pure h.ised at (he TAB Main I lesk Kalihit Choir a six member eclectic oh k and roll band, will perform at P: to p.m in the (lommunitv (tenter for the Perform ing Arts, 2‘) I W Hth Opening the show is Mission Disiru t plac ing its highly car ied collection o! original dance music I it kets are S'i at the door and doors open at <1 SlNDA'i DKC 2 "A Christmas Carol" cvill lit- performed .it 2 ill and H p m in the Holt Outer's Silva Colic ert Hall Tickets are $12. $1(1 and $)I and t an lie purc hased in calling the box offic e at tiB7TitMM). The Cniversitv Campus Hand cvill per furm at K p in in Beall ('oncer! Hall Ad mission is free Benefit for lustier* in South Africa takes place at 7 p.in in the KMC Ballroom The event, to raise funds for a local group and for the African National Congress, will feature* the music of Blac k Roses. Barbara Turrill. Clenno Ealkenberg and Evan Be lize l atima Mc*er. author of Nelson Man dela's hiographv. and Charles Dalton, president of Eugene's NAACIV will speak ■it the event l ie kets are $"> students and Si • general MONDAY. DEC t A Composer's forum concert featuring original works In University music; com position majors, begins at H p in in Beall Concert Hall The show will premiere seven works, and admission is free TCKSDAY. DEC A Christmas Choral Concert, featuring the University Singers, the University Men's and Women's c hemises and the Dniversi tv Chamber c hoir. takes place at H p in in Beall Concert Hall Tic kets, available at the door, are S I general and $1 students WEDNESDAY. DEC 5 The University Collegium Music :um. an ensemble devoted to the performanc e of earlv music . is performing at i .to p.m in the Throne Room of the* University's Mu soum of Art. 1 *1.111 lohnson Cine Dane c* Quarterly an informal dam e show featuring works in-progress and short dame studies. takc*s place at 7 p m hi room 151 of Cerliilger Annex. Admis sum it free I'he University Symphony a tiT»member ensemble, will perform at 8 p m in Beall (Concert Hall Tickets available at the door, are $1 general and St students THURSDAY. DEC n Open Showing a dance recital featuring a one to two minute performanc c from eac li dune c* sc lion I c lass, takes pl.ic e at > p in in room !r>-l of Cerlinger Annex The On-gun Wind Ensemble w ill present a program of symphonic hand music at 8 p.m in Beall Concert Hall. Tic kets, avail able* at the door, are Si general and Si students VISUAL ARTS. CRAFT SHOWS AND READINGS ERIDAY. NOV It) Nine Days Wonder recording first album By Layne Lakefish Emerald Entertainment Editor The story, or better yet the song, be gan many years ago. At a bring-your-own-instrument party in Eugene, five men joined farces. Five years later. Nine Days Wonder was born. And by March, the band will have more to show for its music than local concert posters. It will have an album. The recording of the band's first al bum (in the form of cassettes and com part discs only) has had its ups and downs, but the musicians are working long hours to create a professional, pol ished product. “I'm going to listen to it in my ear phones while I’m silting on my couch and I want to like it," said Dave (loev. bass and vocals for the band. “1 don't want to hear wrong notes." The group has also recognized the other end of the spectrum, calling the recording experience tiring, tough and grueling. "We're a live band." said Mike Walk er. the band's Hammond B-3 and piano player. "In the studio, the whole men tality is different. "On stage, you try new things and take r fiances, but in the studio you can't do that.” he said. The group has been in the studio since the beginning of November and will wrap up tin: whole project at the end of January after taking a month off in the middle to tour the Rocky Moun tain area. The cassettes and compact disks, when they hit the stores, will tell the whole musical story In the lieginning, the band called it self Help on the Way. Within the lirst year, it had a earned itselt a gig at Tay lor's. lost a member, gained a member. and changed names. "Taylor's always gets credit for giv ing us a chance." said Phil White, drummer, "even though four of the five of us were only 18 years old." "We were the Wednesday bar band at Taylor’s." said Ben Sturgill, guitar and vocals. Because Taylor's opened its doors for Help on the Way. it’s only fitting that Taylor's was an inspiration on other lev els as well. "We were sitting outside the bar on the sidewalk making posters for our show, and wo said ‘Ok. fine, we’ll do it.’ " Coey said. From that moment on. the band became known .is Nine Hays Wonder, and the group started gaining fans all over Eugene. "We were pretty much an instant hit in the college community." said Peter Bach, guitar and vocals. "People wore looking for a hand they could relate to." Nine Days Wonder spent the next few years impressing audiences in Eugene and Portland, and then split for a year in 1985. With the break, the mem tiers weren't sure it they would ever get hai k together. Luckily for their tans, they did In 1986 they reunited, started finetun ing their style and started to practice se riously. Then, last summer, the hand fi nally stopped out of the Eu gene Portland area and hooked dates through the Rockies and into Colorado and t huh. Now the group has a reputation across the country for its indescribable sound And with dates booked all the wav through March, it shows. "We have a fresh, original West Coast sound," White said. "I'm talking origi nal rock 'n’ roll .” For Coey, it’s a slightly different type of rock "We plav organic, western boo l.iH a! band Nina Days Wonder is sat lu release its first album in ManJi. gin rock." hi? said Hut, Bach said. the music contains an even larger conglomeration of sounds "Them's an element of country it* it." he said, "but its not tvvangy. It's more folk "Basically vve start out at urban folk and then move up to in-your hu e psychedelic tarns." Sturgill said "We're very dvnamit So it’s a veritable melting pot of musi cal genres Hut there's even more to it than that "Our music is honest," H.h It said, ex plaining the psvr fiologii .il end of their music "It's not p m on Sundav Ad mission is free MONDAY. I)KC t Krause (iallery will open a photographs and s< ulpture exhibit featuring the works of I'niversits students Krishna kasse bautn and Devin field A free puhlii re (option will open the exhibit from 7-0 p m in tlic gallery. Room 101 in I riMict* II.ill The gallery is open from 0 a m to 1 4a p in Monday through In day I Im exhibit will run through Dei 7 wkdnksday. 1)K<: :> KMl! Winter Crafl Fair opens today and runs through tomorrow in the KMl s l ir Room from It) a m to 5 to pm The lair will feature local artists with unique liaiiih rafted items free hot apple i itler w ill !><• served and admission is free I'niversitv Museum ol \alural History II.HI I K. tilth Ave wilt open .in exhilu (uni nf lurd nests .mil eggs from various h.itnl.ils in Oregon The museum is open from iiiimi in "i Wednesday through Sun dav .uni a $1 donation is suggested Ken liabhs author of On the Hus will lie in the I'AII "s Hen l.inder Koom at ~ anil I p m lor liouksigning Admission is Irel and copies ot the honk will lie avuilahlf fur purchase /Conlih I- / I Xiinr tvmplrlr hifr on promtsin /cr /«■./ sm-ii v Students! $15.00 off Eye Exam with Student I.D. Card rainbow optics tttx I 11th Aw t*fH* bl«H k from l of O I rw parking tn Kick ^44 4444 fours M I Mam ’pm so H»im 5pm C )KKKH KXIMKHS M <0 mu r FABULOUS FUN FOR EVERYONE! •Indoor Miniature Golf *Snack Bar •Video Games, Pinball 'Group Rates, Parties Poo I Tables_• O u i k bhoi BasKeit>.u i Try Us Today! FREE One free game ot miniature golt with the purchase ot a regular game ADULT $1.75 CHILD $1.00 Putt ViJeo (jj ■ 726 9664 Open 7 Days a Weak Only 10 minutes (torn U ol O 1300 Mohawk Blvd. Mohawk Shopping Center txpires ii/ju/su 'VJlP Genuine Draft DOUBLE TEE PRESENTS F®* (Jenu irte' Draft MIDNIGHT STROLL TOUR I I I BAND 1 /1\)Utrinu THE MEMPHIS HORNS WITH SPECIAl GUEST LLOYD JONES STRUGGLE December 11 L$ Hull Center $18 00, $19 00 Reserved irnuittr Urm/t MZJlZlm Ttckeh at an Huit C©nt©i outlet* coil 66 7 SOOO Sutnect to *©rv»c • choice ond 01 u»#f t«M» SPECIALS Nov. 29-Dec. 12 SURATATOFU.km. i 29 < ,m!' S.lfi* # (V V LAUNDRY DETERGENT. HI < I I '•*> 4 SI IH K.1 ? 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Adult Holiday Gifts I # Games ^Greeting Cards * Novelties Open Daily 1 ucsilas Salurdu) 24 hours Sund.i> .V Mond.is X a m 12 p m 1124 Main 726-7104