Gifts that Kenny G Gravity fufythmics Use JOCKEY l COMMUNITY Panel criticizes gulf involvement R»»p. Prinr DeKazio By Brian Bloch Emeraid Recover A panel of experts at a Ku gene town meeting criticized the United State's military in volvement in the Persian Gulf and warned that a war against lra<| could bring a reinstate ment of the draft Decision Research executive Steve (ohnson said the selective serve e system, although it has not lieen used since 1*172. "is in plat e. and it is ready to go." should Congress decide its use is net essarv "Where Your lame is uur Kitcnen STUDENT SPECIAL Two Complete Dinners For Only... Choice of: Shrimp & Chicken or NY Steak & Chic ken REG. S2S • No Substitutions • Expires 12/6/90 SUSHI AVAILABLE Dinners Tue-Sun From 5:00 343-8483 2645 Willamette Parking Available In Rear I o o “O O INITIATION ’91 Place you' Otoe's now lot special gifts fo> you' little Sis oi Bro and we ii have !hem ready when you relurn in January * Sewn on Letter Sweats * Brass Pin Boxes * Acrylic Boxes With Crests * Paddles * Lavaliers * Engraved Discs and Charms Queen) 344*3439 CAMPUS 'COWI ( I l<)\ 720 E. 13th (next lo Dan ( omnuuWr • • Vrihr • SUr • Sntll (,riiifird KrUilrr AT 2HB/12 IM expandable to 4M *1.2 Floppy Drive • 40M Hard Drive • Ports: 2S. IP. 1G • 101 Keyboard • 3.3 DOS & Mouse • Video Controller • $995.00 • Monitor: Cost + 10% 135 \. 5th. Springfield 726-8500«Fax service available immsmi u iiii’iiiihti ui uir c.u* gene draft board, also said there are no draft deferments for male college students. e\ ( opt for those who will be grad uating within one term of draft notification. In that case, mili tary service would be deferred until after graduation. In addition, (ohnson said the government now allows draft appeals only 15 days after noti fication. greatly limiting the time period draftees can apply lor deferment Rep Peter DeFazio criticized the government’s speedy deci sion to deploy U S. troops in the gulf .ind (piestioned Presi dent Hush’s long term goals for the area. "It makes absolutely no sense to deploy massive I S troops in that area." DeFazio said. "The president has yet to communit ate any ot his goals in the gulf Delazio stronglv advocated the continuation of economic sanctions against Irarj and said he would continue to lobby in Congress lor a peaceful end to the crisis. "The sane lions can work it we give them time to work, but the president doesn’t seem w illing to do that." he said "I think we would win as a peo ple. and we would will .is peacemakers, not as war-mak ers And that’s not a bad wav to win." Ke\ |oe Wood. Kugene vicar of the Roman Catholii Church, said bishops Irnui throughout the country have expressed then anti-wai views in a letter to the president "It is a question whethei any war ( an be moral because ol its human losses." Wood said. Alii I1 kinberg said American lew s have ’deep coin eras about the Middle Fast." and Turn to GULF. Page 13 School of MUSIC THIS WEEKEND at BEALL HALL: 961 E. 18th Ave. OREGON JAZZ CELEBRATION Marcus Roberts Quintet Fri., Nov. 30 7 p.m. $12 General Admission Peter Erskine, drummer Sat, Dec. 1 7 p.m. $12 General Admission CAMPUS BAND Student Ensemble Sun., Dec. 2 8 p.m. FREE Admission For more information, call: 346-3761 (Music School)