Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    /children’s Saturday
Kids love this
latest book by
Ken' Kesey as
read by Tony
SAT., DEC. 1 12-1 PM AGES 3-8|
Countless years ago
Upon an Emerald island of green
An altar of timeless sacrifice
Whose light could not be seen
Poison to be ingested, yet survived
Vindication at the last
The Curia comes dressed in red
Fear is the future lost to the past
Dedicated to my grandfather Joseph Chester Kime
(Kime and Bonebrake. J.C & E K photographers. Ak
ron ) He bought his wife Margaret "Peg" C Martin
Kime. a high school classmate of John S Knight of
Knight Ridder, a Willys Knight with mohair seats (its
namesake W J Willy died with Joseph Patrick Ken
nedy Jr in 1944 Joe Jr's sister Kick's husband Wil
liam. Marquess of Hartington. also died that year (Kick
died in '48.)) He died of alcoholism in 1944 (2(2) leaving
3 children Joseph, Janet and William (of DePere Wl
and salesman for Employers Insurance of Wausau
(dec d 86 ))
Also to W E Wright (son of Christina Eichenberger)
who helped his brother C Nelson, whose son Richard
B . a graduate of Cal Tech and Wharton, was born
10(16/28, found Wright Tool & Forge Co in Barberton
OH in 1927 before his sudden death on 11(18/29 (He
died intestate ) His distinctive signature appears on
the articles of incorporation, although he supenm
posed the E " atop the W of his initials (The other
example I ve seen of his signature had them separate )
Nelson died Easter Sunday. 1972 His housekeeper
Avon Yoho a large woman whose husband had left her
with no word as to his whereabouts, found him repeat
edly slamming his dresser after suffering a stroke Af
ter being driven around awhile, he was admitted to the
Cleveland Clinic that evening Finally, ten months later
we stopped at St Thomas Medical Center, to which he
had been moved after Easter services and he was
Also to the shipboard romance between Bridget
Murphy and Patrick Kennedy They arrived in Boston in
1849, leaving behind a land scarred by the widespread
famine and death carved by a disease that left, fresh
ly dug potatoes turned rotten in hours, decaying into a
gelatinous black ooze with a putrescent smell. The
Kennedys: An American Drama by Peter Collier and
David Horowitz, p 8 Warner paperback (Consumption
was. of course, impossible ) This very interesting book
goes on to describe their having 3 girls and on
11/14/1858 a son: Patrick Joseph On 11/22 of that year.
Patrick Kennedy died of cholera leaving no portraits or
Please see my ads in the 6/22/90 Cleveland Plain
Dealer; 11/9/90 Emerald, (Umv of OR) Michigan Daily.
Nebraskan (Lincoln). Cardinal (Madison. Wl); 11/16/90
OH State Lantern, Univ of AL Crimson & White the
California Tech, Univ of MA Collegiate: 11/30/90 Times
of London Always remember Alice Cooper s Billion
Dollar Babies" and watch out for spiders!
Richard Bruce Wright. II
b Aug 31, 1960, c 9am, Akron
Need A Poster Made?
Photo bv S«*4n Poxton
Members of the Self Defense for Women class practice physical defense, which is just one of the
many leihniques taught by instructor Nadia Telsey.
Women leam self-defense plans
By Cathy Peterson
Emerald Reporter
"I'm intuitive strong and tie
serve to live in .1 six iety w hit It
is s.ife ill a 11 tunes
"I have the Iinllt to lie 111
Uuvreiue Hall or any"here I
want at -t a in
"I t an talk almiil rape when
ever I w ant to "
"I'm fearless
The voites ol the 17 women
in Nadia Telsey's Sell Defense
lor Women t lass an- varied, hut
the message is often the same:
Women deserve to he safe in
any situation.
"The 1 lass has made me so
much stronger." \lar\ Ager
savs "I walk alone at night I
know I'm strong
Telsev savs self-defense is
more than knowing how to
break an attacker's t hoke-hold
In addition to the phvsical self
defense overt isos students role
play anti practice assertiveness.
as well .is share experiences
with each oilier
"I want lu increase the safely
of the women in nn class.”
Telsev savs ‘ 'Self-detense is
not simple good instruction
will offer increased options
skills, and information to help
people avoid assault
The c lass, whit h is free to
students, is being taught this
quarter though Innovative Kdu
cation. The Unwanted Sexual
Attention Task Force provided
Si.r»0(l for the course, but the
funds aren't available tor an
other term
A group of class members
plans to meet with President
Myles Brand next week to dis
i uss funding for the class.
Telsev moved from New
York (lily nine years ago.
where she ran a women's mar
tial arts school and anti-vio
lent e center She's been in
volved with the anti-rape
movement since the early
Engine Service
1000 S Bertelsen Rd 18 Eugene OR 97402
One Bloch Worth of W 1 Mh Nolan Ind Pla/a
Special1 ::ng m Volkswagon Service For 32 years
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1970s and worked at the Hu
gone Kape (Crisis Network for
five years
Violence against women is a
hate crime. Telsey says, and as
sault runs on a i ontinuum from
an unwanted stare to an actual
She also teaches her class
how to deal with assaults from
acquaintances, whether they lie
the family dot tor or a family
member Mam of the women
who take classes from Telsey
have been assaulted by stran
gers or acquaintances, she says
During role playing, t lass
members lake turns being the
attai ker and the defendant The
situations range from a persist
ent stranger asking lor the time
to a professor touching a stu
dent inappropriately after t lass
Telsey urges the class to make
eve contact, speak slowlv and
be assertive "No 'pleases' and
'()ks.' she tells the class.
Turn to DEFENSE. Page 13
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