UNIVERSITY Disarmament group meets today MKKTIXCS Student Campaign lor Disar mament will hold ,1 meeting in p m In KMC Century Room I At tendance is required Call ,i4ti-4(ill.r> lor more information Marijuana Re-legal i/at ion group meets Sunda\ from noon to 2 p m in KMC Cedar Room I) Call 4H.r)- tf>78 Child Care Task Force meets today from I .((I lo I p m in the KMC Maple Room I .ill I4li 1724 for more information Sl’KAfsKKS AND IA I N I S "Honduras: Crisis in Nation al Identity" is the title ol a lei tore and slide presentation lo be given In John Thomas .1 member of tlit* Honduras I In m.m Rights Network todav .11 4 HI |i m in thi' I All U .limit Room MIS( Li.LANK)t S The lilth .1111111.11 \rt 1 >ts' llol* iil.n Sale will l>r held 111 .1 door-to (ItMir open house at 072 \\ Hroadwav. 117'* U wav. and 1012 U highlit Ave I’lte sale will be belli at the houses from to 0 p m todav and It) a 111 to t> p m Saturdav and Sunda\ "Roses in Dei ember" w ill be shown at the Newman Center 1 Hot) Lmerald St Stindav at 2 p m to commemorate the loth anniversan of the murder of four I S missionarv women in Id Salvador International Coflee Hour will be held todav from 4 to ii to p in in the IAU Interna lional Lounge free coffee and tea is available l or more odor matiou 1 all I-In -I 187 Marijuana Information fable will be in the i:\ll' I obln from 0 a 111 to I p m todav llible studv and worship will be held tonight at 7 in Room 1 -it* Straub I he event is spoil sored hv Active Christians Ink mg a Stand. u ho 1 an lie lift I .It Hli * J J 1 '(inti's Omnipotent.)* What Does it Mean?" is tin- li tIt- til ,i roundtable disc ussion In In' ht'itl tod.n nl t2‘ to j> in in I Alt ( niton Kimm H I nr more information. call Kestora lion Campus \Iinistr> at .14 t I'M » Millet's Shahhnt Mill lie held at K.iiilu Kalian's home lonighl at 7 ( all I t t tt'l.’t) for the lot a lion An advent tvs11■ v:hI retreat will he held tonight from l> lo ‘i III |> m al the New I 'en lei ItCill Imrrald Si \ Ily*lit supper will In' srr\ ed An atl vent (onterl will he giieii Sal urtlav niglil al " Id al the ■ en ler I nr more information t all 111 7(1? I De.itlline lot snhnnltini; I I a/s to the I nierald front t/osi l'\ll Snite llti) is noon the il.n he/ore inihlit ntion Hi a/s run the '< lu'tluletl ne.irest the fniblit .itron tl.ile nill he givt 'll fniont \ I he I’m trraltl re series the nuht lo t'tlil note i s tor g'ninnim .nul sl\ It• APARTHEID Continued from Page 1 g r (i ii p s is m (X) Complete position iIi m tiptlons and applic .ilions < .in be ob t.lined Irom the ASI.IO In suite » ol the I'It limn H.OOam 5:00pm Applir .itions must Im submitted no later Hum '1ond.iv December ^ 1990 .it 5.00pm The ASl'O is .111 Affirmative Ai lion tqual Opportunity Employer Women people ol color gays and lesbians and dillerently abled students .lie eiuoui aejed to apply WINTER CRAFT F A I Rf Don't Buy Another Gift until you check out The I.:MU Winter Craft Fair 1 MU lir Room Wednesday A: Ihursday. IVcemher 5& (> _10:00 am - 5:30 pin_ Live Music! Free Cider! Fantastic Gifts! yviwifcJ ihe I Ml Oatt ( Voter A (Ik l iillurj! I''turn I -i inltirnulu>n ijll Uh-ltyil Oregon DAILY EMERALD i' •» u. , i - ■ i Cl I ** \ th»* i f fM-MH M -day through Ft-dUy • •{■? t ifnq e«am week and vacations by the OfCQon Daily Emerald Pubushmg Co it the University of Oregon. tuy»'afed !*»»e by law Managmy t cfltor Editor Politics f.efitor Graphics f ditor In Touch Editor Associate t ditor* Community i . Student Government/Activities ,it?t., Highei E dot ation Administration Peter « features M.v , «. •*’ Reporters Tammy Haley Jake Berg Brian Hi«>i:h Mime Ok Can Carrie Oriinull < affi» Pei*- -.on M ny HtM.jH.toe-> June Russell Darai/n Tnappe Bob Wade Rot* Oft Weber Photographer to- f,i Andre Hameri Advertising Kevin Au^li-'-iunn Mark f e * (letter Kathy f - ? ?? Mu ? ae i* if He ►, Moi* Mu fn-i Knapp Jenmffv h > .fa N ole le V , ► 1 Kr' M* H Jr- Slept i- m ».| -.If, Man a Nr AM I in l • -a Richm.m Mary t derson Kathy Sm*ih Knsti Strother Classified r.-i , U M- ’ a j. . Mad i >*-f ? -( *•' Business ■ . ■ i hat• Jody • . Production • .-fer A- fie* Hat? , Had Mia Bede T -> H • .*. off A . Cam in Lotus Child Cansl Dopp Jim Finch Corme Prior Yvette (jilt Susan Ml- Id Jr- '*■• Mwey ilH'J. Kiaa .iatl Sheila l Jin M.r. A- >a RemfH'Ou Ds,ii Hov. Jean Smuh ha* Jonnde* South Anne Stephenson. Jennifer Thom.r. Mon Walker Imjnd White Todd Williams Geneiai Staff General Manage* Advertising Director • r> Classified Manager Pe ; jy M Gi"" Production Manager M . H Advertising Coordinator * nt i ■ Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 346 5511 Classified Advertising 346 4343 Display Advertising 346 3/12 Production Graphic Services 346 4361 Editor Ah. Wheel"• .hristophor fitair Rob Ward Jt «• Kidd Sean Poston Anna RomtHnki News E ditor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Night Editor Chris Bountdf Pal Mil i h Ashie> Conklin Lay*'" l .tkrhsh .athnruu; Maw ley THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON ACE MARiLCS INC. —, fs-r' Misunderstanding his employees screams of Simmons has lost his marbles," Mr Wagner bursts from his office for the last time