Continued from previous pege... Kristine l.esln KC'i Delute Prralucts hcadwork, knitting. prtmuMi instruments. organic herbs. etc »cvi uk i.2.m.' Pamela Mekulskl-sierlmg jcwelis wuh glass ami ilav lx-ads panhssmk clothing «l2b wk I,..1.4,5 Paul Moon Mmmwiaal A Ms Muse i.used ssiaai Hems (lish. bird housesi. lahnt dolls. scarves, rugs «( :s wk 1.2 *1IW wk 1.4 Sunns Sine No u Cakaxnrks jewelry/ senu precious stones enamels A wmal drums, glass, lesides »24 »k 2.4.4.' (•inger Kuiu Memories Its Kaia pins and Ixilos, paper jewelry. potlcrv. ssallhangmgs. falls, rti • I 4S »k 2.1.4 Daniel Knlh Spirals (H I ight lie dye I shirts, dresses, slothing, hradwork. oils balms, plavttiHigh rrx vsk Sue I brolass lasendei Moon-natural iabrn bags A pouches, catnip mat. sashes, intense balls, lipis «K'2X vsk 1.2. >4.' Hubert \ anderpmd lto|usan ( rcobmis knits*air. towel ratks i(«hnci. wo«ni carvings •77 wk 1.2. '.4.5 Tool Woods Mother ’s lose crocheted baby sweaters seis A afghans stulfed animals A dolls as*. vsk 1.2, M.5 J l_ TOYS Nuth Benson link teddy hears. bunnies, cats ft" am) under, some dre'Vil At smiley fates #03 *k 2,3.4 Sharon Carlyle The IX»II Ham stuffed animals. dolls. hears, etc . dressmaking •47 uk 1.2,3.4,5 Martha I hr 1st man 11 tends Soft Sculpture soft m ulpturr pop-up doll*, other assorted stuffed items #22 *k 2,3.4 Carol llrfa/io ihildren's drrssup costumes (superhero am) fantasy capesj mink) toys •4K *k 1,2,3.4.3 Mark Tenter Mark f enter Toy IShi (Htord cedar fishing boats. col letters toys, trucks, gifts »s: Mk,5 Terry t.allihcr Creatures. Iik latex rubber hand and linger puppets, latex statues #14 Mk #22 mk Herd limy Hying Clipper leathers foothags. juggle hulls. twiddle sticks, pins (new for I •72 vsk 1.2.3,4.3 Mindy Kirk Matson IK* IVupcc slutted animals. um\ hunntes. fun stuff • 106 Mk 1.2,3.4.3 Ihomn Smith Kang'imth Aerodynamic Toy' handcrafted boomerang' original decigm for novice and erperl *47 »k IJ.4.4.5 WOOD Peter Vmrs Myra Junction Makers haultMNxl serving spoons. ami Imk oriented item* tf.U wk 2.M.5 4 iird \nnr Berg Oregon Pine 1 me pine bookcase*. toy** furniture. special utifci* • 118 wk I.2A4.5 t raig Butler Passing (loud* steamboat plant hanger*, earring*. clock*, turned piece* • I Ml wk 2A4.5 Lluyd ( arler I ktyd’s Woodworking item* of oak household accessories #1.19 wk 1.2.3,4.5 Scott t»ieli*ti Intarsia Wood Siulpturc wood sculpture. bur I wood clock*, desk *et*. name* awI animal* #95 wk 5 Jerry Mill * hi Wren's rockers with cushion*. »kdf rocket*, bird houxes/feedrt* #45 wk 12 #129 wk 5 Kick Hinton lamest Lf forts hand *aw wood hoses, vases. puzzle* and marquetry • I U wk I , Mike llupke llupkc Woodcraft turned bowls A hose*, picture frame*, mirror*, boomerang*. carving* #61 wk I arry Kjorne* Aubrey Mountain fable* folding fable*. wk l , kkhard Stanek Creative Rhythm* wooden tone drum* • 124 wk I ina WelK Noteworthy Musie/Prev* small hand-fie Id harps and door harp*, sheet music, boti*. children's booklet* •62 wk Norman Wright Norm’s Wood Shop lawn c hairs, toys, peghwudv slotted hmcv bookcases »K0 Ml wk I no /ammarrtli Rising Sun Designs finely crofted jewelry hmcv clocks. Japanese screens •K* wk S OTHER/MISCELLANEOUS Dumrl Xllen A touch of (irate angels ami other enlightening forms of in sm rational sculpturrs made of fine po • O Mk I Sharre Herman nohlc fir wreaths decorated with prrsersed foliage and gathered materials »< 49 wk 23 leddv Pets herbal pci pros hats #46 wk 1.2.'.4 A Dannv Haworth I rum ( hir I ami Nature Crafts artist conk etchings (tree mushrooms) pen A mk drawings • I 4| wK Dru McCarthy Christmas needlecraft quilted wall hangings, ornaments, decorations, stenciling • 49 ssk I Janeice Scofield I Daman iVsigns egg folk art dyed egg decorating I'kiatuan also American Indian painted designs • 17 wk 1.2.4 4 Jo Ann Siner Hutton I actors c ustorn madc/do it yourvell badges (buttons) and painted rocks • (2 Mk 2.4.5 Jayne Swenson Starrs Nights guilts, hahs (ftnIts. stuffed animals unicorns, rabbits, hears • ?H Mk I Marlene \aradv ( rest Massage Center Im massage Wheeler North Hove*. Mk 1.2.4,43 I inda Williams Mariposa enterprises plants ami flowers •26 Mk 1.2.4,43 Xrnold Hadtrn Arnold 3 Gems holo ties, earrings, pendants, cabs, be It buckles • 79 Mk 1.23.43 ( onnie Bender tarot reader •62 Mk 1.23.43 kobli Hoknh Robb's Pillow furniture childrens pillow furniture adult chairs, love scats, and futons •64 Mk 1.23.43 Deborah Carson hand |vamtcd cards •02 wk 2.4,4 llenrs l essard New Roots welded copper wirr designs with glass vases lor plants or ornamentation «S9 wk X Mod I .etcher Rod l etcher Custom furniture hamltjficd solid hardwood lumtiurc •91 wk 1.43 Antonia Miami < rvsial Impressions natural unworked quart/ crystal from mt ida arkansas •CIH wk l.2,4.4 David Miller I rog s Joke Books greatest yoke hooks in the* world •46 wk 1.23.4 I im Owen Ow l s Eye Images photo notecardv matted enlargements. VtSA INTERNATIONAL FOOD COURT! Tofu Palace Toby Alves Tolu Dishes Dana’s Cheesecake Bakery Du no Huunuin Hakcd (kinds. ('heesetakes, Colfce, Decaf. Teas ami Fruil Drinks The Fudge Factory (itiMtf CoMingwoad Old Fashioned Handmade f udge Ritta’s Burritos Hi HO Drtlcl Made 10 Older, Generously Filled Burritos Bangkok Grill Suntan Harnsongkram Thai Specialties Lulu’s Smoothies l Torres! Mtthmrll All Natural Fresh Fruit Smoothie ami Cooler India House Sfhastion Mriiuiloih Chicken & Vegetable Curry. Thrtpthi, Pan Fried Nmidles. Tea The Whole Enchilada YuliinJu Pilule Enchiladas. Rice and Beans. Nachos. Coffee Renaissance Pizza Jtwei Rotenhent Cheese, Black Olive. Mushroom and Pcppcroni Pi/ya Afghani Shishkabob Ghafoor Sardar Afghani Cuisine Edible Improv David Sommerviik Crepes and Cookies Cart DeFrisco Kil Tungtnmyjila Chicken On A Stick and Sandwiches Helen’s Bagels Helen Totson Baked Goods, Homemade Rootbecr. Battels and Hoi Drinks Family Homesteader Jan 7 rulen Lemonade and Fruit Drinks =J paint m^v imturcstupcs *iin »k i «H7 »k * Knuntni I’agliaro Pag Hag cuetom lealhet jih! *ama* hag* anil hat k. pa* k * duffel*. I .nun pat I* s «142 wk I.2..M.5 I oui*e i’avhrlkr Sky vtork* mending utiHhe*». Itiy parachute* for action figure* #C2I »k I.2..M.5 I Isrltr Scaroy Creative I.father hv It** ha* k gammon hoanlv. halter*. hag*, othet leather pmduct* #40 »k 2..V4 Ihiug Sigler I **e* HivmIv. nvk crystal* gathered mineral*, ft***d*. teicelry vtonc [Hep. display stand*, lapidary #102 »k I.2.M.5 tiraham Smith Aperture* kke*l iH*nh**r*t land** ape .11 hI vuldhtc photo* #V» **k I.2J.4.S llrbra Vtnnnr I’ipe Song* t tone witHkhime* w/X pipe* # W v*k 4.4..A Bring a can of food along... When you come to Holiday Market bring a can of food along. Barrels will he located at all entrances and donations will he given to homeless families. 1 3th Ave. Poll) Killer Massage Corner Wheeler Pavilion Courtyard V Outdoor Food Court Tables Sundance Courtyard Stage Free Parking Free Parking V , Handicap Parking #M) Bcnckon <>i West lllhl Bus Stop Auditorium riT 1 *n.* 15' I -1 I=LI info 1*1 ' S '-r ‘-'"I J^r j*0 Audit. Stage ri’i 2 2 I-C lx: gjB, l-c ^-c' W' 2 2 lx: lj= !s!§! 2 2, lx: lx: i-t ••t". '4 1 vr.1 •C L IWWW 5TV Food Court Tables 64 thru 67 1 i fill thru •Totally Wheelchair Accessible •Bicycle Parking Available •Free Auto and Camper Parking •Served by LTD Bus Lines #30 & #32