HOLIDAY MARKET ROSTER OF CRAFTSPERSONS ARTWORK PAINTINGS,SKETCHES Martha Brown portraits in pencil •C34 ssk I*2.3,4,5 Stacie Kdwards calligraphy prints, handpainted stationers. cards, els #10? ssit I.2.3,4 lay Hetcher original paintings on canvas. sasss, ceramic vsindhells. conks #<>| vsk 2.3 Kllen (iabehart Creative Watercolors original paintings scenic stationary #112 ss k 2.3.4 Tinker Hammer -Sundance Studio-oil & ssatcrtolor paintings. lithograph/prints # 10K ssk 1.2 #105 ssk I Marie Keivl.eglatin -Fantascapes printmaking llnho. etching) and drassmgs #3d ss k 2 #36 «s k 5 Sandra Moore Karih Celebrations! wildlife stationer), (sainted drinking mugs and glasses, leather cat toys #003 ssk,5 l .eslie Newcomer Terra Nova Trading Co.-original paintings ssith cats in mystical settings: pins and magnets #122 ssk I. Sydney Koark Sydney Roark Publications miniature pen and ink drawings ss/ssatercolor/linuted edition prints #71 ssk 1.2.3,4.5 Michael Kogan Kogan Illustration & Design-original prints and woatereolorv. limited edition prints #135 wkl BEADWORK l>on Addison Native American Be ad work headed keychains, earrings, knives, lighter rovers & hatbands *76 v>k I. Itarbi Benry-bcadwork earrings and ornaments #24 wk I Julia t ohen beaded harettes #137 wk t 'arid Kurtis The Beaded Ibagon headed earrings #42 wk I m. M) «k Jennifer Lainpe *40 Ilk,5 Michele Rose I teasure use smallest glass heads, gemstones for other jewelry *117 uk Craig Sonneborn I larlrqum Beads & Jewelry-custom be ad n or k & repair, handcrafted beads, amber heads, carvings *121 vik 2.4,4 BASKETRY Debra Curtis I isket Iaskrt Baskets handcrafted baskets ol all types *140 vek I Rases Newton handvniveii pine needle and raffia baskets *47 wk Jan Parker handmade natural baskets, quilled pillow covers *100 wk I Lynda V4olfenliarger Lynda Did It baskets made ol dyed reed and sea grass *140 wk I CANDLES Julie DeYoung Blur Heron Candles carved A inlaid nature scene rrfillahlr glow candles #K4 wk 2.4 #04 wk 4 (ill Dunaway Small World C andles landvcapr quality layered candles #66 wk 1 Linda I essner Canterbury Candles hand-dipped & poured and candles potted plants, mosaics #07 wk Andrew l ower agati/ed glow candles #66 wk 2,4,4,4 CERAMICS, POTTERY Rim Allen Characters In Clay creative and functional pottery with character laces, mugs, gohlrts. etc #44 wk Ciary Becker ceramic jewelry , hollies, ami pottery #57 wk 1.2,4.4,5 Dan Berggren Triple Tree Studio pottery sc ulptures of castles, cottages, clay people, banks #5H wk 1.2,4.4 Michele Bodner Heirloom Masterpieces strawberry painted pottery, splatter ware amt gla/cd pieces #41 wk Janan Dean -functional pottery #74 wk 1.5,4.5 Anne Ihimblelon thrown and lunctional high fired stonewarr pottery decorated w/ glares and stains #62 wk I. Althea (•lines #10.4 wk $ Bub llaley reduction fired stoneware functional #127 wk fill Harrison #04 wk 4.5 Rurhiirii Iriinr porcelain pollen, earrings. quilted wall piece. ami pillows •71 wk 1.2. V4.' \les I unham hljt k w air (Hitters •C47 wk 1.2. ».4..' Jackie I arson l arson s Stoneware functional porcelain pottrryAionrwarr #61 wk I.2.3.4.' Mark I .arson Wolf Creek Ceramics ceramic talking ami dumheik drums •f.W wk Prlrr Meyer functional ami tlecoranse pottery »7X ilk 3.4..' l>. Cecile Plaisled Kimlrril Spirits porcelain jewelry. ami functional art w ith nature theme *136 wk I.2.3.4.' Michael Kedwine functional handmade stoneware potters *121 wk 1,3 Diane Sandall Haywealif Studio unique handtomied colored porcelain dinnerware/serving pieces *1*1 wk 1,2.1.4..' Maria Serrot I’orcclam Chimes ami Potters handpainlcd procelain chimes, earrings, pins, tile plaques. (Hiltcry #" wk 1,2.3,4.' I.aura Winklehlack Ituck Creek Pottery functional stone pottery hamlpuiiited. high fired *4' wk 1.4,' CLOTHING, BATIK Michele Antico Small Planet Batik Works batik moon/star long Johns sets, leggings, many ilciigm in adult A children’s #27 wk 1.4.5 Brian llcatcr Cedar Springs lesnlcs batik hoops. cards, vs allhangings, linens • 147 vs k 1.2,3.4 Jcllictr Arte-Stcphcn Oppcnhctmer vs axed. dyed, patterned batik c lothing inlant thru adult 2x Irg #42 wk CLOTHING, HAND PAINTED < athy < laussenius original design shirts, sweats, and dresses tor women and children #11 b wk Natalie Cioff Natalie handpainlcd scarves, neckties, buttons, ornaments #115 wk 1,2.3.4,5 David* (iordon l)ev a Designs airbrusbed shirts w/antique lace, earrings of Chinese coins #40 wk I #< U wk Denise Kestrr-haml painted shirts and mono prints #42 wk I Rebecca Pearson Splataix handpaintrd canvas shoes. boots, visors, straw hats *1 15 wk 2.1,4 l eresa l*il/rr I Iceting Images Designs dyed t shirts w/handfuintcd designs, silverware wmdchimcs #H4> wk U.3,4.5 < bristle Slober haru.1 {vaulted oik* ol a kind t shirts, sweat shirts, silk scarves, wearable art #S‘> wk I #C0K wk 2,3.4 #107 wk 5 t.eri Scofield treasure stunning ultra suede applique sweatshirts, pants and cardigans •X* wk I CLOTHING, PRINTED Mark- Hlnrn Small Ialk Designs silkscreen shirts «m wk 1.2..M.5 Marilyn llalsinan llalsman Design-, scrcenpnnting an I a hoc and papet fabric marbling a 140 wk 2.M.5 Diane McWhorter fTbcrgraphtcs scrreuprmtrd I shirrs with nature ihcmcs dish lies, slugs) fractals *17 wk I.2.4,4.' Jim Wallace (ierdas f'rintwcar Scandinavian art silkcreened an c lathing, sheeting, .uni totes ■ IDS vsk I *74 wk 2 »I0H wk 5 Shelli Wicklund-Miller Wicklund Designs silk screen printed Klll't Lallan clothing lor all ages *40 wk CLOTHING, TIE DYED levana kppletree linghl Promise lie dyed clothing in all si/rs and styles, hahy items adult rK td wk Mindy Brads Sea Pristine Creations ne dyed clothing, nail hangings, socks, etc #50 wk 2.4.4 Klise t'orin tie dyed t's. underwear, tliemials. special orders (K 2h wk I, Shary ( rocker Trappings adult A; childrens clothing, pastel tie dye. hand sewn clothing, crocheted hats *41 wk ( anil (iray and Steve DeMcritt faithful Rose brilliant tie dyed clothing for the whole family #20 wk How to use your craftsperson directory: ('rafter's Name-Business N ame - product desc ript ion Space # Wk Selling 1.2,3.4,5 Booth Space Number (see map on back page) Weeks Selling: wk1= Nov 23,24,25 wk2= Dec 1 & 2 wk3= Dec 8 & 9 wk4= Dec 15 & 16 wk5= Dec 22 7 23 Patrick (luMin Stack f iber Arts nc dyed clothing m man> different styles from socks to bandanas #IX wk 2.5.4.S IKimu Herrington Smiley l ace Designs flannel ami rayon he lived ami hanked dresses, he dyed shins ami pants #1 IX wk Robert I eouardis printed & he dyed clothing, beaded crystal jewelry, one of a kind butt»His *hX wk faun Parliman Radiance pastel lie dye #5| wk I Mare It richer (iolden Avatar tie dye clothing and handmade incense sinks #C20 wk 1.2.1 4.S CLOTHING, HAND SEWN Judy M. Anderson ludvjudy bugs. belts and totes, mostly cotton costumes. •U*ll/ baby clothes, pins • 104 wk Ruth Atcherson < Imidhoppcr Clothes comfortable clothing, esp roomy pants a 12b w k Rene Berry Berry Patch ISA cotton fashions tor children #41 vek Maude Krunettr fumes to (»o tapes, jackets, tunics jerkins, original designs, wool Mends, etc • IX vek 1.2 #1 15 wk 5 Britt Densford Studki I) hjndmarhlcd ami printed fabrics, hand seven, custom designs #f<> wk 2.1 Holly boy Wtldflowcr men’s, women's, children's natural fiber clothing #ox wk I Diana Gardener Darning free cotton lycra action wear, leggings, shorts, lei Hards, athletic Mas. drcsscsArli #12^ vek 1 #X4 vek 2.1.4 Anile Henry Sage Creations hand made baby and todiller betels with stretch head baiuls #105 wk 4.5 Michelle Hoff %kirts. pants, cullots women’s soft prints and solids, simple styles #C40 vek':. 1 Kit kirk MiHher Hear lycra sports citHhmg itights, swimsuits, jog Mask he dyed cliHhmg •00 vek 1.2,1.4.S Jessie McDonald Wings And Dungs original fairytail costumes #14 wk 1,2,5.4 FIBER Anand Atasa Marbled Artworks marbled ilesigns on shirts, shorts, skirts, sportswear hats, si Ik scarves. & vests #141 wk kale Baer Just Kate’s spun and knit items, oilier filler art #K4 wk I Bill Bouslaugh Pacific Crest Designs windsocks, beeswax candles •00 wk Sheila Clancy flic New Moon sundresses, pillows, children s clothing #157 wk Save Your Neck seal belt pads #<*27 wk 1, Christopher knight sewn objects, bags/ pouches/packs. c lothing tic dye. Guatemalan ird worUl textile #16 wk Barbara l.ifvchut# spun yam, small quilting, hand weaving #16 wk 1.2. 5.4 Lacy Mdver One Of a Kind handcrochclcd hats A: accessories. M*ailed jewelry, child graphics #20 wk Rva l*hilips paper mac he vases greeting cards, tie dyed socks #K6 w k 2.5.4.S Inspirations-Su/ie Ruch quilts, crib or various sizes, spccul orders, children’s telt M»ards #6S wk 5.4 Lindsey Stevens Why A Duck country stuffed animals, dolls, hears, rabbits, etc #04 wk ( hue Her Xiong hmong paiulua made into t shirts, sweat shirts, pillow cases, wall hangings #120 wk I #17 wk 5 VISA MasterCard, FLORAL Ifaivv lal'uma Ivrnint: Inv furNWi) flower lmitpxfudrv .iml picture'. iiuuhi Mr Limp' • I«» wk 4.5 I’am I indquWt ) ) Appleiedl hoInLiv green'. "*.igv eic . stuffed chmtmav tow •ni<> v>k :.»,4 Nancj Slav Mayflowers over vjnr'tK' of dried tlrmcrv. mi veil arrangements. wreaths, full'. card' MUL I (?H wk J rVK wk 5 Sandra Vhempp I rrelanc e Floral wreaths & ccnierptcces of fresh fir. pine iiW', grapevine' or myrtlewmal #>>v »k 1,2.4.4 GLASS Nano Barr) Kasen Glassworks prr\sed flower in hcsclesf glass. stained glass wmdows/rmrrofs •Ml wk I.2.1.4.A \rigIass Of Oregon wild flowers on glass. light Lilvhcn, hoses. jewelry miniature h«Hiscs wk I.2A4.A ( raig Huber (ialasy (ilass Works kalidcseopes. fabris art #1 III wk I .A #I(H wk 2 Jackie Vliller-Jackie Miller l Vsigns fused JkhroK stained glass, wire mobiles glass jewelrs #42 vsk I ( arol NrK«»n t ilas>\ I ad> samlblasicd bevels ami glass, small mirrors vs pressed flowers. glass hummingbirds »C*> vsk 1.2. M.A ( urtiss Olson Had Nmiiule Art Glass liisesl glass jutus aikl bolo ties, small dishes and boss Is. vs all ptcscs #112 vsk LA (ilass Kspressioits-I’.iula Weiland stained glass windows and ornaments #M ssk 1.2.M.S David \l inship Mobile Market fuses! glass and rrsin mobiles * IK vsk 1.4.A HERBAL PRODUCTS Cherre Conrad Xuvcra l mnwlitx moisturizer. handMKip, shampoo, perfume Oils. tlKCriHT. lUflbkH . healthy cDslltClks • 140 wk I Jack JmNr Svcm> incense, potpourri. hath salts ami soaks. 01K. iik cnvr burners Uhl wk I. knrr Kennedy Icna f irina Botanic als medicinal aiu! cosmetic hcrhal • 120 wk JEWELRY Jiorph Amor mi no (icms N Stems natural crystal earrings and pendants, coins and silver work • 101 wk I. I e ( mpnllagr shells, sterling silver and sloiK's •«*> wk 1.2.'.4.5 I’aulrftr Bkmdo Line Designs silver jewelry •70 wk Joseph Hrinlon Joseph Hrinton tk*Mgns epoxy resin pins, holos, earrings • I 14 wk hhlhr Bryant I dy H Jewelry handcrafted jewelry #25 wk Joseph (hex Silver Light creations earrings, rings, pendants in silver and gold w/gerns fabricated and cast •C25 wk 1,4.5 t.eorgr ( riles George ( riles bracelets, necklaces, earrings w/semi precious stones •Hi wk 1, Sidney DrKnma handformed porcelain head necklaces, pins, earrings, totems, incense hoUlcrs • 21 wk I | t 5 Mary hllen K.hrenrekh abstract design firno pins, potato printed t shirts •C4K wk 2.1 Alexander Lkhman crystal jewelry. incense, glass hi*ads •22 wk I #( 44 wk Clyde Ml tot I silver ami gold handcrafted jewelry •K2 wk Kaimon Franck Kryslalier crystals, sterling silver, gold, lapidary work #X7 wk 2J.4.5 James Furs! Late hull Jim s Oik* at a I unc crystals, silver, earrings, bracelets •27 wk 1.2 #14 wk S Hoot 4'ilnture silver chain, silver ami stone earrings »< tW wk I. Jackie silver, gold jewelry, perfume bottle, silver boxes •51 wk Mark JackM>n*Lolk Jewelry sterling silver and gold jewelry •69 wk Irene Jasper Jjspcr (ilass Works pins, holos. earrings. harrettes made w/clay. glass, gemstones, heads •75 wk 5 Jrrald Krenry Sima Ijchi^ enameled .iik! handpainicd jewelry #frf> wk 1.4.5 Kerry Kruefcr Creatively Yourveustom jewelry , custom cut gemstones. antique A gemstone bead jewelry • I^ wk |)ru Marchhanks Designs By I Hu sterling silver A 14k gold jewelry, gemstone headed necklaces A bracelets »t5 wk Michelle Mel*ner Sum tv hr Jewelry silver earrings, rings, bracelets, pins, pendants. w/wo gemstones • Ml wk 1.2 • 12 wk I #85 wk 4 #40 wk 5 Shelley Merello Shelley's lolkwear sterling silver and semi precious stones #44 wk 4/ifah Mohd-Cree pewter jewelry #0)7 vs k Robert Penegor All Fan Plus porcelain .md ceramic earrings #86 wk I #25 wk 2 #84 wk 5 Waramon I’ongpanil wotxJcn bead earrings #C22 wk Marie Powell Powell f ine Arts jewelry in silver and gold, stones, bead work. leather • S5 wk I indu Reel < icitisttioc Mountain Jewelry harulknotted. gemstone bead necklaces ol original design #ltiO wk \nn Reynolds Jaguar Art A Antiques etched glass fine art, (drawing painting, mued media) i shirts #1 15 wk 1, find a Smart A Mtuusand Cranes 14k gold A- sterling silver jewelry w/wo stones #26 wk I Susan Snidrr native American design ceramic jewelry, mosaics w/ties #C24 wk Marti S |>e bar Oregon Jewelry A Ornaments Works bracelets, ornaments, rings, barrettes, the Oregon bracelet #28 wk 1.2 t.4.5 Brooke Stone ethnic and mythological imagery m vast and fabricated ntetals #87 wk I #65 wk 5 Ichanan Sundstrom Moonfirr Jewelry mi sect metal jewelry with shells, heads, gemstones #49 w k 5 I h/.iln th I agrr Sand A Sage stone Ivead silver jewelry, doth pouches w/ lva»Iw ork «*k stone • I 19 wk Susan VMiitham /aim s Ceramics colored hand rolled porcelain necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and barrettes #19 wk Jeff Withert silver jewelry, earrings, some stone Ivatl earrings #5 I wk Atari /ukin Blue River Jewelers sterling silver and semi previous gemstone jewelry #126 wk MIXED MEDIA Bettie Armstrong soft goods, Amish d. handmade clothing • 40 wk 4.43 Peter Ciampaoli Silver Silica Co. vast ami fabricated jewelry, banked clothing, statuarv #129 wk 2.V4 Kvehn llunnicult clothing, hair wraps. weaving. .40 min astrologv readings #I2K wk Richard Hunt affordable earrings. bracelets, and necklaces, weavings, ami bairwraps #I2X wk Mark Keefer Victor Ci lavs works Marys Playdo fused glass jewelry and homemade play dough #107 wk 1.23.4 Continued on next page...