HOLIDAY MARKET DAILY ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULE THANKSGIVING WEEKEND FRIDAY NOVEMBER 23 10 15 TWO tiATHKK NUkhcd ac onsite guitars am) harmonic vocals Auditorium 10 M) DAVID HI 1.1 AND I oik harp and mamkxcllo original composition* by this prolific tunc writer who also plays with Mythic Sky. \Ahtrler 11 30 CLAIR COINER Singer ami storyteller who hold* the attention span of the youngest with fun ami challcng ing sing a longs Autithmum 12 00 TWO GATHER See 10 15. Wheeler 12 30 SKIP JONES Sl HENRY VEST1NE Keyhoardtvi singer hlcmls with lead guitar for maximum blues experience Sundam r ( <>un\utd 12 45 EUGENE WALIXIRE SC‘HCXX. Advanced youngsters share tfieir musktl talents under the direction of line Miller Authhmum 1 45 MOOSE PANTONETTE BAND A benefit performance by this group of seniors who donate their efforts to those in need W Herlft 2 CM) YO VINNII Dame music which spans Sixties to Nineties lunk sound and College Rock Sumkitu r ('• tut tut id 2 IS OASIS I ight roc k duet with the versatility to manage vocal harmonics keyboard and guitar with easy stage presence Amhionum \ \S Dl HKA YVOSM Piano talent and stirnng voc als which ende ared Debra to tin* Holiday Market audience so greatly last year Whrrlrr I I'' MOOSI PANTONI m BANDiSce I 45) Smith*mm 4 45 OASIS (See 2 I5> W hrrln 5 M( ilf! M< »R IIMER < kwd mhiih! rock’n'roll with sav>ph<*nc leads by Mars Sue Tohm SuntLim r ( imriutrd 2 \< AVIRN KALI MAN Avery sings contemporary and traditional folk and blues musk accompanied bs guitar AmitUmum ^ I S /I IMO R Harp mandolin. drum and duU finer instrumentals provide batk ground to carols ami ( Vlhc musk H hrrlei i 4^ ( ROW S M SI .See I 4S» Audi librium 4 4^ AVI R^ KAt EM AN rr to hold the attention of the little jtcopk- ami make them smile Aihhu>ttum 12 00 AH>1 IA tSce 10 15) U/iee/rr I2 VI BOP GIRL CiOfiS CALYPSO Two talented stouten vtith an early rock'n'roll sound ami total I > up to ilate lyrics S MU tilth t CiHOtUllJ i:4S BRIAN ( t IT-AN iSee 10 VO Auditorium I 4S I iXd WOOD/l VI KtiKH N 1 LI MI S ! AKV SUJOOI Multi cultural s«Higs by third, fourlh and fifth grade students from In gem* \ south hills directed bs (*ina Kraft W hrrlcr 2 00 1 II I N SSI AND IHI SMOKIN' S( )i I S Blues power w ilh ihic of the region'* finest vocalists. hocked by one of the tightest straight blues hands Sundam r ( iw/wn/ 2 I' DANA VION Fancying song wriicr/xtdoisi whom you may remember as the drummer from I ransistrr Amiiti tnum \ I S I INI)A K AMI K AND BRIAN MAIN! S Spell binding meditative elainma kcyKurd and soprano vi\ mixed lo lake > oil aw ay W hr tin MS I I Vk Jl'DD Met liu alls modified .KiHivtK duU imcr erratrs a beautiful c.votk elfevt Audiltmutft 4 4S DANA VION (See : 151 Whrrln 5 (Ml l.INDA KAMI R AND BRIAN HAINTS (See * I Si SIMMY UhlfcMBhK 2 1015 ST! PHI N i OHI N < rc*ive iiuiMv I mm guitar ami pcaussHHi instruments. designed and rendered bv this talented anisi AmitUM turn 10 Mi BAH ADIN \ I ugcnc sOld World elhnu duisk ensemble, playing songs from fUiropr. the Sub ( «*ntment aikl Mid Iasi H her In 11 Ml Cl ARI NORI I I l Children delight at ('lare s clever songs which leach ilk* lore of many diltereni lands \uJiltutum 12*10 SIT-PHI N t‘OHI N (Sec I0 IS) W heelet I' W) AMBi-K IIDI -hmfflul vukts and a caravan of cntrnamn>ent injures from this high nii|).k I duel SunJuru e ( twrtxatii I? 45 BAl.l A DIN A (See- 10 M)) AuJihuum I 45 THt KSTON M s JA/7 BAND I xc client jazz entertainment irndrrcd by dedk ated music students \k heeler : 00 IN IT.RN AI ION Al KtX MU HJNDS Keggac and world heal inusit to get the v. roved rocking Suruiam e ( Outturn! : 15 ALAN I AKPINI AN !wcntielh century ctwnpositu»ns front live classical guitar masters of Cuba. Brazil. Venezuela and Mexico Autlihuium l 15 l | N III Bl AN guitar. Iuiiiuiiik a and vocals of blues, sveing and hallads hv lentil, who is one of the Suing Beans Vi heeler V45 I III KSTON II S JA/V BAND I \c cl lent lazz enter la mme nl rendered h> dedicated music students Audttiuium 4:45 ALAN I AKPINlAN (See 2 15) Vi heeler 5 00 1 I NI II Bl AN (See l 45) AuJtUtnum SAiLKim m-gamm a. 10 I'V(K.M SAM. WDCAMI I l() t'.lectra guitar and bass delicate!) I operated by this singing song*riling team of iwo Eugene women Audit** rium in to LEW jriH) Electrically modified acoustic dulcimer creating a beautiful. exotic cltcc l W hfflft I) to BARBARA SNOW Stones from the former Eugene l*uhlu l ibrary C hildren s Section librarian Autiitt* num 12 00 V(Xil I SANCi AM) ( AMI I lOiSce 10 I5i Wheeler 12 to K AI I AND JOAN Keyboard and guitar played by two I ugeno women who Ituni a versatile song anting singing team ('tmrt\%»rd 12 AS INSPIR \ IIOVA1 SOI MXS-A nationally known, Eugene based gospel group utnler the direction of John Gainer Au*ltti*ttum I 4SOKI IOOU DIM Dave O’Toole and Bret Malmquist team up with yaJJ guitar. alternately offsetting soprano sas ami lluic Vi her In \ 4S OKI (.OS ( Mil !>KI NSOIOIK (See I 45) Auditorium 4 4S J| KK^ (il I ASON IKK) (See 2 15) W hrrln 5 OODAVI-.(VTOOI I tH I I (See I 15) Auditorium SL>1>AY L>tlhMUhK y 10 H Wil l MARTIN CmKn ami railroad songs and »>tber tun renditions Auditorium 10 M) IAIKIII I D I 1 1 Ml NTARY SCTftXM Southwest lugcne area elemen tary vh.n»U turn returns vsrth their musu al program, with Ann Templeton directing W hrrlcr II lOl’M I S TV KOSI I ivelv siivies ami many vmgs we wan all join in singing. from our frequent Park Blocks children V hour v imIoi Auditoium 12 CIO Will MARTIN (Sec 10 15). W her lei 12 R) GREENHOUSE EETECT !u« politteal inf\w|{fs uf hope and warning. put lo lively. Iistenable sound Sionium r ( ourt\urd i: 4s actors ( abaki toe n C»l M IYvvicw of Annie, the musical play by Marlin I'tuiinn. presented bv M l X Mainvtagc. directed by l yttda (Vijkuwika Audi ton uni E45EUGI M 1*1 ACT: ( HOIK Orate through music seems pos\»blc when our local group raises its collective voice Vi heeler 2 f»> Bl AOK KOSI s Reggae and world beat material, whith c rvates some of the area's most s«night alter dance rhythms ( ourt\utd 2 15 BIT l BAR I I I S Solos which are multi faceted, ranging among ja//. ragtime, and classic al sounds ami rhythms AuiHtonum i 15 TERRY WACiM R Sweet flute music . muc h c lassie al and muc h of w hic h was written by this talented young performer Vi heeler Y45 Et til NT PEACE CHOIR AlX>tlt>mtK ii 10 l*i ROCOCOCONSORT Hulc. cello jnd v tolin play c lassie al and chamber sdfclions Auditorium 10 KlLNSTl CK IN I IM1 Brass quartet play s upbeat Holiday favorites from many i uhurt's W hrelrr 11 M) I HI M( CORNACKS Delighting vhiUtrcn is easy when you base voices and musical talent like this Eugene couple Auditorium 12'00 R1)1) Local social reformer sings songs of protest to draw atiention to tfie oppressed Sunda/H r Courtyard 12 45 WIU AMALANL KI1C HI A BAM) Seniors play up a storm fin your Winter Holidas cnjo\mcnt Aiuhtortum 1 45 EUGENE CHAMBER DI RT Classical selections by two local young performers Whrrlcr 2m RHYTHM AND BLISS Island style donee music vcith Kits of percussion and that world beat flavor Suruhin* e Courtyard 2 15 TIM RYAN-National steel and acoustic six string guitar at company Tim's raging vocals of country Hues Auditorium VI5 BRET MAEMQUIST TRIO Strong guitar fa// presentation blends with trumpet and bass for an unusual musical experience W hrrlrr 1 45 EUGENE CHAMBER IH I T See 1:45 Audihmum 4 45 TIM RYAN (See 2:15) Whrrter 5 00 BRLT MAI MQUIST IKK) (See VI5) Auditorium SLMJAY m’LMBLKiJ 10 IM'l AKI NORM I I Well travelled young woman shares licr global experience* \ia turi original and multilingual compost (ions. Auditor turn 10 VO NORTH Of; THF. BLACK SLA t knuntan costume ami die unique regional insirumcm, the hondura. grace (he presenta lion of Old-World folk songs. Wheeler 11 VO Kl'(>1 GALINDO-Silent physical theatei goes beyond mime into clowning, inask ami juggling, adding up to an arresting performance Audi ton um 12 00CLARE N()RI 1 I I - an up and coming young man and his band Sundam e Courtyard 2:15 O CAROLAN S CONSORT Tunes from old Ireland played on panpipes, hammer dulcimer and folk harp Auditorium V15 IAN BY1NGTON Popular local folksinger takes us through the Iasi twenty* mid years of thought provoking material Vi heeler V 45 SOROMUNDI