Eugene’s Saturday Market Thousand of Handcrafted Gifts p Free Entertainment Holiday Five Weekends of Celebration Begin Friday after Thanksgiving at the Lane County Fairgrounds On Friday. November 2 3, Hu gene's popular Saturday Market makes its yearly move indoors to the Lane County Fairgrounds where it presents its annual Holi day Market, five weekends of outstanding entertainment, a world famous international food court, and thousands of gifts hand made by local artisans. Hus year's Holiday Market is going to he the best ever.’ de clares Sandra Schempp, Market crafterand Holiday Market chair person. Schempp points out that there will be a new entertainment area m the outdoor Courtyard and also a new and festive area tor children featuring an international theme. Founded in 1970 by local craf ter Lotte Streisinger. Saturday Market iscurrcntly the oldest con tinuously operating open air craft marketplace in the Cm ted States. Sev eral years ago, alter more than a decade of shivering in the cold.wet winters on the down town Kirk Blocks. Market cral ters moved inside to the Lane County Fairgrounds on Hunks giving weekend and the event has grown in popularity every year since. Saturday Market is a non profit organization. Its goal is to pros idean affordable market place lor local artisans and affordable handcrafted products tor ihe citi zens of Lane County. Market Sparkles at the Fairgrounds Holiday Market is a Local Affair When you shop a I Saturday Market's Holiday Market not only will you find the finest handmade gifts hut you become an active supporter of local artisans as well The greatest personal experience at Saturday Market is getting to meet the folks who actually make what you are buying Saturday Market craft standards require that each item he handcrafted, original and sold by the artisan. Because most of our Saturday Market members live m our community, the dollars that you spend stay right here in l.ane County, fivery time you make a purchase at Holiday Market you arc taking an important step to wards building a sound and sen siblc local economy. Doing your holiday shopping at Holiday Market is also energy efficient. No trucks or trams are needed to get your product to fiugenc from factories hundreds of miles away. Also, you won't find a lot of wasteful packaging; maybe just a paper bag if you want one. or maybe some tasteful gift wrapping done by the volunteers ami stall of Womcnspace. When you shop at Holiday Market you feel good about buying as well as giving. Saturday Market's Holiday Market is located at the IJiNF COUNTY FAIK(• ROUNDS, 13th & Monroe in Eugene. The Market opens the Friday after Thanksgiving and continues every Saturday and Sunday from Thanksgiving through Christmas. ( all (503) 6H6-HHH5 for additional information. ^ . mm. '1^ TTN Free Five Week Entertainment and Crafts Schedule Inside. • Grand Opening Day Friday November 23 - 10am to 6pm •Open Every Saturday & Sunday at the Lane County Fairgrounds from Thanksgiving to Christmas-10am- 6pm •Plenty of Free Parking at the Lane County Fairgrounds • Eat at Saturday Market's world famous International Food Court • Nearly 200 Saturday Market craftspersons selling thousands of handmade and original holiday gifts •Live performances all day every day on three stages, featuring outstanding local musicians and entertainers •Gift wrapping service available provided by Womenspace. • Visit our new International Holiday Zone for Children Save for Future Reference! Five Weekends of Performances Scheduled for 1990 Holiday Market Three Market Stages at the Fairgrounds I'he I WO Holiday Market features dozens ol (x-rformances each weekend on three stages by l ane County's finest entertainers, from hlucgrassand bluestoclassy classical sounds and rixk n roll, this years Market will have some thing lor everyone. New this year is the Sun dance Courtyard Stage featuring the familiar Saturday Market at temoon dance concert each alter noon at 2pm. Stephen Densford. Saturday Muriel's assistant manager, says that this year's performers repre sent the w ide diversity of talent in the region for a complete (XT lormance schedule turn to page 2