Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ms TYPING SERVICES ri>->3 344 4510 60*1 E UlNAn Aogutl Wa*l WomJ ProCa*%«ng DIAL A TYPIST M) 7777 I AGLE EYE TYPING (OlTlNG By atpanancad *>ntat Ph D *lude«t fait prot*s*ron*i *o'fc 484 7598 Fl YlNG FINGERS $1 Oft{ t j.n .,i 484 DOM FOOTNOTES TYPING LASER PRINTING FAST! fMUPmB?! 3?? a m 4pm MF ISlh A Charnallon 485 6490 PAPERS OUE’NEEO HELP’ YOU* P4W4KR AssrS'an! Pl0lc)s<08tf ttoid (XOCMiinQ *YP'nO tfd*bng alt Vrrg.nia Ml 3VB6>?4h»*> p®qq» % Typing Svinct f, tjx*niwf ihJ lyrpiftl ollvnng wivu;y5 iBM compyiw *y*iem and ta%*» p»nl*f fht**a**tA* rate* C*U P*gg» at 14? 48«8 PROFESSIONAL TYPING A»ik> «n T *>n\ $40 Full* ISO 0».»*«*n* $60 Delivery Available 935 4478 GOVERNMENT SEIZED Vahida* from S too Ford* Marcada* Corvatta* Chavy* Surplu* Your Araa (DBOS 887 8000 E»t S 964? Na«* Onfcyo amp 80 wall* $»8S.otoo Nat* pra 1Z00 »ki * 200cm f 150'obo Naim Cufctom wrhita VW arhaal* A lira* S?50 obo Mull tail (Java 345 8719 TOYS TOYS TOYS KIDSTUFF « . . i’ ’ f«- • t>; rn»> 4ft4 44t^. 11 ‘ Mim Sal UNICEF l ARDS AND Gil TS on vale today tO to 4 al Iba UO Boofctlora* Woman* Ratargh Sport* .* t -,p n«A tu** k tut> - good ig basket $so or- > 744 0421 130 FOB SALE Great X mat gilt* ' ¥<£** ««Cm‘*&**m? MOVING SALE* *9 *V S’* iio k im n»*9%m 130 p** t**t p«*y«f U*> fan $6 A »*i N«■* Bond Street »>*-«' » * AO^uK'r tm*u»*fu» $96 «Cfc*» tr* Bn CO/y treat*' F BIG SALE UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO • 0 / *>--M CO ^ S’4 * r • Ot;'(■ >: » V* .*' **»■>*' $1 !'-i • OaUMC Waifcman VVM A»7 $79 96 • MS* T4-4A W«v* $*9 96 • mb *. £0 m aft***»iMvit tan m* iKhnici Horn# Audui CM*-> oh**-* wor* pme% $t?9 9S • St PC33 6 Oise Changer Carou*#t t*ay | 1199 96 CAR STEREO Pioneer • KEM 61O0OR Mi P«.*er P #f j Clean pt»fe sound 1799 96 • Of.M ».S0 Ml FS wCD Pi.»»*•' 4 times <>*•• ftampimg 1399 J ! W»n AdB »tv ANt »*h • Infinity Speaker | *, i i 1 tweeter $199*1 Prices good til Christmas! Why go anywhere else when you can shop between classes?! —UO-Bookstore— e*» Elite "-I (>L» N. I*.vi. $ • i Ivi-'cJt Wto Otto New R»«h*t». i - CO player $?00i W.u ten I ns of»> Call Kevin 344 ‘ 743 uo PITS FREE '< ? U . Buoii Xatalc * Ho Ho Ho • iiclukkn; Kt’rstjccsi • (loti Jul • ///>\ Merry Messages From Around The World will brighten your day December 7th Don’t miss the deadline to wish your friends a Happy Holiday: December 6th at 1 p.m.! h'fli: Xavitlutl • Joxvitx Xocl * l ioliln Iw Christmas • H tilmachicn us CARS 1977 VW Scirocco »«*! UFX) to* 6«M 79 Oalsun 8?10 AV I M 94 Accord l* ‘ » ' 99 Che# ' ' Ah;h a"’ •*! * 747 1494 )50 MOTORCYCLES/SCOOTERS Honda flit# 90 W* D#rf *! >44 ft/89 its COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS FREE MOUSE! i/49 OO Computer Systems West 1754 Willamette M2 4153 Macintosh Memory 1 MB $99. 2 MB 1129 4 MB $153 free Installation Memory tJMfCl M3 2S41 usINStRUlWENTS.. P«< * lot e• Pwt>i• -the< John SfurMy he?* t#n?n teaching gu*&$ hri ftmgtet and .l^albomsi lesson m*<>r«nahon J44 445? >4‘ 531? no RESALE CLOTHIWG Gentlemen's Encore We pay TOR dollar lor Men % and Women % clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING The right tool tor the ;.ol the ;h! clothes Ir.J the light climate* Bing Cherry Palace has it 6? W Uth no SKI EQUIPMENT Must sell 8i - .4h| Tt'«>'f”' „«K1 6 lima* only With Salomon 74 7r t-iHj• . ; UftOrOtkO M.Mr 4,M‘jt4t RACING l QUIPMf NT Atomic arc HV3SI 205cm er/Tryolta 390 RO E»cl cond Rotlach Ct 550 hoots 344 3935 Salomon SX91 Equip* * .< M! 1122. Women s Rolf# Ski pants Siy# 5 I iceiient Condition 945 Call 495 9959 ?oo TRAVEL E uyene Mmoeapolis Duluth $’50 ne j t.oMe Merrill 344 ‘jSUtt HOT'HOT'HOT'MOT* MOT'MOT'MOT* INEXPENSIVE SPRING Bft( Ah TRIPS MCXICO HAWAII MEXICO Miami Florida Woman $1?0 ryygot.abki 145 72BB One way plane ticket to New York City » -m Eugene on Decemt>«' IS 13r ■ set* Eugene to Los Angeles leave Url3 $’• ; f<« Cal* Bobby 344 75TO 1 way plane ticket Pw-n.iwJ • Phoen*. ir^ 12-13 UXiotv cal 1 way plane ticket Eugene Ontario via San Jose leaving Dec 12 ftOOrobo Call 345 0543 eves 1 Round Trip Ticket $12S/obo Anywhere m the Continental U S Campus Bo* 93990 ?i5 OPPORTUNITIES Drummer needed f t progtei-. .%■ hand Must be comfortable a snare .. ho revert Mark 346 6311 ?I5 OPPORTUNITIES j\ r » knsmii* ; I Mop bjr 7001 Ftankim B»e to asuM MudentS with d**Abu*t'ons s Gan D'seWed SiuOrtServ . 346 3711 NOME TYPISTS PC uttr* needed *3*> 000 potential Detail* < TI #01* 64 ? 6000 E»I B 9642 II % eatier than you fh ’* to pay h.»* » -of Otf«g* *x3u a!KK> mrOrtoog ** J'WQH** Excellent money tieubie »w» Cam N4-hw .;>■ B»ook fo» par * - 344 6697 Lifeguard ” tn hfeguard CPU and fir*t a*.l te«Mn* Appro. l6TO**iHt Apply at R,v*f ffe.t-ad Pat* 1400 lata Dr Eugene DBA 4062 OVERSEAS JOBS *900 2000-mo Summer yr round ail countries all held* Fra# mlo write IJC PO B« S2 0RO3 Corona Dal Ma> CA 9767S 22i WORK STUDY POSITIONS Wot* study positions -IV.» «! • t 6 t»prm{} term M d 10 hr**** ?35 APTS/OUPLEXtS Campus area .? TKlm -j ».-■<; iv *n». < .i • - (He »•»* *4/*> CMVlA* - 20*4664 HIDEAWAY 7 IS -i E 16th tu»ty appfran. *rO pmata paring ; vr-rni walkway Move >n bo'-us Call 663 7771 344 4719 or Che* 4«S 6236 FIR TREE APTS 1149 Ferry j balcony and laundry 1 Furnraftad untom-shed *38* 715 E. 16th j t>i.K s from campus Call CTree for more mfo rhoemyr 46S6236 STUDENT PLAZA 94S E 19th N. a 1 UJm apt Less than 1 DO 663 4719 or Mika 344 4719 GREYSTONETOWNHOUSES 711 Btietciilf Newly remodeled two bedroom 1 tiwnhous.es Close to buslines’ *39*» j 553 E. 18th i'Ofnpir*. Pa'kmg laundry pmel Jennings Co 486 E IHh Ave 6632271 Two bedroom turn apt naat music bidg 549$ Call attar 2 pm Ridgewood Apartments 666 5769 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO. 745 E 15th Din# two and throe bedroom units available winter term Cali now and gat you' name in lor upcoming vacancies' Prices range bom 5415 for 1 bedrooms to $695 tor 3 bedrooms c alf Mu heal at 6630729 1666 Ferry Si 1 Bedroom furnished Laundry off street parking no pats By appt 666 1130 Spyglass Associates 1 bdrm turm Wat* h an t ,.r. - shopping Clean well maintained dishwasher disposal carpet drapes uvrred parsing 5J6$AfhO A.an On 1 or t5th 1200 Potty St 344 3191 If not home please leave message 1 bedroom Apartment 4 blocks from campus Very nice Hardwood floor 5335 a month 344 9973 (message! 750 f 14th Turn Studio tease 5345 Avail 12 7 344 7393 evenings 2*0 QUADS RESERVE NOW L»mded spaces available Newly remodeled units at prime campus location 523Vmonth utilities paid laundry facility and covered parking Quiet students only 1360 Aide* Street 345 5949 Sub leasing quad nov. Campus C- ud Quads am pus 1 bik $239.-mo met ui»i Female only lease thru June Free ^a-’kihg to* year 344 1 1 (36 An-, TYLER PARK QUADS 526 Tyler St Large furnished Quads with private bathes All utilities paid' 5245 Call 343 9235 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Contemporary furnished quad units in eiceiient campus location Off street parking on site laund'y and ALL UTILITIES PAID lease required through 6 30^1 Cali 344 9290 Help me 'jet ui o* my quad Female 523^mo including utilities Cali Stacy 343J>975 tatter 4i Naw quads -••• ;-us i a?ge rooms $22GriK> 1B66 Hams -3 343 2376 Private room, 1 mmute aai* ' •• campus 5235'mo (negotiable All ut*M ties paid Qu»et clean 465 8969 2*0 QUADS Campus Court Quads » ‘ 245 ROOMS FFMAlE ROOMMATE WANTED 1 j Sundry »n utilities Can 3436816 Roommate wanted to share great 5 bedroom house near campus (11th & Patterson) Call 34 3 3940 265 GARAGE/MOVING SALES MOVING SALE TV VCH Mectcompiete system) stereo skis fridge lots more Cali evenings leave mess 687 7078 275 MEITIHGS The Student Health Insurance Committee will meet at 2 30 Monday in Cedai Room C to discuss 1990 199t Student insurance issues For more information, call 346 3702 260 EVENTS International Students Association & l of () Housing; presents INTERNATIONA!. dance Friday. Nov. 30 8 PM Midnight EMU Ballroom TICKETS $4 Available at: E MU Main Desk*iSA office (im 206) Carson Area Desk Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Ill mi WUANOWK TWHGTHAVSQOr M£ BUMMW ~ 7Ht OUSiS tH Ihl OUIF' HAS AHYONC. GIVEN ANY THOUGHT TO MAT .HAPPENS IF IT TURNS INTO A SHOOTING MR ? I MEAN, you GAN SAY OOOV&KTO YOUR i ^ CHEAP GASOL INF ANP iff YOUR HkjH PERFORM AN&OWS'y^^ r A AM IN 7H£ MID-EAST I .UtANSAnOSTOOURWr of im as tue knouj w A ' UMMOANS m'U AUBt xme POMtsnccoMwas \ WITHIN A MONTH 5/D. IT ALSO WAshffQPlt MU-PIP EXACTLY! SOME OF THOSeCARS Aft PtATH TRAPS! S. DELIVERY 342 4972 19th diid Agate