Oregon units called to duty PORT!.AND |AP) About 17(1 Marine C.orps reservists from Ore gon have been called to active duty in Conner lion with the Persian (iitlf crisis Units from Portland. Salem and Eugene. part of the t S Ma rines' fith Engineer Support Battalion, were inr luded in the call-up Wednesday, said Sgt Major l.unce Brown, instructor of the Port land unit "Their attitudes are real good about it Brown said No one asked tor an exemption. I le said he was not surprised In the i all "There's been some things in the w ind because of develop ments over there and the types of skills that are needed." lie said The Oregon battalion w ill include 27 reservists from Portland HO from Eugene and tit) to tia from Salem Brow n said the numbers ( mild change The units are to report bv Dec 10 at Camp Pendleton, (adit .. where they will receive brush-up training and further orders. Brown said. They will serve a 180-dav tour initially, but the tour could be extended. The tith Engineer Support Battalion is considered a combat unit and is trained to build bunkers, blow up fences and other ob stacles and neutralize mine fields. Brown said GULF Continued from Page 6 must believe the t' S should ’ stav on the course of no war nncl continued suite lions Ameru an foreign pollc \ in the Middle Hast is a mess s.dd M Ke/a Hehnain direi lor of the In stitute for Advanced Middle hustern Studies It has i re ated excessive aggression in the area llehnam hlamed I' S ig norance lor what lie i ailed a long time shifting of power in the Middle hast, and out dated 1' S foreign pole \ for the current situation in the Persian (hilt Ill' salt! 11)<* ( ’lull'll SI.ill's ti.idiliun.il fori'iiin |>nlii it's h.isi'tl primarily tin "hull) nn; tilhtir tuitions lu impost* its will must i li.insif In ,it tnmmttd.ilf unkpif (Kililli.il i ulluii's in l!if Mitltllf hast liiliiisiin .dsn t rilii i/i'd |lie Hush iutiuinislr.ttion tmd its Inri'ign pul it it's s.n int; (host* (lulu n s 1'iit iitiriigt' llir iisf ut ton >’ in thf null liiluisnii s.tid hr hiirlmrs tlfi'li t unt frits Inr the ftilts nl 11innlrifs in thf Mitldlf hast it thf !’nitfd Stall's «t»fs In vsai with lrat| ’ Thf tat I that Hush is w illinK In risk sti unit h inr su litllf m Ins version til Amfritan pritlf should fir rastf all nt us hf said DEFENSE Continued from Page 4 lllsl x.n l.raw IIII' .ilont \iiKit is .1 ki‘\ tool w In'll you ri' in .1 i niiflii I situation she says T*dst‘\ spi'iiifx |>itit ill till' i lass I■ 111111v> llu' mill'll in phvsltnl stilt tli'ftitisii i’\i'rt isfs for \im I .a mil. who xavs shf's mil usi'il to Im'Iiik pin sit al. \ itImI ilfliMisf is pisl as important I lor ptini Ill's and kit kx art' limit tiiali'il w till loud volls "I'm It'arniiift lum to liml mi own xtrrn^thx. slm says inntT Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 iosPiRSOMitLS Hey, Bathing Beauty! Tomorrow’s the day... Happy 19th, Haim! Love, Me immv U>5? DAJ Just wanted to with you a Happy B day' Saa you tonight' Love. Miss K HAPPY 201H BIRTHDAY SHANNON' Are you *urprtte

on> lO TOP PROFfOkJ Oregon University of Oregon Eugene OR 9T403 Or drop by ou» office at 101 ■ < i • • i ' ■ i * V%nft mtllkOAk 1 IMhLii Wrrf* him* \inumi iht M )*#M ! k ■••(I Ml «| Ml VI*..» U .kM O |U ... K» f. Uv h 11> m IOSJ mwm Prognanf* Wound’ W«* a> h«Mp Con(i