SPORTS Wrestlers face stiff competition in Las Vegas By Lyle Crouse fcmefald Conlnbulot Thu Oregon wrestlers may get .1 preview of the NCAA < hampionships when they tr.u el to Nevada for Friday's Las Vegas Invitational "Without any question, it's the toughest tournament out side the NCAAs," Oregon Coat h Kon Finley said Finley Kitici some of the na tion's lop teams will parlic ipate in the weekend tournament, in < I it (t i n f( national < hampion Oklahoma State. Arizona Stale. Iowa State and Oklahoma The Duc ks will also get a look at several of their l’e< ifh 10 Con ference opponents "It's a battle," Finley said of the tournament "It will defi nitch establish new rankings when it's over It will lie e successful here will give the guys confi dence." kearnov added. Dan Yidlak. Oregon's all American in the 118-pound class, will miss the Lis Yagas invitational with a knee injurs Ire sustained Nov. ') in a meet against Portland State Finley said Yidlak may he ready for competition In Ian. 1. hut said he saw no reason for Yidlak and Pat Craig (150 pounds), who lias a sprained ankle, to wrestle at Lis Yegas. although Craig could he ready to go. "At this point in the season, there's no purpose to forcing them to wrestle." Finley said "A wrestler like Dan Yidlak doesn't need to prove himself, lie can do that at nationals " Scott Seymour will fill in for Yidlak in the 118 pound brack et Also competing in Fas Ye gas will lie jason Jones. 126 pound class; Stone, 13-1: Dar ren Gustafson. lr>8; Scott Kear ney. 167; and freshman Jeff McCoy. 177. Continued from Page 11 last weekend while guard |ill Sperry scored a career-high 20 points against Colorado Stale and averaged 1-4.5 tallies dur ing the weekend. The l-adv /ngs of Con/.aga will finish a busy week of games with the Sunday contest against Oregon. (’laving four games in six days Indore Sunday's mending with the Ducks. Con/.aga fell at the hands of Colorado, 87-50. and Wisconsin. 80-77. in last weekend's Coors Classic. They also hosted Central Washington on Tuesday, played at Montana Thursday night and will play at Montana State tonight Richard W. Clark LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY Attorney at Law 342 E. 12th St. • 342-1771 Get a 14” 1 ITEM PIZZA FREE DRINKS WITH EVERY DELIVERY! ADDRESS_ 687-8600 • 1432 Orchard ONE COUPON PER PERSON • EXPIRES 12/2/90 I