SPORTS Ducks hope to rebound from tough losses at Missouri By Robert Weber Emerald Sports Reporter Don Monson ami his Oregon Dm ks are hoping that a change of scenery will bring about different results After losing consecutive home games at the bu/./.er to Wisconsin and Athletes in At time the Dm ks are hoping to collect their first counting win of tire vear when they head to Columbia. Mo . on Saturday to far e the 23rd-ranked Missouri Tigers Monson said In- believes his players will In' able to overcome the two heartbreaking losses "We reassured our kids by telling them we did the right things,” Monson said “They were definileh more dow n after the Wisconsin game than the exhibi tion game.” Kevin Mixon, the ti-foot-if senior off-guard, said that the two close losses will help the team mature later on Maturing at Missouri w ill not he an easy task I lie Tigers, defending Hig bight conference champions, have struggled in the early season hut are still a solid program They rvere re< enllv plat i'ii on two year probation tor violations that or curred liefyyeen t'ttt'r ami Pino Mis sonri is ineligible for tins year s NCAA tournament ami h.iil to i ni bai k the numlier of its si holarships and off-t ampus re» ruiting trips in the next two years On top of that, they lost their season opener at Kut gers OH 00 and are playing without all-conference guard Anthony Peeler, who is out for at least the fust semester due to at ndemii problems Despite all of the Tiger troubles Munson knows that Saturday's contest will fie lough "They are a tough team." fie said. "It will he a real test for our gu\s They are particularly lough on the front line with I long Smith " Smith the 0 to senior forward, is the only starter with any real experience loi Norm Steyr art s team Al ter losing Peeler and being slapped on the rvnst by the NCAA, fie may lie kii king himself for not opting for the NHA draft al the end of last season (fregons Kii hard f an as. Hof) I ife and ( iliui k Palter son will have Ilnur hiintls full 11\ ii>k l<> slop thr inside power of Smith mi Saturday Munson's plan to slop Smith is simple stuff the in side "We ll really try and pai k it m against them." Mon son said, "and we ll probably double up on them Aitolher big ipieslion for Munson is who to start against Missouri |ordy l.vden and Chink Patterson made their tirsl starts (or the Dm ks against AIA. and both played well enough to return to the starting five. Monson l.vden. the ti-7 freshman forward, finished with H» points .iytailist AIA by hitting five ol six shots from the field, including all three three point attempts The Dinks also received eight points and 1(1 re ImhiiuIs from I’atlerson in I'unsdav's exhihilion game l.vden said that he and the team are too eager to he si a red about lai mg Missouri We re all really excited about heading bar k there." I.yden said "and were ready to Imuiik e bark and w III Women hope to stop on-road losing streak at 7 By Jake Berg Emerald Sports Reporter The Oregon women's basketball team w ill be out to vs in its first road game since I'el). :i this weekend .is the Ducks leave laigene in hopes of breaking their current seven-game losing streak away from home. "We're anxious to gel .1 v u lory." said 15 vear (loach Klvvin Heim The Dm ks i ontinued their woes away from McArthur dourt last weekend In opening their season w ith a 7f>-70 defeat at St loseph's and a 70 iK loss mi Knl Hers' home t uiirl Tin* two losses e\ tended tin1 I tin k s' on the-mad losing streak in seven Oregon travels to pla\ Weher State oil Friday night in Ogden I tali and Sun day afternoon the Dinks v\ 111 pla\ (ion /.aga in Spokane, Wash The one thing lleiin Inis going though, is ,i ( omhined > 0 record against those tun si hools "We re not as worried alnnil them as we are about us, lleinv said After looking ill last weekends gtunos ttu* Dm ks have reason In unriv (Iregun turned the lull over in times .it Rutgers and allowed the l.adv Knights to snare l"> offensive relKitinds w Idle failing to blot k out I III ink li we i ill down on those we ran w in some games.'' Heinv said "IV fensivelv we've done a decent job. hut hloi king out has hurt us I reshiiiau forward Debbie Spon u It is one plaver not hav ing a problem i rash ing the hoards She leads the team with a o i rehound average after Oregon's tirst two games, and her til) portent shootinn effit ienc \ from tin1 floor is also tops lor tin' I)ui ks Ittmoi mi.ini St.ii i Willlimliotirn shares the m oriitK lead itli Sport at I -4 points a faille Weller Slate Is I I tills season .liter 7 in its open er liul losing 7 t tiH In WvnminK in its so onil name U (lost ( mils I loh mull ranked up some impressive numlrers in the two Rallies to p.ue Welter State l ire junior averaged 17 points and ‘I T rebounds Turn to BASKETBALL Page 12 \ /llOUH..' 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