Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 PLAY IT AGAIN, SANTA MERRY MESSAGES FROM AROUND THE WORLD are coining to town December 7 50$ PER LINE! $1.50 FOR ART! MERRY MESSAGES From Around the World will appear Friday, December 7 in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds. Don't miss the deadline! December 6, I p.m.! \ International Students are encouraged to write a message tor a triend! [ mmv AllWtiOA Kappat Th«« coming Monday Don't WWI fho VtoMfH CONGRATULATIONS K«tly Booth t;*n twnng in*. ftr»t po'ton to . orroc fly i tilt out rattanlay * croaaaroad Puerto Bo th« f»rat poraon to bring . | th« aoivod C'tvaamMd pui.'W? to fho t Oregon Do*t> £mor*id OH»C* Room j WO l MU aHor Ham A am a FRfC OOt T ahirt A 4 |A rocM »o» |1 *m pa** *r*#»> pioa««'i y,, Congratulation* ^j-^, Jon C John P on yi)uf pinning1 .< • Daaraat Rupoft Brook* Happy Jlat Birthday Loir*, Troci IT’S HERE! Ski Season. That Is November is the time to advertise your ski equip ment in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classiliedsl It your ski equipment doesn't sell within 4 paid days, we’ll run your ad tor FREE. thru IN-. II) (Puvala Party Ada Only Ploaao') Placa ad* at Mourn 300 EMU EMU Mam D»»h 4 UO Boofc»to«e o« call 146 4343 iQi^ERSbNALS - Honeybear Gel in ihapa Ihia wtakand You II need to be tit tor nee I time you alny over I II m.»i you*1' I Low you*" K.\o \n; Congratulation* Sam and Oualln on you' pinning1 Love you' Hilary IIB4» To our amazing seniors: Thank you so much for our special surprise on Tuaaday night We love you all you are the beat’ Lover Your Sralera Planned Parenthood .» pmgn, teat that *» <%> • urate one de» «»r«n' a miaiWKl period1 Include* unbraaad counseling .4)1 J44 'Ml 1 Unplanned Pregnancy1 W© »n f’©u> Confident*,»i »?*« BiMhr.ght 60? atSS* RINA Moll# gra/ie per la cena* Paul STEPHEN M *> n-. v t 4 tup#* Stop *trt*n«onQ itioutl a »rfc ■wihool W«» .*»«’ t.»)j yxMjny lot yify i >n«j ttm«* I .»**«*•! you 14v■• »f 4»uJ t Hjvo H' I )«?'. I Oy* yoo» SECRET SANTA Who s your favorite professor? • , : f^aga/in# plans Im P»oMo W)*nr >f , I hr UO S most r»nf«A »rlhy !«?,*» . Whl. f’ *» »U «r- -»'*->« ,) -O youf !•»•* ' WfK»S* j l«K'tufr-. !• • you cm, • W' • Ukfi Ju j pa*JMj'di »un*t A louO<1 Of can >46 9ML.) LOST Gray ilutti* tvag Wu# PacAp*; * A g»a> tfpncbioat f>aa» tilth A H*m% fta»*r*a accurata IBM lyittm. LO Frtfttff Pap*f«;€ditmg tha*»t dtiifftiltofli ft— ptck up A datiaary Tata*a t3& t906 WORO PROCESSING EAST ft par pag* U) 2316 ^QUtaa 344 4510 *06 1 tJthA.a Printed lent to computer hies BBDmiiinnn 747 4569 )i jo »*»-».•> *iw »J TYPING UNLIMITED IBM c” G'<*] School Approva l Guarantor! »*(•«•• call 485 3343 D«fD«r* L ana 251S FrofltWP* Hlwd *8 !»»« U Of O 4!«A *»fH *> 1981 Th* WORD SPECIALISTS] * (»fftdu4tr Si h*M>! Ap|»riH(il * * IhvtriUlunvl hc'c^l'apctn * HIM < ump^liM- 1 >nk i onv i hni> * l aici hintn^t ttipkhS * I diting, » CAROLYN CSNOY Auguat Weal Word Pfoceaamg DIAL A TYPIST MS 7777 HYING riNOtHS . Til’.I * tu'dt*) pfufeaM'***4l *tO*>p4Q* ui 464 90S6 Typing wo(d pitw:«ating put>li-.f'*.ng gijpAi -. t p»>n|©i IS upttkrUv«ry) C< »> • COaiv VV,»i» »VM A '. 9*-. Am* ... ’ 4 '■ A »*i i * • i ^ * K • M I T*chn*c» Mom# Audio • V. Pi ’ } M• . *f> CO *’• ».<■ CHfKh Olhtf ftlor# pncei $!?9 9*> • Si fH Hli D*v ( *• »• j C*fOU**l lr*> -l*t»0n 1249 <>*> S*n*ui Clot# OUt*' • M.* V>K) Ml *.»” ■ f .... . *hit# (ft#y ***.!) $1/9 9*i • » a »y 100 *41! %i- i.#“ \ . C#t>*n«*1> $i*i000p» SK«lp • ». } % CD !• fc**y t#mol« on|ru» $19*) V> CAR STEREO • M M fct.MJII H, >>0**1 f»ul' oul Oo#n t>uMJ MXlWj $299 9' 4 time-. ‘ $ W9 9S • .V AM *' 4549 ?* • ->’/? RT m. r •, »• i o*«*t P>H,« «••« < "<■'« 12/9 9*-. infinity Sp**fc#»% • ** * ‘. | $1 twoolor $199 9* • An Heifp'. .. ■.!:»' i »' t • ' t> S{»4»e's 20 ‘ OH Prices good til Christmas! Why go anywhere else when you can shop between classes?! —UO-Bookstore— •VZft? MERRY MESSAGES "SEX' FROM AROUNDTHE WORLD Deadline: Dec. 6th before 1 p.m. > e [ Choose Bright Red Art for only $ 1.50 each! / 2 3 4 5 6 ART?# Please Print All Information Clearly MESSAGE: _ Vuvtralia and V» Zealand ( hi IstllUs V OIHCS II) summertime m these uHiitlncN f amilies often celebrate b\ hav mj» j picnu .n the bench' r France On Christmas I've, french children put their shoes in front of the fireplace They hope that Here Noel (father C hristmas) will Sffc^S^^Mill them with presents Information below for office use only NAME:_ ADDRESS: ZIP: PHONE: # of lines:_+ Art $ 1.50 (50C per line!) Total Cost:_ Place ads at: Room 300 EMU*EMU Main DesleUO Bookstore (Also in the EMU lobby starting Nov. 26!) Denmark ! he |HN*pl»- •>! IVnm.irk h«i\c thru h»g t hmtmn* meal at miJmght on t'hriMnu- I w I ft Jc««crv rhe\ haw ,i '} «> i.i! 0*^ jHiJJmg with *nu .»l f’uMisJ in f VX hfVier gef' the linviul h.i' C«hkI iu. k in the coming >e,if ::x