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MiO I I 11 h lx-1 ween Mill (I Mi«|h SPORTS Two prep stars head to Oregon By Robert Weber Emeiaij Score- RecoMc Schools from all over tin* country won; after Stephanie Warren to play volleyball for them, but last week the two-time Oregon prep player of the year dec ided there was no place like home Warren, who attends Gresham High School near Portland, h.ts l>een (ailed the most talented high school volleyball player ever to come out of Oregon She announced her intention last week to attend Oregon next fall on a volleyball scholar ship Yolleylwll Monthly recently named the 5-foot 1 t senior to their first team prep all-Ameru an list after she finished the 1‘tttO campaign with t>74 kills She also averaged three blocks a game and compiled a ‘17-percent service percentage Due to NCAA regulations. Oregon Coat h Gerry Gregory and his staff an- unable to comment on Warren or anything else relating to recruiting un til after a letter of intent is received S< hools can not at cept letters of intent until Feb 13. Central (Catholic 's Kick Izirenz and Gresham's Kod Jones an1 two emu hes who couldn't find enough good things to sav about Warren "She's itu redible." Jones said "She is a domi nant for< e on the court She made a big statement at state this year We got to state and she just took over and turned it into showtime Lorenz, who has coached some of the state's finest prep nelters while at St Mary's Academy and Central Gat hoi ic. rates Warren in the same league as some of tile slate's all-time greats Tin verv impressed with Stephanie." lzjrenz said. "She's right up their with the elite players this state has ever put out She is the premier hit ter ami hliH ker in the state and has been lor the last two years " Uirenz said that Warren’s talents aren't limited to her play on the court "I find Stephanie to lie a real down-to-earth kid who hasn't let all the puhlu itv and attention go to her head." Lorenz said "She’s very well thought of by the other players around the league be< ause she just goes out and plays her game and doesn't gloat." Staying close to home was something Warren never touched on with (ones until after she had made her decision to attend Oregon "We had talked about the whole thing many times before." (ones said, "but she never really told me bow important it was to stay close to home until the very end." When Warren arrives in Kugene next fall, she'll have some in-state company. Fellow first-team all-State selection Angee Hen derson announced two weeks ago that she in tends to enroll at Oregon in the fall on a vol leyball scholarship. While Henderson. Thurston's 6-foot-l star who wits ret ently tabbed Midwestern League player of the year, hasn't received as much attention as Warren, she has definitely raised the eyebrows of coaches around the state. "They beat us in two straight games down in Bend this year, and she had a career game against us," Lorenz s.tid "When she and Stephanie get down to Kugene and into Gerry's program they are going to lie awesome." Eugene loses out in bid for trials f 10m stall and *ne reports Kugene ami Hayward Meld will not host tin' I*t*t2 Olympit track and field trials The Ath letics (amgress. the American governing body lor trat k and field, announced Wednesday The det ision was actually reat hed July 7 but wasn't an nounced until Wednesday when TACs international t om petition committee made pub lit its 7-2 decision to award New Orleans the trials The an nounccment was made at the Get Outta The Rain! ...and get into warm weather travel! \ GENERAL 1 » BOOK DEPT. SECOND FLOOR 13th \ Kmcaui M F 7 30 6 00 SAT '0 00 6 00 346 4331 12th annual TAG convention in Seattle and the decision was approved by a 29-0 vote at the convention. Eugene and Sacramento. Cal if were considered the favor ites to host the '92 Trials, and Eugene seemed to have a good chance of hosting the trials af ter the resurfacing of Stevenson Track was completed at Hay ward Field in 1988 Hayward Field hosted the Trials in 1908, 1972. 1976 and 1980 Hayward Field also host ed the 1984 and 1988 NCAA Track and Field Champion ships and will host the N’CAAs again in May Eugene and Hayward Field were thought to have the inside track because of their long standing trai k and field tradi tion Instead the committee < hose New Orleans and Tad Gormley Stadium to host the Trials Tad Gormley Stadium is cur rently undergoing a $1 fi-nul lion renovation project that will reportedly turn the 29.(inn-seat stadium, "a state-of-the-art fa i ilit\ "We pii ked New Orleans be cause we felt their site would truly he a state-of-the-art facili ty." Pal Rico, chairman of TAC's nine-member trials site selection committee, said. Oregon Track (ilub memlier Tom jordan. who led Eugene's effort at hosting the Trials, was surprised by the committee's selection of New Orleans. "All along we've said it's 50-50 for Eugene, but we're all strongly surprised that it's New Orleans and that it was such a one-sided victory." Jordan said. Although New Orleans doesn't have a big track histo ry. the city has hosted seven Super Howls and two men's NCAA Final Fours That factor was reportedly a big reason in New Orleans landing the Trials.