UNIVERSITY Paint waste dug up at Riverfront The University has alerted the Oregon Department of Envi ronmental Quality a con tractor conducting a second phase environmental assess ment of the Riverfront Researi h Park property has dug up sever al containers apparently hold ing paint waste materials. The paint was dug up in the Silva orchard parcel of the property "As required by environmen tal regulations, we have report er! to the 1)K(J and other appro priate agencies what we have found buried in the northwest corner of the Silva parcel and what we are doing to secure and contain the excavated ma terial," said Thomas Ilicks, di rector of the University's Office of Environmental Health and Safety. The OKQ is expected to re view the proposed cleanup and disposal plan and. based on sampling results due in about two weeks, to notify University officials of how the I)K(J wants the University to proceed. ! Inks said It 's likely that we w ill pack age the materials and send them to an approved disposal site, hot we ll probably need to wait to do that until we have the results of the sampling of the materials and i an l>e sure of w hat we have found. " he said laist December, the Universi tv hirtnl I. K Squier Assot iates. Inc of l-ake Oswego to condtu I a preliminary assessment of the entire research park propertv After completing the first phase assessment of all four parcels that make up the entire research park property, (lit1 consultants recommended that the University undertake fur ther evaluation of several areas The Silva orchard parcel was one such site The consultants had located one partially buried 55-gallon drum was crushed and ap parently empty in the Silva par cel during their initial explora linn in .Kinrii.mii' \v 11it Squiers advice Universitv hai khoi op eralors «*iirli«*r this month liegau excavating where llir partialis imrii'il drum was lor atmi Tho\ found a one or two gallon gal Ion t an of paint in llii' lost strip thorn At litis point further i'u.iv.i lion stoppi'd. ami tin' consul tanls swept tlir I'nliri' pit w itli a sophist it ali'd mi'tal lii'tei tor Squior olitaini'd several read mgs at tlie partlv excavated test pit anti m several oilier lot a turns. I lit ks said On Nov 20. Staton ( onstrui lion hai khoe crews hired hv Squier dug up three r>f> gallon drums and sis to 12 five gallon pads All contained what are thought to hi' paint waste Hicks said that, depending upon the sample results, addi tional monitoring mav he net essarv to determine if any groundwater i ontamination lias ot i urreil Police investigating assault accusations The following is a list of crimes reported to the Universi ty Office of Public Safety and the Eugene police department between Nov. 10 and Nov 1H • Eugene police are investigat ing an assault near the Sigma Nu fraternity house, 7li:i K 1 Ith Ave., occurring Nov. 17 A lam' Community College student and friend told police they were walking across the street toward the house when they were assaulted by an tin known assailant Police Beat The ix:c student was knot ked to the ground, and when he came to he found his companion had been knot ked to his knees, the student told police After investigating the incident. KIM) officers disi.ov ered the alleged assailant was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity The fraternity member told officers the two subjects were making derogatory comments about the fraternity system, and that the two subjects initialed the incident Police are still investigating the incident, and no t barges have been Ided However, the two sul>|et ts filed a tourth-de gree assault complaint against the Sigma Nu member • Two partitions separating uri mils in the men's bathroom on the second floor ol Parsons llall were reporter! ripped out of the wall on Nov It) Estimated damage is $100. and police have no suspects • A transient vs as arrested b\ HIM) officers outside the Uni versity Bookstore after he was observed trespassing on book store property and harassing passe rsby. Kay Nevarez Castillo, -17. was arrested for disorderly conduct and second-degree trespass on Nov. 13. Bookstore officials * MJNDOUUfD* SSMI roe PANTIES ANO MMTHOAVS ALL GAMES worm WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION M SO SIM STM IT PMMJC HAMIT IWSIM •MS-S444 complained Castillo was ag gressively panhandling outside the store* When KPD officers ur rived they observed Castillo fol lowing two women along l.ttli Avenue and vertrally assaulting them. • Damage to a gate at the v im tor's parking lot tichind the EMU was reported on Nov ‘l The gate had lieen lot hv a ve hide, breaking the support post Police suspect a brown Ford van is responsible for damage to the gate No damage estimate was available • A vacuum was reported stu leu from Kilev Hall on Nov H Estimated loss was $M‘i Police have no suspects • A ro< kless burning was re purled Nov 1 t on the sot ond floor of Moore Mali furniture was thrown .dong the hallway, and - '361 MONDAYS IMKUl (.H I KID \\ s Luncheon Specials Phad Thai $425 ( /Ktjirs next In t1 nr <) HnnK\tnrr CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H7‘) I nth U\-2ttY2 ! 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