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Students for the Ethical Treat merit of Animals and (.'If All groups must attend or make ar rangemenls with I It at least 24 hours before the hearing Et als Circle K International meet ing is at t> to p m m KMl ’ ('e dar Room C Call (45-71 "«4 for more information OSPKICs iei yi ling group meeting is at 5 to p in in Room 107 I sslmgei Hall ( all (40 4477 for more information Cniversity/Cniversity ol El Salvador Sister I 'niversity I’ro jet t general meeting Is at 5 40 p m in EMU Century Room If Call 686-HfMM or I4l> (104 foi more information Students Against Apartheid is holding a Coca-Cola boycott meeting at 7 p m in EMC Ce dar Room I Call 4H5-22H4 for more information East Campus Neighborhood Council meeting is at 7 p m .it 1 "iH4 Villard St Call 883-7469 fur details SPEAKERS AND EVENTS Robert Zavrcl senior radio frequent \ engineer .it Stanford Telecom. will speak on Husi ness Ethics in High Technol ogy A Perspective from Silicon Valiev” at 7: to p.m in the EMU Gumwood Room. The event is sponsored by the Hu manities Center People and the Oregon Coast slide show of the Oregon I list i lute of Marine Hiology is from 7 to 8 p.m in the EMC Maple Room The Philosophy Club is spot) soring a lei tore In Mike Hyliee. of the University English de partment. titled " The Relation ship between Rhetorii and Phi losophy” .it 4 p in in Room I 111 Willamette I tail Maradel (.ale. assoi iate pro fessor ol planning, puhlii pole i v and management, will speak on The 1 m vers it \ ol (Jregon 's Micronesia Program” at t. tt) p in in Room ttitl Condon Hall the event is sponsored bv the ( Center lor Asian and Par ifu Studies MISCKI.I.ANEOUS Public Relations Student So ciety of Amenta is sponsoring .t (areer planning workshop at 5: to p.m in Koom 214 Allen Hall Call 346-5511 for informa tion. New Directions/Over 35 sup port group, sponsored by Wom en in Transition, meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in EMU Century Koom If Registration is re quiltld. Call 346-4099 or .346-4095 for details. Young Women's Campus Identity Group, sponsored by Women in Transition, meets from ti to 7:30 p.m. in EMU Century Koom I). This is a < losed group. Call 346-4095 or 346-4099 for mom information Women's Support Group, sponsored by Women in Tran sition, meets from 3:30 to 5 p in in EMU Century Koom E This is a drop-in group Call 346-4095 for information llillel is sponsoring a disc us sion group on "Jewish I’erspei lives on Current issues" at 4 pm at the koinonia Center. 14 14 Kincaid St Call 343-8920 for details. The Newman Center. 1850 Emerald St . is sponsoring a morning praver and simple breakfast lor students at 8 a m The center is also sponsoring an international student gather ing in the lounge at 7:30 p.m Call 343-7021 lor more infor mation on both these events Lottery Continued from Page 1 over-under," Ityrne said "With mi niiim games it would hevi' Imhmi easy In consider lln* I.ii k id interest The Sports \i lion Hi*11"' i anw into existence in Sfpirm Iwi limy and while the Oregon Athlelii I iepaitment was prom ised $1 million in the first year, the Athlelii Department Inis re i eiveil oilh S1SO.IMHI Safes on other lottery games have been very poor in the last year, and as a provision ol Sports Ailion when it was passed, any time the lottery sales dip below a certain level. monov from tin' Sports Ai lion will be used to i over those loss os The Athletic Department lias l>enefitetl by the state board's dec ision to grant tuition waiv ers for the University that has resulted in about $(>00,000 for the Athletic Department How ever, Byrne was quick to point out that the University as a whole not pist the Athletic De partment. v\as helped hv the decision Over the past few years (In state system was not meeting its props ted income figures and as a result lifted the enroll men! c aps to c reate more mon ey for tin- state colleges and universities, not just their re THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROUDLY PRESENTS INTERNATIONALLY RECOC FILM DIRECTOR AND ANIMATOR H URS DAY VKMBE 5$ COLUMBIA «J a* -> 7PM li nupiKn ficiN Zol ►mV ■2/ spei live atliletii programs "YVe're only about one-third of tin- problem." Byrne said Wilt'll sludt'llts go lo a class is overly full, it’s not be cause iif athletics but because ot the shortfall (of the state sys tem) from the previous years Both the Nil. and NBA have been opposed to the Sports Ac tion name from the start hut with the NBA out of the pit lure, the chances of Sports Ac tion remaining in Oregon have greatly increased Members ol Congress have also tried to have the game banned, hut through the efforts of Sen Boh I'arkwood. K Ore . the game appears to lx- safe from any legislation An at tempt to ban the game passed the House of Representatives earlier this fall, but 1‘ackwood was able to slip an amendment into an unrelated hill exempt ing Oregon from the ban SELL YOUR: STEREOS DIRTY SOCKS YOUR WORKING CAR AN OLO DESK OOURLE RED LIFE SIZED ELVIS NON WORKING CARS ■•CYCLES SKATEBOARDS MILK CRATES ■RICKS SHELVING UNOPENEO PRESENTS Piaca youi ad toi lour day* II a ,an I sold can us and M il run 11 lor lour mors' NOREFUNOS NO CREDITS IT WILL SELL! 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