uw... And Nbw, Fzo* the Home CW ;r (n S4i£M, “ Heck'S oc/fi TCP- T£N c/sr of EUPHEMISMS FOR"TUITION INCREASE': 10. Service Fee Increase 9. Money For Myles 8. Grateful Dead Legal Defense Fund 7. Student Economic Reserve Reduction 6. Rich People First Plan 5. Inequitable Education Format 4. Mandatory Top Ramen Studies 3. Come On, We Need the Cash!! 2. Student Weight Loss Program (DWH Rou, Pu*S£ } 1. Significant New Tuition Surcharge on the Revenue Side LETTERS Deceptive ad As advertisements for their Palestinian Solidarity Day. the Muslim Student Union distrib uted and slue k up on campus some fliers The fliers depicted a ( rving mother < hitching her son as a soldier approaches and threatens them On the soldiers helmet is written "burn to kill " The picture is a powerful representation of Israeli mili tarv oppression. When I attended one of the events of Palestinian Solidarity Day there was a huge poster of the same woman clutching her child. But there was something missing: the ‘'f»orn to kill" sol dier The picture that the MSU distributed on their fliers is a deception — a misleading fab rication Someone over-im posed the soldier onto the pic ture of the mother and child. Israeli soldiers have and do violate civil rights They must he stopped. But deception is not the wav to gain support for a cause Despite the fait that a poster at Palestinian Solidarity Day re ferred to lews as "venomous snakes" (now that's pruduc live) and aside from the fat t that the poster advertising Pal estinian Solidarity Day was a gross illusion. I still rally foi the Palestinian cause I just don't understand why the MSI' neetled to resort to do* option. Phil /uckerman few ish Student Union Don't buy it On Nov. 19. I opened the Kmrruld to find two articles re garding the recent ballot Meas ure (i on packaging and recycl ing The first was a front page story anti the second was a let ter to the editor. Both articles hlamed the failure of the meas ures to pass on the money spent by the opposition and the brainwashibility of the Oregon public. Well. 1 don’t buy that. If we are going to lie success ful in passing environmental is sues in this state, or on any front for that matter, blaming our failure on the other guys isn’t going to work. The money spent by the opposition. I’m sure, had a substantial effect on the public awareness of the weakness in Measure 6 but. the root of the problem is that it was a poorly written Kvon our governor-to-be. who supported the measure, said in public . that it was poor hut. could probably be fixed by the legislature Wh.it kind of confidence is that7 If vve are go ing to succeed in passing badly needed environmental legisla tion. wo had better get off our holier-than-thou podium, stop trying to blame the other guvs and get to work on < leaning up our approach so that our side ol the issues will be more con vincing. Nelson I). Sherry Biology Hypocrisy showing What hypocrites you are You don't like the CIA so you gleefully report how a group of intolerant protesters forced the recruiters off campus N et. vou also bewail racial and sexual discrimination which I may favor. You try to i oen e me into complying with your views It is certainly OK to present your views. But. in this land ol freedom, opposite preferences should tie tolerated You don't have to interview the CIA peo ple You need not even look at them Hut you should not ha rass them Similarly. no one should throw stick bombs at Nomonde Ngubo's le< tore run lie forced to take black aware ness courses Your dual standard hypo crisv is showing Kd Kehuborg North Bend Racism rally An incident was recently re ported in the papers Four women at a local tavern were informed of a policy whereby the speaking of Spanish was prohibited and were then re quested to leave. Recognizing this violation of their constitu tional and civil rights, the women called the police. They waited for 45 minutes for the police to arrive ami support their right to lie inside anil speak Spanish The police asked them to wail outside while speaking to the tavern management The papers reported the manage ment ( rented this polii \ to pro vent non Fnglish speaking p.i Irons from swearing at their bartenders without their knowl edge We must demand that people who own businesses open to the public respect diversity, as well as the state of Oregon’s Puhlii Accommodation laiw This mandate requires that no one can be refused serve e based on rate, religion or na tional origin You can help t reate .1 t lunate where sut h polit ies un thinking at f>est. bigoted at worst lire met with resist ante by attending a rally organ ized bv MKOhA Friday Nov to from tit p m to 2 p m at the Howdy Partner Tavern. 20"> Highway 'to N You will join over It) com munity anti Univcrsili nrgani /aliens who value and demand res pot t for t ultural diversity Please 1 .ill us at \ PiOB if you have any questions This incident, wliitli has al ready been reported in Interna tional Km ism is something lor whit h Kugtine is known. Please bring signs in .ill languages Kveryone is welt ome Virginia Miller Margo Shafer MKChA Correction Wednesday's article on the pass no-pass option stated that a 2 00 gratle point average was insufficient for graduation or good-standing status. The nrti cle should have read less than 2.00 on both counts. Also. Wednesday's article on KKMA should have stated that applications will lie accepted for several management posi tions. not fora station manager The Emerald regrets the errors LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char acter of others. D A R O D A R D I F F E R E N A I C l us I H A Video Euro Flash Fusion -Tekno Funk DJ-VJ K>-2 7 nights a week 959 Pearl (downstairs) Eugene 683-2360 Wp are an alternative life style clut) and all an? welcome it alternative lifestyles offend you we suggest another club TNI PAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Xmtl " i ‘ i, ■L , V&,, Like most veterinary students. Doreen breeies through Chapter 9. Oregon DAILY EMERALD PI) |k>\ 'I*1*. Justik OtrpMit’HI' The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday *’*• .tpl during eaam week and vacations by I be Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon Eugene. Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of tb«> University with offices on the third floor of the Fob Memorial Union and «s a member of the Associated P»«*ss The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros ecu table by law Editor Alice Wheeler Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politics Editor Graphics Editor In Touch Editor Christopher Blair Rot) Ward Joe Kidd Sean Poston Anna Rombocki Nawt Editor Editorial Editor Sport* Editor Enlartainmant Editor Night Editor Chris Bounef» Pat MjIach A*»hloy Confcim luyne Laketish Potor Cogswell Associate Editors Community Don Peters Student Government/Activities Catherine Hawley Higher Education/Administration Peter Cogs*eii Features Stacy I vie Reporters Tammy Haley Jake Berg Brian Bloch Rene D© Ca»r Carrie D«,nn«'tt Cathy Peterson Mrng Rodnquen June Russell Daralyn Trappe Bob Wad© Mot) ert Weber Photographer Eric Evans Andre Ranteri Advertising Kevin Austermann Mark Brundaye Elame D©«ter Kathy Endicott Michael Gray Becky Horn Michelle Knapp Jennifer Koala Nicole Leahy Kiralen Lucas Ken McBnde Stephen Mosley Maria Newman L«sa Richman Mary San derson Kathy Smith Kristi Strother Classified Kelly McMicheel Adrienne Radcliffe Janet Schobrv Business: Gorman Chapman Judy Connolly Production Jennifer Archer Kathryn Barton Mia Bedelsen Tom Bosworth Alice Cannon Lotus Child Carol Dopp Jim Finch Corine Frier Yvette Gill Susan Head Jennifer Huey Linda Klaastad Sheila Loren/O Jim Mason Anna Rembechi Don Ross Jean Senechaf Jennifer Smith Anne Stephenson Jennifer Thomas. 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