Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ?»o QUADS Private room ’ minute walk ♦ • 1 > ampus $235 mo (negotiable* All ut . i ■ . ■ * • RESERVE NOW' Limited spaces available Newly remodeled units at prime campus location 1235/month utilities paid laundry facility and covered parking Quiet student*, only ' .360 Aider Street 345 5949 Sub laasmg . < a • Quads campus l blk 12301mo mci utii Female only tease thru June Free parking to? year 344 1186 Amy TYLER PARK QUADS 528 Tyler St Large furnished quads w-tn private bathes All utilities paid' $245 Cali 343 9235 2«5BttMS . . CHELSEA HOUSE CO OP 1851 Ony« St Winter. Spring terms 343 2674 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTEO to share 3 bedroom townhouse On site laundry and pool $l85'mo • . uM-l.es ( brt - m Male grad lo share nice home near campus with senior & 2 male grad Indents $?0« a 484 542 \ Spacious, convenient lemale co op by campus 2 mos lease available Cali Gmny 746 6433 eveningsnnornmgs 250 DORM CONTRACTS Oorm Contract tor Sale1 Females only Contact Oarcey at 346 8916 Oorm contract for sale S25 Call Jett 346 8638 Oorm Contract For Sale' Free dorm si/e fridge* 346 9776 HOUSING CONTRACT Cash Rebate' _Call 346 8583 I will pay you $25 cash"' Buy my Oorm Contract Call Brenda 346 6502 Must sell dorm contract Academic Pursuit Call Allison for details. 485 5762 Want music, beverage or concert tickets in exchange for a great place to live** Call Heather at 346 9728 2 Oorm Contracts tor Sale $10 free for each contract Call John or Boone a« 346 8978 2 Dorm Contracts tor sale, quiet hall females only Call Evelyn at 346 8498 255 R00aiMaftS~WANTED— Funky 3 bdrm Mdwd firs trpic big * ASUO Student Health tn*i*» ant e ID ert)t end - Unit ttmns may i now t>« obtained to room )b ot the j l MU M i-.t.iy In Ijj fliHi *> poi OreoonRoods Vt *04 > t I V.MNt *.« LOW COST • LONG TERM NEW VEHICLE LEASING ANY MAKE ANY MODEL 683 CARS Live t on 1 talk • t ■ • an Mi .‘Jib 22S • 1 976 S2SS a Listen m on hot t»H» $1 tV-run f Tl .‘>tb .’.’l ,V\4 • 1 976 19!19 • t . • . Fugene •; hottest parly im« $1 gs-mm I Tl .gift 2J.\ 27*-4 CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 1 Karats Wow 5 Shrinur's hat 8 Ok « 12 Etna output 13 Caviar, ussontially 14 lolla pa loo/a 15 Suggust ing Iho Sahara 16 Em hatvos 17 Whoru heruos aru born7 IB Dull in 20 Sauntor 22 You cant stand to havo ono 23 M.icGraw or Baba 24 l asso 27 G 4 S croation 32 Muss up 33 Nancy's man 34 Always, (Hiuticully 35 tunso. in a senso 38 Noighbor ot Nub 39 Zato 40 Nasi «Kjg acct 42 Hoadown mstru rnonl 45 Sail 49 '.il my way* 50 Ftro wood1 52 Conkud out 53 Now man's -Hud* co slat 54 Ms Me Clan.than 55 -Auld — Syno* 56 *Sim oloons* 57 Apioco 58 Othorwiso DOWN 1 Close mouthed one 2 Aesopian race loser 3 'Metamor phosis* poet 4 Water wheel board 5 Bahamas city 6 l ong time 7 Gusto 8 I’ampor 9 Rough, as a lust draft 10 Whom Watson •mind 11 A Great Lake Solution time: 23 mins c mi ilnrnU oji 'mBMi f Yesterday's answor 11-29 19 "A notu to lollow so" 21 Howor's nood 24 Blushing 25 Moekoy qiu.lt 20 Mual rolatud »U t uau gunk 29 Make crypto grams 30 Crumpet wash down 31 Original lovo boat7 30 Mu art 37 l vury last crumb 38 Uicyctu r.n.it 41 Concern mg 42 Stoolie 43 Noton 44 OK Corral VIP 40 Don't touch that — r 47 Camera part 48 Him 51 Taka to court Cash For Textbooks Mon. Sat. Smith Famil\ Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Ride Share brings together people needing and offering rule' anywhere in Oregon or fhroughout the country For more information call 345 7600 SUNSHINE CLEANERS & LAUNDROMAT 77 E. 29th at Willamette Open 8a.m 10p m Daily 484-0469 "A Pleasant Place To Be South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronii Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683*9070 !lU Student rates Near Campus Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson KU-* UX* ' 10U MMV m. HLD WUUOJV S.VIN Bt.v. TCA.0 V i' 1KM fWfflfcWUl CM. git* OU tt H t.tJ HUV - *v H.AM TUMS M (& wsN l V/lUHj.'t -< ocwt V. 3 I iltt. HCM TO Bl ’KUVN l LVvii TW UA'.T »*i Oi« . TT. > i * Hudson van Curen by Michael Russell •3 prfdXL'p dCi? ’ mjlfs "’ fwjuowi: h *KP '1.V.<5 if*iff" Wiftcrtck • (an r Live WfH TM, _£aat r*i Vir p if'ir