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Rood Slf**» Mil AOvifulel* OeauMui t9*» tCo%! rr\e V2T*>) CutloffHNiOif h«Mdwtx«1 double txKl 0«m« U5 ilftdMO f9R SALE MiSC no mail FUTON FRAMES 3 Pot'ltCXV T*r*n* *40 F oft* %W Oumrntt |W) D«M»»wy A*#*tal>l# IH4IFI__ OOVFANMfNT S(!ZC 0 V*h.c*«» from *100 Fordo Morcodoo Conro«o% C.fv#ry» Surplus Vour Aron 6d7 600© lot SOMJ G’»«t X m*a qHI! S r '*1<» COmrr»orrK>r»1^»«> LoCttMT* *ciif»i*njw* Hufllin* fcotfo SMI bored RrrtAtt* nl W' Your* *< *-1*1 C*ii M&3A0fit BPSOB — 164 W Broadway f tiger* Oregon 97401 bOi) 34? 3622 LIVING EDUCATIONAL PRICING! Now Available at Your '■ College Store! TOYS TOYS TOYS IVfttftre you pa* too tfy KlOSTUFF '#%*»* at t* batt" B7 W 13th *M 44&» \ 1 S Mon Sat _ f UNtCCF CAAOS AMO GIFTS on »•»• today 10 lo 4 at I ha UO Bootsto**' Woman * Ratatgh SpoM* 3f 3 *p nan bras h tubas good »h*p« ig 'p*r b4*»at VsOobo 7440423 ttoS Etc Oft S spaad Cfu.a# control Urn m«ta». car«d torew >3200 CH 4tM 94 n IS CHta 190 0L*’N»ce’ Btwa >750 obo. M*c»onia *»d#« datactor * K putvp bands SBC obo Nf# Realist’*. poMatv«* CO p*»y*f mt* S^OOt Will sail SitSobo Ca<> Kavtn 344 5743 izwwm:== • SPEAMRSBO* WANTED • Piaasa call Staph 34B 9288 Cash 0» T'ari# _ WANTED ' boots 190 200 V; 6 Can Staph *6928B Mi CARS 76 Oatsun 6?10 AM'fM caswll* defrost new tires S800robO Con W* 94% 49 Che* Ceva»*e» wh»t* almost n#w tow miles IfcVXVmuM sell Jason 747 1494 Honda Cilia *0 W«n M a-n tamed 6500/obO Cai< Dave a! 3444i?ff9 LIITU RED ROCKET* Yamaha Scoot*' tow miles *uU *ece helmet $275 683 469? U5 COMPUTERS/ELECTROMICS FREE MOUSE! Computer system *>ih hard dis* includes wo»d processing spread sheet and database At! for only S 799 OO Computer Systems West 17% Willamette 342 4153 J Macintosh Memory 1 MB 349 2 MB 3179 4 MB 31S3 Free Installation Memory diract 343 2541 Jill IHlTOQt Producer Publish#' John Shark ay has bran teaching gudar keyboards pass and song anting for osar 20 years t2 hit singles and 3 albums! lesson information 344 4452/346 5312 )M RESALE CLOTHIWC Gentlemen's Encore We pay TOP dollar tor Men t and Woman s clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING HC SRI EQUIPMENT ~ Must salt Bfij/ard Thermos 203 s used 6 limes only W*th Salomon 747E binding 32Wotx> M-ke 4ft4*.t4l RACING EQUIPMENT Atomic arc MVj &t 205cm milryoiia 390 R0 Escl cond Kotlach CE 550 boots 344 3435 Salomon SX91 Equip# -•* tn- «• * ;e 9 t< used Mimas Must sen 345 4122 Woman's Roll* Ski pants Sue 5 Excellent Condition 345 Call 445 4954 200 TRAVEL An Ticket tor Sale Eugene Darner 1>t louts Oac 20 One way St25 Call Bea at 3458069 f ogene/MinnespolisiDululh One way plan* tic hat Dei ember 13 3150 negotiable Merrill 3444588 HOT'HOT'MOT'HOT' HOT'MOT'MOT* INI XPENStVf SPRING BREAK TRIPS Ml XICO HAWAII MEXICO 1000 543 9205 Miami Florida Oneway plane ticket February 27 Woman ST20 negotiable 3467286 zoo TRAVEL On# way plan# hcket lo New York City from fugen# on December 15 1300obo Can John 344 9356 On# way plan# ticket from fugen* to Hartford CT on 0#< #mbe» 15 l?Wot)0 Can Kevin 344 9356 Roundlnp air tin# ticket Eug*r«Tocson 2’2D«9t 22V91 *185 344 8212 alter 5 p m _ _ Round trip airline ticket lo L A Burbank Leaving 1215, relum ing 12/27 Can 686 1945 • *.«, • ’ *• ' lugen* to Lo* Ang#»#s Lt>ir< 12/13 S1?&otx> Can Bofeby 344 7510 1 way plan# t*ckat • Phoero* Leave 12/13 |i20/otH> Call 746 9742 1 way plan# tick#! Fugm# Ontario via San Jose Leaving Dae 12 HOO'obo Call 3450543 avat 1 Round Trip Ticket 11?Vobo Anywhare m thr Contmantal U S Campus Boa 63680 2is OPPORtUWITIES Orumm#i n##d>or organizations »r# encouraged to apply Ail positrons a'# voluntary | Pleas* submit Resume . Tianscrrpts by December 7 1990 to | Arty Kmght Willamette Int t Trade i j Center 1059 WiHarnett# Si Eugene ! OR 97401 Phone . 686 019* 220 HELP WANTED Admin A»t! Near campus Ov 41 WP Prol6»*4onai attitude 14 20 h **> St* hour while working flembie flay i ; and bribing hour* Can 346 3433 Of j [ 'tog l)y 2001 ffnkitn B>vd today D*nc»it wanted Great Alaskan Bush Company EaceMent money 1030 Hwy 99 North 688 902? NOME TYPISTS PC uttfl needed $35,000 potential Detail* (11 SOS 66 7 6000 E11 B 9642 II* Mill' v your college aducaiton working ai Jiggle* Eaceiienl money tieaibte hour* Call Nancee Of Brook for per son at interview 344 6697 Lifeguard Ea/ty morning boor* Must be current in iifeguanl CPR ami first a*d certifica t.on* Approa 16 20/wee* Apply at River Road Park 1400 la*e Df Eugene 668 4052 OVERSEAS JOBS $900 2000/mo Summer yr round, all counlrie* all !»ald* Free into write UC. PO Ba 52 0RO3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 22s Work $Yubv WteiTioBT" Work study position* available for poster crew m Cultural Forum winter & spring term $4 2Vhr 8 10 hrv'wk Apply at Su I Can 689 8667 553 E. 18th j Quad available now in small f.omple* Parking laundry private I Daily $260 1156 PATTERSON Newly remodeled 1 bdrm units Available now' 4 blocks from impus Ui fc ONLY 9345' JenningsCo 488 E. 11th Ave. 683 2271 Large clean 2 bdim 1 bik lo UO Furn dishwasher/disposal lots of parking new catpet vinyl 683 8919 Lrg 1 Bdrm Close lo Campus Sep baYvemty. large walk in closet bd/lvgrm/util closet Spacious kitchen In a clean, quiet complei Call 464 4103 PLUMTREE APTS. 1555 W 18th SI Large 1 and 2 bedroom units availably no« Dishwasner breakfast bar tots ot yard space' $4 70 325 W. 12TH STREET Beautiful 1 bedroom Mat' New i.arpet pamt mmi blinds appliances $345 385 RUSTIC PLACE i bedroom fiat available now New «*rp«H upstairs unit $345 Jennings ‘Co 488 E. 11th Av*. 683 2271 Two bedroom turn apt near music btdg. MW Ca« after 2 pm Ridgewood Apartments 668 5769 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO. 745 C 15th One two and three bedroom units available winter term Call now and gel your name m tor upcoming vacancies' Rnces range trorn $415 lor 1 bedrooms to $695 tor 3 bedrooms call Mu. haei at _bbs-ora. 1668 Ferry St 1 Bedroom furnished Laundry off street parking, no pets By appt 686 H30 Spyglass Associates 1 bdrm furnished Walk to campus shopping Clean well maintained dishwasher disposal carpet cPat* covered parsing $365-mo Ava-i Dec 1 Or 15th 1200 Ferry Si 344 3191 If n i home please leave message 1 bedroom Apartment 4 blocks from campus Very nice Hardwood floor $335 a month 144 9973 (message) 750 E 14th f urn Studio lease $346 Avail 12/7 344 7393 evenings CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Contemporary furnished quad units in excellent campus location OH street parking, on site laundry and ALL UTILITIES PAID' Lease required l ‘.<290. New quads close to campus Large rooms $220/mo 1866 Harris *3 343 2376 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU LOOK.tVCRi BOPY, I'M FVUKiNO MY HtAXT OUT HLUl Yi k&F*' I PlPtfT mi 600P about me pzoerr fwma mm on me thstar veAi, SOIM&W what's , *- £ UifTON6 WITH THAT 7 _' ' ^ _\-CL _L»_-f mi, S/D, THAVS AN INT£££SIIN6 QUtSVON. UTS PUT IT TO THD 6X0UP.,. vC_ MART. INHAT po you THINKf FM NOT HEY, DOC, MARY I60TTA Toaay. 60. tm I'M OUT OK oavtp. QUARTERS. We ship your staff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes l^gT1 2705 Willamette St. 344-3106