ARTS Ptuito H> Smb Carlos Come/., playing the role of Jeff, and JetTs best friend Sarah, played by Cindy Veldhuis. explore the ups and downs of college life in the original University play "heap of faith. ” ‘Leap of Faith’ explores college life By Ming Rodrigues Emerald Entertainment Reporter The trials and tribulations of college lift* are chronicled in an original University play, "heap of Faith." Delving into the complexities of the average college student’s life, the play revolves around four fictional University students and the issues they face on campus and in life Family, relationships, school and other com mon problems students normally face in this stressful transitional period toward an established career and stable existence are explored "There has not been a play done on college stu dents on campus, and so we wanted to put up something that students can actually identify closely with." said Lorilvn (irges, theater arts graduate student and the plav's t ■> writer (Irani Mi kerme.