UNIVERSITY Transfer students say LCC good experience One-third of students start out at CC level By Cathy Peterson Emerald Reporter More than one-third of stu dents attending s< hools in the Oregon State System of Higher Kducation have also atlemied Oregon communilv colleges .it one time or another. According to a preliminary study from the state system and the (Jregon (Jffice of (.'ommuni ty College Services. 1-1 percent of the sample of graduating stu dents in the state had Oregon community college experience, said Susan Weeks, director of Institutional Research Servii e for the state system In the last three years more than 1.000 students who have enrolled at the University attended Lane Comnitinitv Col lege at some time, said Marie Matsen. research analyst at LCC. Students and education ad ministrators say students are getting good preparation .it community colleges, such as LCC in Eugene, before transfer ring to state universities Bob Walter has been a Uni versity student for two years After taking two years of class es at Lane. he transferred to the University and entered the journalism department "Education is a pretty pre cious commodity. I want to get the most I can out of it." he said. Walter said lie's studying l.atin American history and tak ing Spanish lie hopes to get a job as a reporter in Central or Latin America when he gradu ates. "I really enjoyed my educa tion at l.ane," Walter said I had a good experience lie said he was careful to pick good te.u hers, and In dropped (lasses when he wasn't satistled w ith the course two things he said he's also done at the University. "I've had to use as mu< h disi rimina tiou in choosing classes .it the lIniversilv as I had to at I.UU tjgu ( • f 1, i Many University students found it helpful to start their collegiate careers at Lane Community College before enrolling. (Support your I local business— I COPIES. m the copy shop 539 E. 13th 485-6253 As many as 3.000 students seek academic counseling eat h term, said I.CC Counseling Center Director )ohn Winquist. with half of those seeking infor mation about transferring to other schools "The majority talk about Ore gon." Winquist said. Most of the students who transfer have either earned a two-year associ ate arts degree at I.CC or have tried to fulfill entrance require ments for the University. "In general, people are well satisfied with their preparation here." Winquist said ) I’ Berg, a junior Knglish major, said he attended I.CC for a year at his parent's encour agement before transferring to the University He had been ac - cepted to OSU. the University and several other schools, hut he chose to stay in town lie cause of his family's ski busi ness "I always knew I'd end up at the University," he said Berg said most of his friends went to OSU, but many of his high school classmates joined him at ix:c "The instructors were great there," he said Senior Frances O'Connor said going to IX'C before enroll mg at the University made a lug different e in her edui ation "I'm really glad I did it the way that I did." O'Connor said. "I think now. it I had gone straight into the University, as big as it is. I might have been overwhelmed Commodor* • Ainifi • An,W • SUr • Nowll Certified AT 286/12 IM expandable to 4M • 1,2 Floppy Drive • 40M Hard Drive • Ports: 2S, IP, 1G • 101 Keyboard *3.3 DOS & Mouse • Video Controller • $995.00 • Monitor: Cost + 10% 135 N. 5th, Springfield 726-8500*Fax service available Stock up on film from the UO Bookstore. Prepare for Winter! Bring your car to the Preventive Maintenance Program REPAIR • Close to Campus • A.S.E. Certified Technician Tune-ups • Brakes • Fuel Injection Itl7 Vanillin 11*4 luifiw.Or. 974*1 EUGENE ATHLETIC DAY INTO NIGHT xlvoftvi CUttuslnuxts Sa£e TREMENDOUS SAVINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS UP TO 60% OFF SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st! ★ BIG GIVEAWAY ★ * no purchase necessary * Spirit Climber 760 Low impact stair machine—$389.00 Value Drawing to be held on Sunday, December 2nd. _Need not be present to win_ Open (rom 8:00 am to Midnight • Hourly Specials all day long Saturday 99 EUGENE ATHLETIC Monday thru Friday 9:30-9:00 Need not be present to win | Sunday 11-5 | | q | 94 West Broadway • Eugene, Oregon • 343-1288 ^ Downtown Eugene -