Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 28, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
After (he first of two
videos were shown at
Tuesday's forum, a panel
discussion m.is organized
to discuss some issues of
minority relations that ev
ist at the University
One audience member
warned that several fat ul
tv mem tiers and students
are not even aware of it
when they are prejudiced
toward minorities
At the beginning of the
forum. University affirm
alive action Dins tor Di
ane Wong said the time is
right for the visit
Continued from Page 1
marks could have 15 hours
worth removed
With the new C.PA system,
students with 2 00 averages
cannot graduate, and those
with 2.00 averages on at ademic
probation cannot continue
school without the permission
of the Scholastic Review Com
Students who are disquali
fied for academic performant e
for any reason t un appeal to the
committee, chaired by dreg
kerher. assistant journalism
school dean kerher said the
committee has always list'd the
15-credit rule when hearing pe
titions (mm students in danger
of not graduating or failing out
of st hool
Kerber said noth mu with re
gard to N's and F's has really
( hanged, and departments havi*
l icon (minting no-pass grades
as lading ones in their own av
erages since ltt/H
"This is all legislation that
was enacted by the faculty a
long time ago." he said
When asked il he believed
the counting of N's .is F's was
unfair, Kerber said the pass no
pass option was never intended
to safeguard a student's (IPA
from the effects of a failing
"Originally. students would
use the pass no-pass to avoid
getting ("s." he said "The op
tion is to encourage you to go
out of your major and trv some
thing new
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Dance club to swing
AIKSKC will hold a general
interest meeting tonight at 7 ,10
in Room 228 Chiles For more
information call 142-5110
Oregon ballroom Dance Club
will hold .i general interest
meeting and instructive darn -
ing tonight at 845 in the KMC
Walnut Room Call .145-9202
for more information
Et als
Ocean Kcnlogy Croup meets
tonight at 7 in EMU Suite I
Call 346-4356 for more infor
Amnesty International meets
tonight at 7:;l(l in the Douglass
Hall lounge For more informa
tion i all 346-4587.
Ancient Korest/Karth First
meeting will l>e held tonight at
7 in KMU Suite 1. Call
141> 1454 for more information
OSI’IKC local board meets
tonight at t> in KMC Suite 1
(aill 140 4377 for more infor
Coalition of Concerned Stu
dents will hold a dis< ussion of
issues raised at its last meeting
today at 4 .10 p in in KMC Cen
tury Room K. Call 346-4342 for
more information
Kocky Mountain Creek Con
ference will lie held tonight at
H. the location to he an
nounced For more information
i all 485-6241
Incidental Fee Committee
meets Thursday in the KMC
Hoard Room to heal late budget
appeals for the YWCA and the
American Institute of Craphit
Arts Croup representatives .ire
required to attend For more in
formation < all 346-3724
Women’s Sexual Identity
Croup meets today from noon
to 1 p in m KMC Cedar Room
I) tiring a Innc h I or more in
formation (.all 14114(1*15
A prat ticum informational
meeting for psychology stu
dents will he In-Id tonight from
ti to 7 in Room 142 Straub
“(•lad to be Gay!" is the top
ic of the (lav Men's R.ip Group
meeting, to he held tonight at
7:30 at 1414 Kincaid St For
more information call
College Republicans meet to
night at 5:30 in EMU Cedar
Room C.
“Preparing for the MCAT"
is the title of a workshop to he
held today from 3:30 to 5 p m
in Room 300 Oregon Hall For
more information call
Student Mass will be cele
brated tonight at 0 at the New
man Center. 1850 Fmerald St.
For more information call
Catholic Students and Social
Issues is the topic of an event
to he held at the Newman Cen
ter. 1850 Kmerald St. For more
information call 343-7021.
"Solo" is the title of a rock
and snow climbing video, to be
shown today at 12:30 p in. in
the Outdoor Program office.
Room 23 EMU.
Psi Chi. the national psychol
ogy honor six ietv. will be ac
cepting applications Stop by
the group's booth outside the
EMU Fishbowl for more infor
mation. 10 a in to 3 p.m. today
and Thursday.
Deadlint‘ for submitting Kt
a Is to the Emerald /root tlesk.
KMU Suite tot), is noon the day
before publii at ion Kt als run
the da\ of the event unless the
event takes plate beton> noon
Xolit es ol events with a do
nation or admission < barge will
not be at i epted Campus
events anti those st hetluletl
nearest the publication date
will be given priorit\ The Em
erald resenes the right to edit
notit es for grammar and style
raF w~
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