Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 28, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Shame on you
In reference to the editorial
(OI)E. Nov. Hi) on taking a
stand on the Gulf crisis We
would like to scold you for not
doing your homework.
We have formed a No Gulf
War Coalition which includes
campus and community organi
zations and individuals.
Through this group letter
writing campaigns, petitions
and demonstrations have been
planned. We had our first meet
ing Nov. 15 and a follow-up
meeting Nov. 20 — all are wel
Your editorial would have
proven more effective had you
taken the time to contact us —
through our letter (ODE. Nov.
13) — or other various organi
zations on campus. For further
information our number is
Katie McVeigh
Political Science
Robynne Whitney
Political Science
Let's be fair
As I played pool at the EMU
the other day 1 was shocked to
see money changing hands as
people at another table l»et on
the outcome of a nine-hall con
test This is a moral outrage
and probably illegal. So. 1 am
writing to call for the closing of
the EMU pool hall.
The fact that the comport
ment of these people was com
pletely decent and inoffensive
to anyone around them is total
ly lieside the point. By keeping
the pool hail open the Universi
ty gives the message that gam
bling is OK — from gentle
man's wagers to betting on
your own baseball team as the
1 ask that Dan Williams make
another decision based solely
on the letters of the tinv minor
ity that writes concerning this
huge problem and close down
this haven of immoral, if not il
legal activity. Now. if we could
only get another 11 letters
leffory P. Merten
Two standards
I am writing because Friday I
saw an article in the Emerald
and the Register-Guard about a
law professor who, in discus
sion of a Georgia ruling on the
Hardwick case, brought to at
tention how it affects his life
and the lives of millions of gays
and lesbians across the coun
try The dean forced him to
apologize for talking about
"controversial matter which
has no relation to the subject."
It has everything to do with
the subject! I challenge any het
erosexual professor in this
school to tell me they haven’t
at one point during the term
mentioned their heterosexual
ity by casual comments in class
such as; "My wife and 1 went
to the game last night and
True, not all professors talk
about their personal lives in
casual comment or in relation
to the subject they art? teaching.
You can la* 100 percent cer
tain none of us gay or lesbian
professors or students bring it
up No one seems to fie taking
the (Jay Lesbian Task Force’s
report seriously. Well, wake
up It only hit the tip of the ice
berg. We have a policy at this
university that is supposed to
be anti-discritninatorv in re
gards to sexual preference, yet
we can still lie forced buck into
the closet at the threat of losing
our jobs. being harassed and
even be.it up or humiliated in
Enough is enough.
This case is so typical of
what the task force is trying to
draw attention to. I hope the re
port is read to the University
Assembly in a mandatory meet
Ann Marie Piazza
I am writing in regard to the
enforcement of dismounting
your bicycle on University
I was coasting through the
EMI 1 courtyard carefully avoid
ing my peers when 1 was
stopped by a rookie campus
cop I had already dismounted
at this point and was in antici
pation of a warning
This was not the case He
proceeded to interrogate and is
sue me two citations One for
not dismounting and one for
not having my bike registered
first of all. I have been riding
through here for the past four
years of my enrollment and 1
have never witnessed a warn
ing or ticket issuing Another
student rode past us while I
was lieing < ited
The second ticket is what
really appalled me, however
Isn't paying tuition enough to
give me the right ot being on
campus with my transporta
In my stupefying anger I
threw away both citations in a
nearby trash can They can slap
the cuffs on me next time they
catch me moshiug students on
my bike
Steve Wright
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f.o Hot »i«, Up«»
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In the corner, Vance was putting the move
on two females — unaware that his fake hood
had begun to slip.