Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 mm ATO Jmim l ATO Hava a Qf«at d«y’ Happy Holiday*' Kp Lova you* Sac rat Santa KQ Pragnant? Dat>*ton* to Conftdanfial fraa tatting _ ftATHlUQHTjW «* t 0 ACC AS' Today •» tha day to tu*n »n you* oftUtt tnvalopa* from 444710 Ptannad Paranthood for Pap »m«ar% mfactton chock*. b**1h control and coonaating Day* and avanmg* 144 Mil_ Sam and Du* tin Wa know from tha hr*t day you mat that tt would ba a r»at high'Congratulation* on you* Pinning F*om tha Wa**#i» Who’* your favorits professor? Old Oragon tha UO alumm maga/ma plan* to protiia torn# of in# UO * moat notawodhy taachar* Which p*ofa**o*» hava mada a d»tfa*anca tn you* Itfa? Who*# lactura* do you ati|oy? Who taka* an astra mta*a*t in you* aod’ Sand you* nomination* {inctuda a paragraph asptanaHont to TOP PAOC/Otd Oragon Umva**ity of Oragon Eugana. OA 47403 O* drop t>y Our offiC# at 101 Cha|>man Han Than**’ 5o Trtfth O Wa can i bat*#*# you *a ENGAGE O' Congratulation* and good luck' _ You* *l»1ar* XU Cams S and Krtetfci S Congratulation* on you* pmnmg* to t\t Doug 0 and LO*an M Lava, you* *i»tar* 110 LOST A fOUWO Found Gold rmg around Mu*»C Bfclg u,?r 3438806 to m*omy Found Kayt btlund Eapratao Rome on 11/M. Coll HMW._ LOST Gray duHto bag Wut backpack h gray Irmchcoel naar tftlh A Howard' 142 3T68 BamciitiiMt FLYING FINGERS typing ftarvrca F a*»t accurate pro'asvonai 11 OOtpago up 404 003a FOOTNOTES TYPING LASER PRINTING-FAST! L 11 SfrPQ tMURm B21 341! 3739 JO THE TYPING PRO -•mm .VO"!- I ; • PAPERS TMESES DISSERTATIONS LASER IMPRESSIONS 10 am 4pm M F iSlh 4 Char nation __4iS M90 PAPERS OUE? NEED HELP’’ Youi Rata arch An»«*lant Profauionai word proca*s*tk (onuium * Ia*et |*nnl»ng,(>iaphk« Editing, Kr'umo CAROLYN CtNOY TYPING UNLIMITED • HM Compabbi* a Grad School Approval! Guarantaac Ptaaaa can 4653343 Barbara Land ?Sl5 F torsi*' Bivd *6 Sanu*£ »ha U of O a*aa >»nca 1981 } DiftDTff The Holidays arr a lime for global celebration. Express your feelings on this joyous occasion in the (>i)E Classified's Merry Messages From Around the World SOt par Una Art $150 Coming: December T Deedttne: December S. 1 p m August Wh! Word Processing lav*' Nihno • Ctjmng • Dm* Top Pvt f SSf * PTQ*et»*wV* *64 *>127 DIALATYPIST 1_ myrm_ EAGLE IVI TYPING EDITING By experienced writer Ph 0 student f.*l p»of#**.orx#imorb 4A4 7SM Peggy's T ypmg Service Fapenenced typist ottering service* on IBM computer system and laser printer Reasonable rales CMI Peggy a! 342 4BBB. PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing Fhm> |M< ku(>,(j#lnr»l|( Rond* H3S 1802 QUALITY TYPING l*M« Printing. »1 IS per page Norma 343 4643 or 34* 2780 ROBIN 344 0756 GRAO SCHOOL AP PROVED 20 year fhe%i*.di**e»iation barb ground Full ra bum# service I i a\ff imr.f.'.y ON CAMPUS' T ypmg. tgrord procaaalng. <1*•• * • publishing graphic* Laser punter 15 • year * ©• penance fFree p*c* uiv'detivery) Carole 6886678 WORD PROCESSING EAST Si per page M3 2315 «”T¥TM»*.ZZ Native French speaking tulor available anytime Call Naina**© 342 2H34 mi FUTON FRAMES 3 Poe* Iron Tome MO Full* ISO Queen* |60 Delivery Available _Ml MTI_ GOVERNMENT SEIZED Vehicle* Irom •100. Ford*. Mercedes Corvette*. Chevy* Surplus Your Area (1)BBM>y-BO0O lal B-0B43_ Great X mas grtt' '• hrade commemorative Locbbacb nmniht* Hunting knife Sim bored Retail* at 360 Your* at S3S Call 6636067 New Bond Streal leather briefcase Absolutely beautiful S£S tCo*l me S275» Custom made hardteood double bed frame 335 485 8583 TOYS TOYS TOYS Before you pay loo much try KIDSTUEE resale at .1* beat'1 62 W 13th 464 4466 11 5 Mon Sat ["UNICEF CARDS AND GIFTS on sa*e~; today K) to 4 at the UO Boo* store* [ Women s Raleigh Sports. 26 wheels 3 sp new foe*. & tube* good shape tg 'ear basket 550obo 744 0423 ™wm BIG SALE UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO *149 96 *139 9$ *79 96 *19» ftfil • 0 2 Port CO Pi*ye* • Outback Wolkmor • C‘**S»C Walkman WM A12 ANrf • MS T40A • KP A36G Meodpnon** ?N*nj fta*P Tachfuc* Noma Audio • Si P1 70 Git miry CO Play** Check othe* store prices *129 96 • SI PC 33 6 D« CO Play** 4 times ov*'sampling *399 96 • CO* f **66 * fcsc Chong* w **mot*' m* add to A0V *ad*o‘ *649 96 Clarion j • 9772 RT M* Powa* Pu« Oul lowest price ever ne'e* *279 96 ! Infinity Speake*i • Kappa Sa*»es CS 5 5'« & t tweete* *199 96 • Alt R©*e»e? ( e Standard Infinity Speakers 20% off* Prices good 'III Christmas! Why go anywhere else when you can shop between classes?! —UO-Bookstore— B« coiy tor fftnato! 4 ov» m>i»« Cd/tKl ?or c*< 12200 Call 484 9471 J2L • SPEAKERS/ROX WANTED • PHm»# call Staph 346 9288 C*fth or Tradw WANTED: Tatamarfc iki4«. polar boot* t90 200 / 5v» 4 C«H Staph >69288 usftAltt.... 7B OaUun B210 AM I M *»»«tte OetrOAt. '‘#> (•(»» 1800? obo Call 689 94$6 BSnilHimffmMTCE UTTIE RED ROCKET? v«mihi Scoot •• lo* mit#» full ?rc« haimat 1276 883 4697 FOR SALE 164 W Broadway Eugene. Oregon 97401 (S03) 343 3622 K L / V / /VG^m FUTONS & FRAMES ( urni\hmgv * Lighting * Po\ltf\ * Clothing * Jc»elr> UiCOWPUtEBS/ELECTIWICS FREE MOUSE! Computer system with herd dim*. includes word processing spread sheet end database All lor only 1799.00. Computer Systems West 17M Willamette _ MJ4141 _ MKWtetD Memory 1 MB IBB. 2 MB S12B. 4 MB BIS* Fm Installation Memory Bnct M3-2S41 wmtlHM!l.— Producer Publisher John Short ey nee been teaching gutter keyboards best end eong writing lor over 20 year* (2 htl singles end 3 albums! Lesson information 344-4442/344 4312 mSMBEM Wonderful clothes, low prices) An unfair advantage'1 Nol lor e wise women shopping el Bing Cherry Pei ace 42W 13th Musi sell Biu/ard Thermo s 203 s used 6 nmes only With Salomon 74 7E binding 4?Sfrobo Mtke. 4B4 &14I RACING EQUIPMENT Atomic arc HVJ SL 204cm w/Tryolie 3B0 BO Escl cond * of tech CE 440 boots 344 3*35 Salomon SXtl Equip# *4» bools Si/e * 10 Used • limes Must sell’ 3444122 Sku boots, and ill equipment Downtown Goodwill 294 W «th Cu9*n«/IIWMNpotiw0ululti Ow way plan# !»ck#f 0*c«mt>«< 13 f ISO. nagouatH# Mamtl U* 9S«8 HOT'HOT'HOT'MOT' HOT'HOT'MOT' INEXPENSIVE SPRING BREAK TRIPS MEXICO HAWAII MEXICO 18O0M3WOS Miami. Florida. On# way plan# tickat F#tvuary 27 Woman >120, nagottab— 34*7296 On# way llct#t lo San F ranctaco from Eug#n# leaving 12/1 VtO. lUt Call Sonata 4ISS07I or MMl_ RouwHnp etrttn# ticket EugonarTocaon J2WM185 3444312 alltr ipm_ 1 way plan# lick at Portland to PNo#n«i Leave 12/13 VSOtobo C*M T 4*97*2__ 1 way plan# ttcAel Eug#n# ■ Ontario via San Jom Loaning 0#c 12 »*XWo6o Call 34S4S43 av#t Work with an international computer company. Zenith Data Systems, on your campus as part of a student sales and marketing team. Guaran teed consulting fee plus commission, flexible hours, build resume, gain experience. FAX RESUME TQ: 212-675-1732 QW MAIITQ: CTI, 5 West 19th St., 10th Fl„ New York, NY 10011 OR CALL: 1 800-827 8440. SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Tuition wauver plus monthly »tip#nd toI qualiiiad p#r*on» interval #d »n earning a mulif i degree and »p#cnai attitude 14 20 hrrwk Start V) 00 Resume by \2fV90 to P 0 Bo» 190ft. Eugene 97440__ Dancers wanted Great Alaskan Bush Company E* cel lent money t030 Hey W NoHh 468-9027 Female Hours modal fos pkolo session Call MNfce. 34M0M HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Positions available to assist students with disabilities Reading and notetaAing volunteers wanted (Some paid positions also ) Can Disabled Student Services. SAt-3211 HOME TYPISTS. PC users needed US.000 potential Details (1) tOSSSTSOOO Eil. MM2 It s eaelor than you think to pay tor your college education working at Jiggles E*ce»ent money tle«ible hours Call Naocee or Brook lor per sonai interview, I4< if 7_ OVERSEAS JOSS. tM0*2000to»o. Summer, yt round, alt countries, alt fields. Free info, write: UC. PO Sa S2 0RO3, Corona Del Mar. CA 92S2S Recycle this paper. Teleseerch Looking for part time tetesearch individual Hardworking and depend able Good pay f»e*ib»e hours 689 7871 Slava ■UHWIiHW ALDERWOOD MANOR 1890 Alder Slraal Accapfmg applications for 1 bdrm & Studio fiats m ancatiant campus com plan Can Mika. 344 5695 for details Jennings ♦ Co._HMW Club Wash Apartments t bedroom 3375/month _M2 1727 COLLEGIAN 18th & Alder Upscale student living including meal service Apply now for winter __ M) 1238 _ Furnished Studio t»th A Oak Available 12/15 M3 2540 HIDEAWAY mvti tf th Great 3 bdrm apt close to campus Fully applianced. private parking covered walkway Move m bonus Call M3 2271. 344 4219. cm Chee 485 9239 FIR TREE APTS 1149 Ferry 1 bdrm apt avail now New carpet, balcony and laundry Fur mshed/unfurnished 3385 715 E. 16th Single room in large house iust one block from campus Call Chee for more into/showings 485 8236 STUDENT PLAZA 945 E 19th Nice t bdrm api Less than 1 bik from UO Cotn-op laundry on sue Off street parking Only 3345 9934219 or Mika. 344 4219 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 BrtarcUft Newly remodeled two bedroom ! own houses Close to buslines' 3395 553 E. 18th Ouad available now in smell comple* Parking laundry private bath 3260 1156 PATTERSON Newly remodeled 1 bdrm units Available now' 4 blocks from campus ONLYSMSf fefmnn^ng•Co WE 11lh Am. •83-2371 Large clean 2 bdrm ’ m* ? dishwasher'disposai lots of parking new carpet vinyl 6838919 Millrace Apts 1905 Garden Ave 2 bdrm fiat fust 2 blocks Irom campus 9525 Hurry! Only 1 left* Call Gary ai 345 7275 or Jennings . Co 683 2271 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HCY, UHAV5 THC KM,DOC* I DOST •jaw joaccenm MUCHSYMWHY OVtX MYPCAL FAUM THROUGH Arm UUL.SiP, AVtm THAT'S Be CAuse MOBoPyiN The qkxjp CAN RMMTRUATl TO TOUR N&Anve exptmNtx Theft... n COUP BE NOBOP/ USthASEttR HAP A PROJECT INPEVUOPM&CT AT TFJ'STAR S THAT'S TRUE1 1__ J HAV&J7’ VZAH.WUl 1 ALSO JUST GOT dURNEP AT FOX HFY.tS ANYOf£ BUT HAG HAXOP/ PLUMTREE APTS. ISM W Wih SI. large t and 2 badroorn unit* available now Dithwaihet brealiait bv loll ol yam tpece1 U30 325 W. 12TH STREET Beautiful 1 bedroom flat' New carpal paint. mini Wind*, appliances $345 385 RUSTIC PLACE I bedroom flat available now New carpal, upstairs unit $345 Jennings* Co 4SS E. 11th A**. 683 2271 Two bedroom him. apt now mow bid* MIS Call attar 2 pm. Ridgewood Aporlmonta, 444-5744 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO 745 E. 15th One, two and three bedroom units available winter term Call now and get your name in tor upcoming vacancies' Prices range from $415 for 1 bedrooms to $695 for 3 bedrooms call Michael at _—3-072B._ 1464 Ferry SI 1 Badroom furnished Laundry, off street parking, no pets By appt 646 1130 Spyglass Associates Lrg 1 Bdrm Close to Campus Sep. ba/vanity. large welk in closet, bdftvgrm/util closet. Spacious kitchen. In a clean, quiet complex. Call 444-4103 1 bdrm furnished Walk to campus or shopping Clean. well maintained, dishwasher, disposal carpel, drapes covered parking. $365/mo Avail Dec 1 or 15th 1200 Ferry St 344 3191 If not home, please leave message 1 bedroom Apartment. 4 blocks from campus. Very nice Hardwood floor $335 a month. 344-4473 (messaged 750 E. 14th Furn, Studio, lease $345 AvaiM2/7 344 7393. evenings CEDARWOOO QUADS 441 E 17th Contemporary turnished quad units In excellent campus location Off street parking on site laundry and ALL UTILITIES PAID' Lease required through 6/30/91 CaHJM4 9290 Private room, i mmute wan* from campus $235rmo (negotiable} Ail utiii ties paid Quiet dean 485 8969 RESERVE NOW! Limited spaces available Newly remodeled units at prime campus location $23Vmonth. utilities paid laundry facility and covered parking Quiet students only 1360 Alder Street _341 $444_ Sub leasing joud ’>• + < -i" Quads campus 1 blk $239rmo mcl utH female only Lease thru June Free parking tor year 344 1186 Amy _ TYLER PARK QUADS 524 Tyler St Large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities paid' $245 Cali 3434235 CHELSEA HOUSE CO OP 1451 Onyx St Winter, Spring terms 3432474 [FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED; to | share 3 bedroom townnouse On site laundry and pool $i85rmo * 1 v> utilities Cali 683 6996 _ Male gred tu shaf* rm.« home •'fa campus with senior & 2 male grad students $200 Call 484 5423 HiJPginiiT-ME Dorm Contract tor Sale! Females only Contact Oarcey at 3464414 DORM CONTRACT for sale Call Shewna. 3444034 Dorm contract tor sale $25 Call Jett. 344-4434 _ Dorm Contract For Sale! Free dormsMe trtdgef 3464774 HOUSING CONTRACT CMh Rabat*' Call Mt Hll *4u*t **H dotin contract Rcadamic Purauii CaR AWaoti tor Hatatta, 466-S7S2 Want muatc. baaaraga or cancan Uctata m aicbang* lor a graat plac* lo k*a? Call HaaMiat al 14R972* 2 Dorm Contract* lor Sale S10 tree for each contract Call John or Boon* al MUSTS_ 2 Dorm Contracts lor sola, quiet hall female* only Call Eralyn at 346 8496 r» ROOMMATES WARTHI FmiaM roommate needed One block trOMR c—yut Can Mi-0309_ Roommate Wanted; Room tor rent in 3 txjrm house Own room and bathroom 35th A Willamette 12®5/mo • V* utilities Call 344 8939