HELPLINE Continued from Page 1 Nilsson, who has spent time working on crisis linos at the University and elsewhere, said there is a certain amount of stress involved in the work, but that the staff has several ways of handling this stress The regular staff meetings are important for lending support and offering relief from the emotional stress that sometimes occurs while working on the line. Nilsson said "Confidentiality is extremely important, so thr staff meetings arc places to provide support and a place to share personal feelings and reactions to the i alls." she said The extensive training that the staff receives also aids in keeping its own stress level low. as does the rotational sys tem that the staff uses for scheduling work times In ad dition. whenever somebody is working on the line, backup and added support are always available, said Nilsson. When a person calls the Helpline, the staff member an swenng follows a proce dure starts by assessing the severity of the situation anti let ting the i.uller express his or her feelings "People usually don't know what they're upset about when they call," Nilsson said "Peo ple (list know they're upset They might say something vague like. It's just really bad, I can’t sit still. I can't study. I have a test tomorrow, and I'm going to fail.' The work people have done on the Crisis Helpline often leads to related careers else where Two former counselors pursued a master's program in counseling and social work, and various past directors are now psychologists Working on the crisis line helps people in all their human relationships, hemp said She also adtletl that it was good on a resume demonstrating to em ployers that the person can work under stress, and t an work well with people Nilsson said working on the Helpline gives students a chance to dec ide whether they would like a career in counsel ing or psychology if they ivm considering one lust year, the Helpline re ceived fietween ti(M) and 7(Mf i alls. Kemp said ()ut of these t .ills, about 1-1 pen out w ere from non-1 Iniversilv students These figures represent a de cline from tlie Mill) tails rc i eived during the previous year Nilsson said the numtier of i alls seems to lie on an up swing again, and attributed tins mi reuse in i ails to more pub In itv both on and ofl i umpus I \ (.runs Your V.m M.rrv C hnstmns Stum H.runs Yuur V.-rrv M.-rrv t hnsim.'s Stur, Mirons Your V.-rry M.rrv Christmns Slut.- H.rnns-Vn.rr V.rry M.rry UuiMmjnVjU PRICES EFF1CTIVC THRU 11-30-90 COcc. tAND see HIRONS SELECTION OF NEW "departments!” SNOW VILLAGE • *M0 HERITAGE VILLAGf V • CHRISTMAS IN THE CITY •dickens^neWKSo ) enter our drawing jBsSSBiSgggEr 500 YARD CURLING RIBBON WHAT A BARGAIN ^ 26 INCH-> GIFT WRAP 30 SQUARE FEET COLORFUL patterns KRAFT BROWN MAILING , WRAP 2’^ FOOT X 15 FOOT ROLLS I holiday COOKIE POTTERS BUY NOW FOB YOUR RfGAS9GN°EDS fism>r. 1 ClAJl«vi L-q.q.k 100 X OFF ANY 1991 «ENDAR IN OUR STOCK. SELECT TODAY! tjyjsr» mSUCH Mrs WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS TAPES ,/ ■» WITH ALL TIME FAVORITFS ARTISTS AND SONGS REG. 4.99 ■ 1 I PHOTO FINISHING HOLIDAY GOURMET IV CONTAINERS 1\ CHOICE OF 3 SIZES Yv "™:«QQ LIDS %J ^ BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS WITH ENVELOP \ COLORFUL- \1 GIFT BAGS N FOR CHRISTMAS ASSORTED PATTERNS REG. 29* 5 FOR 12 OUNCE GIFT BOX Ar lmond ROCAB WITH A PURCHASE OF 25" OR MDrp nc _JEW6LRY.COM.FSrf. ffiJSSL* SELECT FROM • BOMA • THOUSANO flower • SUKI • CREATIVE DESIGNS SILVER FOREST OF VERMONT JOOYCOVOTE SELECT FROM: • REVLON • OUBARRY • BONNE BELL • physicians formula • CLARION • almay • LOREAL • ALLECREME • COTY • MAX FACTno HALLMARK CARDS ORNAUttrr* I 'H4MK&.IN ft 0*1 MOUf tP M.OII1V «0 1 t UNO A T mi mcANOisr $u*«Ci »0 SUV.K ONMAMI AND ava* Am c m nf onne r>* • itN * PCAIU. t?OH« Mount liM AM..«• PM 10 VO V IUNOAT Jffl r> iMvrry nrislrn«\s 'More Mirons Tour Vvrry Merry Lhri%lm«\s ritorc Mirons—Tour Ver