SPORTS Oregon hopes to rebound from loss when it plays AIA Although Oregon's men's basketball game 7 :tr> Tuesday night with Athletes in Action does not < mint in the season's standings, don't expect it to be just your average exhibition game The Dm ks are looking to re Ixmnd from a 72-70 loss to Wisconsin last Sat urday. hut it will take a solid perfor mance by (loach Don Munson's troops to down AIA Despite a 0-13 reined, AIA appears to lie one of the lietter exhibition teams louring the < ountry this year Munson and the Dm ks weren't happy about losing to the Badgers at home and will definitely try and avoid dropping two in a row at McArthur Court when they face AIA AIA is co-coat hed In Dave lower and loren/.n Komar lamer (a graduate ol I.infield College) and Komar (who starred at Washington) are in their sis r ond seasons at the helm of tin* stpiad Komar's talents aren't limited to the bench. however The former Golden State Warrior and Milwaukee Buck has assumed the leadership role on the court for AIA in the last couple of years lie is joined in the starting lineup by forward Ronnie Grandison. a graduate of the University of New Orleans who had a brief stint with the Boston Celtics, /au k (ones. Craig Sludek and Michael Thompson AlA's most recent outing was an MO-77 loss to Oregon State on Saturday AlA's 0-13 mark might not impress people immediately, hut it's a lot de ceiving when one considers its travel si hcdulc and the large number of games it plays in sin h a short amount of time Included in its nine wins are victories over Florida. Florida Stale, Utah and fourth-ranked Michigan State. 1 HELPLINE Continued from Page 3 two co-directors. keinp and Nilsson, include duinx out rear h program speaking, counselor training and evaluation, and routine t lerical tasks hemp said she tries to hire a varie ty of people in different majors to staff the Ilelpline "I have outgoing, gregarious peo ple. quiet people, people of color, older people, people with children and gay and lesbian people." kemp said "It provides a diversity in the group and when we have discus sions, it provides different view points as well." "I look for people who have a style of empowering other people," she siiid "The people who work on the Helpline tend to tie motivated, com mitted to self improvement and inter ested in what goes on with people The minimum training to work on the Crisis ('.enter Helpline involves taking .1 course offered through the Counseling Psychology department This course, taught by Kemp or Nils son. teaches the basic procedure for dealing with calls, and involves roleplaying and guest speakers on various topics These topics have ranged from substance abuse and post traumatic stress disorders to sex ual abuse. Turn to HELPLINE. Page 9 I II* photo Chuck Patterson and the rest of the men s basketball team will be back in action tonight when they face Athletes In Action at 7:35 p.m. in McArthur Court. Monona IVAN lX)I(i ^ 6lt\ hard to say enough gixxI things about u hat Ivan Doig does when he sets words down on a page. His prose is at once simple and direct, yet rich and fanciful. 9 * Chicago Sun-Times GENERAL BOOK DEPT. SECOND FLOOR IVAN DOIG WILL SIGN HIS LATEST BOOK, RIDE WITH ME, MARIAH MONTANA At the UO Bookstore General Book Dept. Wednesday, Nov. 28 12:30-1:30p.m. Qn 1984 Ivan Doig gave us English Creek In 1987. Dancing at the Rascal hair Now . with RIDE WITH ME. MARIAH MONTANA, he completes his passionate and authentic tril ogy about the McCaskill family, Scottish immigrants who settled in the Two Medicine Country of Montana late in the nine teenth century This time we are in the present it is the summer of 1989, the year of Montana's Centennial. And the narrator, as be fore. is Ivan Doig's endearing. if somewhat irascible. Jick McCas kill. Roving widely through past as well as present, into predica ment and out again, sometimes exuberant and sometimes pensive. RIDE WITH ME MARIAH MONTANA is a spirited and marvel ous adventure, full of the pleasures of a place and its people that Ivan Doig has made uniquely his own. As such, it should be cause for celebration by his many, devoted readers l\ \N W II I 111 HI MMM, I KO'I Ills M \\ HOOK VI < »u I- \| |\ HU \\ || | \\|| | || ROOM will \MI III II VI I . UN) . NOV :x I VliMIsslON | Kl I 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 Support your local business— COPIES the copy shop 539 E. 13th 485-6253 * MJNOSNJMD* G*f A1 FO* PARTIES AMO Ml* T MOATS 5CVIH0 *saaisEr GAMES ADMISSION 'I SO ST* STMIT PWUC HAMIT (MIM • IU-MS4 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve got your ten when you want it! SunShower on campus m mi unim e nan