Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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No change in Grateful Dead ban
decision firm
despite protests
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Reporter
Protests continue against the
University administration for
its decision to ban the ('.rateful
Dead from playing at Aut/.en
Stadium next summer, but Uni
versity Vice President Dan W il
liams said the protesters are
having no effect.
Williams made the decision
to deny a request from the hand
to play at Aut/.en next summer,
saying that several community
members objected to drug use
they perceived to be prevalent
among tier hand's followers.
Since the announcement was
made in late October, Williams'
office has been inundated with
letters and telephone calls from
students and area residents urg
ing him to reverse his decision.
But Williams said there are
no current plans for review or
"The decision has been made
for this year, and we don't ex
pect it to change," he said.
Williams said the ('.rateful
Dead has been denied only its
request to play next summer
and has not been banned for
ever The hand will Ik- allowed
to return "if the reasons for
which we denied them go
away." Williams said.
Despite Williams' resolute
ness. members of the recently
formed Urateful For the Dead
Committee said they plan to
continue petitioning and pro
The committee members —
students and area residents
who oppose the University de
cision — are gathering signa
tures throughout the state to
persuade Williams to change
his stance.
"Contrary to Dan Williams'
perception, there is widespread
public support for having the
Mir photo
Despite protests. University Vice-President Han Williams says
there will be no change in the Urateful Dead ban from Autzen
l.ratetul Dead bark to Autzen
Stadium." said committee
member Phil Nebergall. a grad
uate student in public affairs
Nebergall said he doits not
believe people are losing inter
est in the topic.
"The initial reaction sparked
a lot of visible protest, but 1
don't think the issue is dying."
he said "We’re just trying to
figure out the most effective
way of getting the decision
overturned "
David Leiken of Double Tee
Promotions, the firm that pro
motes the Dead’s performances
at Autzen, said legal action is
possible if all other avenues of
protest are exhausted.
Aitnougn nil saici it was 100
early to discuss that option,
Ij'ikrn said lu* plans to pursue
it after the first of the year if the
administration has not reversed
its decision
The grounds for legal action
are "pretty straightforward."
said lauken. who has been pro
moting tile hand in Oregon
since 1972.
Williams' decision may lie
unconstitutional, he said, and
may lie discriminatory because
other bands are still allowed to
perform at Aut/.en
Williams declined to c iiiii
men! on any possible litigation.
"I have nothing to say until
something happens." he said
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