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Push "print ,md in minutes you'll t ivc yoi jr very c >wn Sx 7. 8x 10 or 11 x 14 i. oior enlargements! Come ■ i arid see how easy it is to to it .ourself " 36??99N15 IT'S FAST! • IT'S EASY! • IT'S FUN! Now In VALLEY RIVER CENTER • 485-1554 Looking for a good deal?? Read the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds. UNIVERSITY No Gulf War Coalition to hold meeting tonight MEETINGS Student Projects, Inc. board meeting is at 4 p m. in EMU Century Kwim I) Call .146:1729 fur morn information University Democrats vs i11 hold a general interest meeting concerning tuition im reuses at 7 pm in KMU Century Room H Call 844-449:1 for more infer mation No Gulf War Coalition meets at 6 p m. in the EMU Maple Room Student Senate meeting is at fi p m in KMU Cedar Room A MKChA the Chicano Latino student union, meets at 5:.'10 p.m. in KMU Cedar Room F Call 846-3508 for more infor mation Society for Professional |our nalists general meeting is at 3 to p in in Room .307 Allen Hall Call 485-4761 for details. Honors Council holds its first meeting at 6 p m. ill EMU Ce dar Room C Call 484-0815 for more information Pre-law Society meeting is at 7 to p m in the KMU Board Room Call 485-6962 for de tails National Student Exchange orientation meeting is at 12 :10 p m in EMU Cedar Room I) Call 846 2211 for more infor mation Men Against Rape weekly meeting is at 7 p m. in KMU Century Room 1) (..ill 346-4206 for information. SPEAKERS AND EVENTS “Middle East 1990: Energy Crisis Revisited?" is the title of .1 panel discussion on the role of alternative energy in the l ulled States and Northwest at 7 to p m in the EMU Fir Room The event is sponsored h\ the Solar Energy Center. AIDS Task Force is sponsor ing a sign-up for a carpool to see the AIDS Memorial Quilt being displayed at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland Nov 30 to Dec. 3 Sign up be tween 0 a m and 5 p in. Tues day at the Student Activities Resource Office. Call 346-4000 for more information. Dan Gleason. a member of the University biology depart ment, will present a slide show and lecture on the mating and nesting habits of North Ameri can birds at 7:30 p m. at the Eugene Carden Club. 1645 High St The event is spon sored by the lame County Au dubon Society. University Housing and the Oregon Council for Humanities are sponsoring "Celebrating Di versity Series" at 7:30 p.m. in the Carson Hall Gold Room. The event features actress Jane Van Boskirk. Call 346-5393 for details. REPORT Continued from Page 1 signifii ante to the levels of outs and the type of cuts." Kep l-arrx (aim pixel I. a Ku gene Ke|>ubli( .in who will he next year’s House speaker, said that with Oregon voters having inst passed a tax limiting initia tive, the sooner some new form of taxing is referred to the vot ers, the higher the chance of it lieing refused Kep Peter Courtney, a Salem Democrat who will be the House minority leader next sex sion. (relieves that t han< ex of seeing a new tax proposal in 1991 are slim "I just don't know how to get a revenue hill out of the House." he said, be lieving that the Republicans' newly won House majority will make such a proposal next year even less likelx "Legislators by definition don't art until tiler, have to act." he said "Measure 5's real impac I is not known right now. so you max find a good number of legislators saying. 'We don't have to act.' The problem is how much budget cutting will we have to do la-fore we get to a new source of revenue?" Courtney said he believes Re public an eagerness to cut spending may clash with Dem ocratir. attempts to preserve government programs, result ing in a "real log jam between the two juggernauts." Because of budget disputes he sees in the legislative future. Courtney said a new tax pro posal probably won't be re (erred to voters until l‘f‘12 "There’s a good chance we won't see anything next year, depending on how much dam age is done by Measure a," he said "1 think something will happen in 10*12 By then we won't just be talking about Measure T>; we will be experi encing it " But while Campbell ai knowl edges that .1 sales t.ix referral is likely, he believes the responsi bility of initiating and promot ing such a proposal may fall primarily into the laps of gover nor-elect Barbara Roberts and Superintendent of Public In strm lion Norma Paulus. froth of whom have < ailed lor a sales tax. "Over the last 20 years the Legislature has lost a lot of credibility," lie said "I'm not sure that if the Legislature comes up with anything that the voters would accept it." Campbell suggested that Rob erts and Paulus pul together the basics of a sales tax package, letting the legislature "devel op the technical aspects of it." ss Local Italian Deli • Homemade Quiche • Homemade Calzone • Ice • Fresh Brew ed Coffee • Soups <$ Sidads Cream | I ■ Corner of f-ilih A. (’carl inside ol ihc I iflh Pearl Bldg DAILY SANDWICH SPECIALS! M Nt .KIJ HJ S.it 10:00-5 50 Sun 11.00-5:00 4844616 I I I il AFTERNOON SPECIAL! $100 I OFF when you buy Sandwich, Chips & Beverage Offer valid from 2:00-5 30 Mon-Sat 2:00-5:00 Sun V i good »nh am iihci offer one eoupon per customer offer expires 12-16-90 'Kent DRY CLEANING Open M F same day service before 1:00pm • 1337 Hilyard •