Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Helpline aids troubled students
Problems? Help is
only a phone call
away on Helpline
By Meg Dedolph
Emerald Conlrit itor
Students and staft taking
calls at the I'niversitv Crisis
Center Helpline hoar it all
"We're someone to call and
talk to about anything because
it's anonymous." said Helpline
co-director Nanc v hemp
"Students sometimes call
when they find themselves
away from home tor the first
time and realize that their
home life wasn't like everyone
else's." she said "They may
have had a dysfunctional fami
ly, or an alcoholic parent
"We also talk to people who
want to gel their emotions out
but wouldn't find it safe other
wise — if they're angry at a
professor, for example."
Many people who call are
worrying about a relationship
or a friend, or are depressed,
while others suffer from eating
disorders or have been sexually
abused. In some cases, callers
are referred to other places for
additional counseling and
help, because the Helpline is
primarily an intervention ser
\ IL.U.
The problems that the
Helpline encounters range from
relationship problems with
family or partners, to loneli
ness. academic problems or an
xiety over money, jobs or
Co-director Karin Nilsson
sail! most of the calls the crisis
center receives deal with rela
tionship issues, possibly be
( ause of the callers' age group.
"A lot of people who call
with relationship problems
start apologizing for calling us.
but we're here for people with
all kinds of problems, not just
suicide and tilings like that, but
ones that are less critical.”
Nilsson said.
The Helpline also serves as a
resource for people wanting to
help friends with problems.
Kemp said, for example, K A s
concerned about people living
in their dorms
"I don't think people think
of us that wav.” she said, "that
we can help them intervene for
a friend. The staff is really fa
miliar with what's helplul to
do with others, and we can
give support to people Irving to
help others.”
The Crisis Center also spon
sors the Crisis Prevention Con
ference in the spring This one
day workshop is open to stu
dents and community members
and drew more than 270 partic
ipants last year to hear speakers
on stress management, depres
sion and shyness, among other
Ptiolo bv Andrv Ranicn
Crisis Center Helpline staff take calls from students with a
wide ran^e of problems. 24 hours a day.
The Helpline is staffed by 12
crisis counselors, and has two
co-directors, a newly-added
publicity coordinator, and a co
ordinator for the Crisis Preven
tion Conference. Currently, the
Helpline is in the process of
adding more people to staff the
At ;i4t>-44HH. Helpline callers
can phone in 24 hours a day.
The responsibilities of the
Turn to HELPLINE. Page 8
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