EDITORIAL Media awaits prior restmint decision A federal judge recently refused lo let CNN broad cast audio tapes it acquired between Manuel Noriega and people working for his defense. When did judges receive veto power? A vital premise of American media is the issue of prior restraint — judicial orders against publication. judges should not be editors, judges may rule on libel laws in a suit after material is printed — but not before. Print and broadcast media are usually very careful about what they print or broadcast. They have teams of lawyers to research potential libel suits. lawsuits cost tremendous amounts of time and money, regardless of whether one wins or loses The judge issued the prior restraint order in this case saying if the tapes are broadcast it might make it difficult for Noriega to get a fair trial. And the fact that tapes were made from Noriega's jail cell is another matter in itself. There are precedents. Former Pentagon employee Daniel Eilsberg received permission from the courts to publish The Pentagon Papers in the early 1970s. The Nixon Administration argued that publishing these pa pers would jeopardize national security. instead tne American people discovered aisiuroing secrets the government wanted to keep from them. CNN made a mistake by broadcasting a second Noriega tape after the restraint order was announced. CNN should have waited for the ruling on its appeal. Judges do not like to be ignored and this only enhances sentiment against CNN. The 11th Court of Appeals upheld the prior re straint order. Now the case is going to the Supreme Court for a final review. Sometime a reporter, newspaper, or television sta tion must ignore a judge's order if certain information was essential to proving innocence in a murder case, for instance. But CNN was not in any such rush and therefore has given all media a slap in the face. The Supreme Court should overrule the Court of Appeals and allow the broadcasting of the Noriega tapes. But CNN should have waited for a final high court decision before violating a judge s order. The final outcome is yet to be written in this saga. But if the Supreme Court does not overturn the appeal, we can only wonder what part CNN's arrogance played in the decision. SUPREME COURT UPDKIE “AMD THAT'S THE WAY fT tS.... NO NEWS IS GOOO NEWS.. WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW CANT HURT YOU... IGNORANCE IS BUSS...." All hunters not to blame for illegal kills It happens every year around this time. Hunting season opens and illegal kills be gin. While most sportsmen respect the game laws and are honest hunters, a few don’t and give all hunters a had name. I.ast week, two bull elk were illegally killed as they walked along the border of their refuge. The elk carcasses, and all the subsequent meat, were left to rot. Game war dens in the area believe some frustrated hunters may have decided they were going to bag an elk this season, legally or not. This could be one answer to the question of why anyone would commit such a wasteful act Hut it is also possible that it was simply the ar t of some irresponsible citizens out to have a good time. Much of the poaching that takes place is done by families who depend on the cheap meat to offset small household budgets. While the activity is illegal, it is almost for givable as long as the meat from the animal is being put to list? by people who need it. However, shooting two bull elk while they art; in a protected area, and then leav ing them to rot, is not forgivable in any way. It is this sort of heinous waste and irrespon sibility that disgusts hunters and non-hunt ers alike. Acts like this will only lead to more restrictive hunting laws and eventually the elimination of a sport that has been passed down from parent to child for many generations. A few seconds worth of cheap thrills are certainly not worth the consequences. Ore gon hunting groups concerned about the il legal kill have already contributed to a re ward fund to find the perpetrators. In fact, the majority of the outcry against the killing luis come from hunters and hunting organi zations They realize the seriousness of the act and the effect it will have on the image of hunting in the state. Although the shooting of the two elk should enrage all people who love animals and the outdoors, citizens should be open minded enough not to blame all hunters for the acts of one or two. LETTERS Respect In response lo Krank l.im baugh’s letter {OIJH, Nov H) It is regrettable that one has to generalize an issue and mis represent the points What Ingrid Newkirk was saving was that non-human an imals deserve the respect and freedom as mm h as human ani mals do What all non human animals ask lor is to lie left alone with some clean air. wa ter and land to live their lives out in pear e A slug cannot drive a car nor would it ever want to that is not what any non-human is asking for if you look around you will see that thu degrada tion and destruction of this berth today was not caused by a slug, a cat or any non human animal but bv the hands of hu man ones. Noil-human animals are not "ours" to use. abuse or kill for the betterment of one species Monica Semeria SETA Generalizing I'm writing in response to Michelle K bicw s (hateful Dead Iran protest. 11)1)1'. Nov KM or was it a creek basil me letter? I'm not quite sure She asks. "Why arc Dead fans being punished for vet an other example of violent ( rimi nality on the |>art of the greek system?" 1 don't see the con nee turn What does the greek system have to do with the (•rateful Dead Iran? l.et me an swer that nothing I'm so tired of people griping about tile* whole greek system eat h time individual memlrers step out of line If a non-greek person does something wrong only the individual is criti c izetl. hut when someone with in the greek system does some thing wrong, the entire group is criticized I certainly wouldn't condone the actions of particular people within the; greek system It's not without it's faults. |ust likc> any other group, individuals within it may lx- worthy of criticism, but not the whole group I'm not defending the greek system. I'm defending all groups that are attacked be cause of the- ac tivities of certain individuals This includes fans of the Grateful I head presently under attack because of the generalizations made about the behaviors of particular people I tn to Icxik at people as indi viduals and not judge them ixv cause of eruuii affiliation I wish people like 1 -oe w would do the same And by the way. 1 want the Dead hack too. Stephanie K. Summers Rhetoric and Communication Brandwagon It would seem that University President Myles brand has jumped on tin* bandwagon of reckless liberalism nun h to the detriment of the majority of stu dents. After CIA recruiter Thomas Culhane was forced to cancel his scheduled interviews. Brand was quoted as saying. "We did not show him the door, he chose not to continue his interviews." 1 suppose Brand considers 40 screaming, uncivilized ruffians as conducive to the interview process. I guess Brand is oblivi ous to the fact that by requiring the CIA to conduct business on campus he is personally re sponsible for the disruption. It's not as though he didn't know there would be a howling mob opposed to the CIA. I'm just glad the mob didn't hurt anyone seriously. In the future. I hope Brand won't believe that these little demonstrations will deter do tential CIA employees. because I for one, intend to apply next year Matt Kokkeler History/Political Science Harmful I invite Frank. I.imbaugh to reflect on how alike humans are with animals, since he be lieves an animal is just an ani mal and not an individual |ODE. Nov. 15). We all learned, as far back as the first grade, that animals and humans fall under the same category, mammals — warm blooded animals. Maybe the next time l.im haugh and all of us defecate or copulate we should ponder what we look like, and how many basic "animal character istics" we possess I.imbaugh also pointed out that slugs don't drive cars and cats can't build buildings. This is true, but slugs aren't in the Persian Culf fighting over tin very thing that keeps cars run ning. and cats don’t have tin capacity to build nuclear mis siles that are capable of de stroying the Karth. Human in telligence is a wonderful tiling, but how we choose to use it can lie incredibly harmful. lust because we are more in telligent than animals, we do not have the right to dominate and harm them. Because they lack human intelligence, ani mals are very innocent and all they really want, in the words of Ingrid Newkirk (national di rector of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, who Limbaugh found so offensive and ridiculous), is "to be left alone." Carolyn Hauck Student LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char acter of others.