Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 nmmi IS Who’s your favorite professor? 0ft explanation) to TOP PROF Old Oregon University of Oregon Fogene OR 97403 Oi drop Dy out office at TO* W* m#y be fa* from how but *e ftt'ii have e*cb other1 I lov* you. CtKOt cfe OIANA. Sam* timer this y*#» Arxt «*■! year and th* year after that ami th* v«*/ aflat that and SCOTT ALPHA PHI'S We *i»h you a merry Chnttmaa Wr* *n*h you a m#«»y Chrtalme* W* eriah you a merry Chrtalmaa j And a* ll *** you 'rent 1 THE KAPPA SWS__ iPmWPW Wp IV*n t let your I r tend* #ct 4*4* for ihc HoIhLi>\ without 4 word from you MKHK\ \IKVSA<;tS tram \ round Ihr WwW will 4i trtdnt. I)n 7 in Ihr Orrjjon l>«iih I mrrald I UuifWdt Looking for a place to ) live? See sections 230 260 mmm ATI) XU John P. Jennifer E. Congratulations on Your Pinning! Ftom jom Btothri Congratulations Delta Zeta Marci T. on your pinning. We wish you and Phi Kappa Phi Chris W. all the best! Love, Your sisters CONGRATULATIONS linu* Finnan j on being the Mot person fo COthKH* { Ml out yesterday * C^ttUKKd i puf/la Be the f*r*t person to b»»ng • j !(w lOtytKl Cros9ttrO.)»■ •. unbiased counseling Caff 144 9411 Ryan Happy War* love N»co4a Con»*d#rinfl abortion'* Consider the at larnai ras BIRTHRIGHT t»e« and ton hdenfiaf M! 7 «*>*>» MIMI loot: Computer d*s*s sal ' drawings and /e»o« material* Leaf at UQ Bona Men# 1H7OT0 Cali 1440772 Reward tost 5 gray tran.thr.oal near 18th 4 Harris Reward’ 142 TTtMj August We*t Word Processing t*w»' Pnntt f a»» « P*0*WQnW 464 51» DIAL A TYPIST Ml 7777 EAGLE EYE TYPING EDITING By tip«fMNKM) wftler Ph 0 ilMNnl F#»l. proletsronel tvor* 414 7SM FLYING FINGERS , *.«•-. < Fist accurate profession* __>1 OtVpage u( 444 BOM FOOTNOTES TYPING USER PRINTING FAST! 11 Wpfl EMU Prn B21 346 3729 -jothe typino pier MMOU IBM WORD PROCESSING/EDI TING PAPERS THESES^DISSERTATIONS PAPERS DUE7 NEEO HELP? Your Research Assistant Professional word processing typing* editing etc Virginia 34 1 3386 (24 hr* I Peggy s Typing Seme* Experienced typist offering services on IBM compute! system and ia*er printer Reasonably rale* Cell Peggy el 342 4M4 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also v*o»d processing editing free j>*chup/deiivery Ro«d* 935 1892 ROBIN. 344075® GRAD SCHOOL AP PROVED 20 year thesivdissertabon background Full resume *#rvt«. » . ON CAMPUS' CYA TYPING SERVICES High Quality typing «nd editing I as! 24 htwjf seme* Cal* Ann 345 994/ Typing, void processing desktop publishing graphic* Las*' printer 15 • year » experience (Free pick uf*delivery! Carol# 6886578 TYPING UNLIMITED IBM Compatible j a Grad School Approved i Guaranteed | Please call 485-3343 Botoai* Land 2515 Frontier B*vd #8 L S*fvinS ,r*P Do* O are* since t98t^ "JMtad 344 4510 •05 E I3*h Ave WORD PROCESSING EAST. *1 p* p*g* ft*3 7m Th« WORD SPECIALISTS frttduAlr School Appmvtd kvtU*»prrv IBM < oaprtblcThil t onvrrMnn Ia*c» himin^OupliKi * Mitmjc. V.f %umr* , ! CAROLYN CJNOY IZO TUTORING Nativ* Etanch tpaafctn^ ' * 1 *va>*ab'«> anyt.m# Call NfttftaM*. 342 ?A34 no FOR SALE BIG SALE UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO • D2P 'i CD»J!avcf $149^ • OulPar »• Walkman 1'3‘i^ • c i«*> %« w .*>* man WM a i2 i?9 »• Aiwa ■ • HS TaOA Walkman t f# K . iKhmc* Horn* Audio • m P1?Q Mask Cmmiry CO P'arr ■ Cfiacfc otner store prices 1119 9*, | Carousel trjrv design 1249 % j Sentui Clo*# oul*' • ■■ ■" • « ** tanile they test) 11 79 9* ! •B ? way 100 watt I (nice cabinet) S1V) 00 pr Sharp • 6 d»*c CO cnanger . 8 key remote control 9199 9* CAR STEREO hOHHI • K£h4H00QR Hi Power Pud Out Clean pure sound 1299 9S • Of H bSO H. Power CO Piaye» 4 Irmas oversampling 1399 9?» • CO* fm!6 i Ok Oangr »*•***# WW ad0 10 AWT •*J»e1 1!*49 9S> Ctarton • 9772 «T Hi Power Pull Out Lowes! price ever hare1 12799S Infinity Speakers • Kappa Sanaa CS-4 5V» 11 tweeter *199 9* • All Reference Standard Infinity Speakers 20S off Prices good til Christmas! Why go anywhere else when you can shop between classes?! —UOBookstore-— ftfrattw iLKH c«f cow w'Kxk 160 *n<3 up«#fc#r bo#rd %20 t»tv VW Soroccoi B<*Ck f»oorm*f» 85 J 6^ muj s**> 60&«n? For Mil Tatamm# guitar totKl fop t(«NM 6 »fnng Atmoif rt** *’!8 nor* c .'*<1 Roo Hopp#i Mfn B.h«* ?t Vt Only 1 yr ofd !♦** Than 20Q Shrmano hypti»v#ry Av#it#bi# #35 4478 GOVERNMENT StI/lO V#hict*» from \VX> Ford* M#fc#d#t Conr«l»#» Chary* Surplus Your Ar#a m. 805 68 7 6000 Etl SM42._ Hardly u»#d doubt# fulon fr*m«* and CO*#* for *aia V^OO'obo Calf 485 8667 ' UNICEF CAR0S~AN0 GIFTS on *auT today 10 lo 4 At th# UO BooltWtf 1 t#85 Eacorl 5 ctu>sc con trot to* mul nafcAM - SEIZE0 CARS true** tx>ats * wheel er* motof homes by FB« »RS DE.A Available your area now Call i 605462 7W> ext C 1210__ 69 Hug ' tBOO Dual Port $600 otto __ Kan 14242—. 76 Dattun B210 AW » M defrost new tires 1600obo Call 68944!)6 IMl [MLUKUttH-I'llL LITTLE REO ROCKlTl Yamaha Scooter *ow mm* full face helmet $27S 663 4607 its COMPUTERS/ftECTSOmCS FREE MOUSE! Computer system with hard disk include* word processing spread sheet and database All tor only 4799 OO Computer Systems West 17M Willamette .... $424141 Macintosh Memory t MB 160 2 MB 1120 4 MB till Free Installation Memory direct 142 2S41 175 IMSthUMCWTS Producer Publish*' John Sharkey has been leaching guitar keyboards bass and song writing for over 20 years (2 hit tingles and 3 album*) Lesson information 344 44S2 34*> S312 nsttiAllMtHIlife - TOYS Before you pay too much try KlDSTUFF resale at its best ! 62 W 13th 464 4466 11 *> Mon Sat for Sale Mist 164 W BfOdCtway Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 343 3622 _. L / V l N G » FUTONS & FRAMES ( urni\hinj;s * I ijihnnj: * PoMcrv * C'lochirij: # Jcwclf) mK'MITOi RACING EQUIPMENT Atomic ore MV3 SL 204cm w/TryoUa MO RO E*cl eond Koflech Cf 440 boot* 344 3834 Skit boot*, and ski equipment Downtown Goodwill. 204 W 8th ns AuTM6w kibWifm T.R.I.S. is Coming! The Forest Service “Trails Information System" is coming to , the Outdoor Program. Select your type of outdoor experience and this computerized data system will provide a trail for you. Hiking, biking, climbing, skiing or walking, come check it out. T.R.I.S. will be on line by Dec. 1st. It's FREE! zmWeL CHRISTMAS. Spring Break summ«r travel FREE Air courier* nestled and cruise snip jobs Call 1 80468* 7445 fill f »451 HOT'HOT'MOT'HOT* MOT'HOT'MOT' INC XPl N5IVE SPRING BREAK TRIPS ME XICO HAWAII MEXICO 1800 543 9204 Miami Florida On* *«y piana ticket February 27 S'.1:. •.« 44*. /./hr One way lick of to San Francisco bom Eugene Leaving 12/13/90. $149 Call Sujata 484 4076 or 346 S188._ Roundbtp airline tic mm Eugene/Tucson 2/20/91 2/25/91 $185 344 8212 after 5pm _ _ 1 way plane ticket Portland to Pboenu Leave 12/13 $i20/obo Cali 746 9782 REPOSSESSED VA A HUO HOMES available from government horn It without credit chock You repair Also ta* delinquent foreclosures Call 1 <*05682 7555. e.t H 1454 for repo lift you' area SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROORAM Tuition **iv*r pi us monthly stipend to* qualified persons interested *n warning « master s degre«? and special education cerlihcat.on For more details write to Sandi Davis 175 Education, University of Oregon 2M HELP WAWTEP HI Admin Asst Near campus Clerical WP Protessionai attitude 14 20 hr eh Start 15 00 Resume by 12/3/90 to P O Bos 1906, Eugene 97440 Dancers wanted . - v A .. Company E.cellent money 1030 Hey 99 North 58*902 7 HOME TYPISTS PC users needed 135.000 potential Details (1)605 687 6000 E it B 9642 INTELLIGENCE JOBS a Bril US Customs DEA etc Now hiring Cant t * 805 687 5000 E. t_K 9842 It's easier thari you thins to pay for your college education working at jiggles Excellent money ftes'bie hours Call Nancee or Brook tor per sonai interview 344 6697 OVERSEAS JOBS 1900 2000/mo Summer yt round, all countries all fields Free info, write IJC. PO B» 52 0RO3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 Talesearch Looking tor part time tetesearch individual Hardworking and depend able Good pay tie«>ble hours 689-7871 ^teve Swimming Jobs M. who can taach children to swim swim team beautiful poof and lakes m the Northeast Good salary, room A board travel eapense Men call or write Camp Wmadu 5 Glen Lane Mamaro neck NY 10543(91413815983 Women call or write Camp Vega P 0 Bo. 1771 Oru.bury MA 02332 (617) 934 6536 ffljlMIfl*: ALDERWOOD MANOR I960 Alder Street Accepting applications tor 1 bdrm & Studio Mats m e*cel»ent campus com pie* Call Mike 344 5695 tor data'll Jennings * Co._ 663 4219 Club Waah Apartments t bedroom 537Vmonth 342 1727 Hideaway 715 V* E 16th i Great 3 bdrm apt dose to campus | Fully apphanced private parking j covered walkway Move in bonus Call 663 2271. 344 4219. or Chee. 465 6236 Move in bonus1 FIR TREE APTS 1149 Ferry i t bdrm apt avail now New carpet j balcony and laundry 5385 715 E. 16th Single room in large house jusl one block from campus Call Chee for more info/showtngs 4656236 Student Plaza 945 E 19th Nice 1 bdrm apt Less than 1 bik from UO Com op laundry on site j Off street parking Only 5345 663 4219 or Mike. 344 4219 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 Briarcliff Newly remodeled two bedroom tuwnhou5.es Close to buslines' 5395 553 E. 18th Quad available now m small comple* Parking laundry private bath 5260 1156 Patterson Newly remodeled 1 bdrm units Available now' 4 blocks from campus ONLY S345' t> .fanninga+Co 488 E 11th Av«. 683 2271 Large Clean 2 DOrm l dik 10 UU hum dishwasher/disposat lots of parking new carpet vinyl 683 8919_ Lrg 1 Bdrm Close to Campus Sap ba/vamty large waikin closet, bd/lvgrm/ulil closet Spacious kitchen In a clean, quiet complex Call 484 4103 Millrace Apts 100ft Garden Ave 2 bdrm flat just 2 blocks from campus 1525 Hurry' Only 1 left' Call Gary at 345 7275 or Jennings . Co 683 2271 Nooks, crannies, skylights 2 brdms 4 biks campus 1410 No pets/smoking heap calling 343 9564 Two bedroom turn apt near music bldg. 1495 Call after 2 pm Ridgewood Apartments. 686 5769 __ UNIVERSITY MANOR SO. 745 E 15th One two and three bedroom units available winter term Cali now and get your name in for upcoming vacancies' Prices range from 1415 for t bedrooms to lb 95 for 3 bedrooms can Michael at _ 6630729 1666 Ferry St 1 Bedroom furnished Laundry, off street parking, no pets By appl 666 1130 Spyglass Associates i bdrm ' ■ - 1 v%uih • shopping Clean wen maintained dishwasher disposal carpet drapes covered parking 1366rmo Avail Dec 1 or 15th 1200 Ferry St 344 3191 If hot home, please leave message t bedroom Apartment. 4 blocks from campus Very nice Hardwood floor 1335 a month 344 9973 (messaga) 790 C. 14tti f urn Studio lease 9345 Avail 12/7 344 7393 evenings An OOE Classified Job description can till any position f M: RESERVE NOW! Limited spaces available Newly remodeled units at prime campus location 1235/month utilities paid laundry facility and covered parking Quiet students only 1360 Aider Street 345 5949 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU POC, IHNALLY GOT IN TOUCH HJfTH MY mUNC/G ABOUT Tht TRI-STAR CTAi i ujawi BtjNG tkuc to MY fKNCJPUS, WHICH WCJ& TUUNOMt- THAT A (y% N&T PKOF/r PQSIVON WA'jffT . WORTH 66 TT1NG ItJlD PCD , ' t- WITH THATSUMIC - v ■ ' SH> mi TOR' V. _ •'•V BUT THEN I GOT STRESSED an over nr. i mean, ms IREAU-Y BONG PRINCIPLE? OR PJASI JUST GREEDY? ■ GOOOQUE5 f.jL ** 7fONt SID... 4 >r MHAT do you THINK, 6R0UP* • X s Me now* * _X V 7 rye. SUN 11 M\l \U It ' Coffee Bar ' Open 7am-8pm Mon. Sat. r